Science vs God: Bryan Enderle at TEDxUCDavis

Published 2013-06-22
Bryan Enderle grew up in Modesto, CA though he now lives in Davis, CA with his wife, Peggy, and son, Isaac. Bryan received two BS degrees, in Chemical and Petroleum Engineering; an MA in Theology; and an MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering. Personally, he enjoys grappling with the topics of theology and science, both as individual and intersecting topics. Without arguing one way or the other, Enderle uses modern science to make certain fantastic aspects of a modern God more plausible. In doing so he creates a space where science and religion can coexist.

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All Comments (21)
  • @TheKing-dm3br
    Whatever reason we came to be, I’m just happy to be alive. Also I like turtles.
  • Can't people just enjoy an amazing talk presented by a scientist who believes in God? Internet arguments are never productive because there is no face attached to the words. Look at some of these comments. If you were having a face to face conversation, would such things be said? My one and only complaint is that while this TEDx channel did a good job posting his scientific credentials, it ignored the fact he is also a staff worker for a faith based org on campus.
  • @ncahill6175
    As an atheist, it’s refreshing to see someone with religious beliefs use their rationality and observations of the natural world to make their case instead of relying on “herd mentality” and blind faith. We need more theists like this guy.
  • @joshriver75
    7:00 Let's be clear and honest about what we DO know. It isn't how "God describes himself". It's how man describes god!
  • @eros727
    I’m not a scientist or have the ability to articulate the scientific methods as such, however, I’ve always felt and believed that both science and Religion or God or the creator etc... are like two rivers flowing side by side. Each has explanations to what the other can’t explain, and towards the ends of the rivers’ flow, they both merge in a sea of knowledge.
  • @MrGatoka
    “You see, we actually need the science explanation and the deeper meaning explanation to get the fuller picture of reality.”
  • @jelegroom
    Dr. E! You made it to TED TALKS. I heard him give this talk as a freshman and I can tell you this man is amazing. I wish everyone who is comfortable criticizing him from behind their computers could meet him in person and ask him their questions. I assure you he would answer them and comfortably admit if he didn't know or have an answer. He has so much more understanding than just what you are hearing in this talk. GO DR. E!
  • @d_m5_
    That's my chemistry professor! Cool!!
  • @XorDev
    Alternative title: “Science vs God” vs “Science and God”
  • @alanroberts7916
    If a fan blade moves fast enough you could hardly see it but if you stick your hand in it you'll know it's there..
  • @hiltonhawkes396
    Every scientific endeavour starts as an act of faith. Without the fundamental belief that there is something to discover, there is no purpose to exploration. If we do not believe we can escape we will remain forever imprisoned.
  • @JacobHuber
    I pretty much had the same ideas as this guy before I watched the video. I think when we learn about science, we are just discovering the tools of god.
  • Good Sabbath! I am so glad I found this. Thanks!🙋🏼‍♀️
  • "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"-Einstein
  • @aguerra1381
    Science and all of creation is too precise and elegant to happen without a SUPERMIND to come up with all of it.
  • @janiiecyia7440
    the thing i just can’t get over is that we know that all of existence started from a few elements. those elements bonded in miraculous ways. this man is simply saying that those miraculous things are acts of god instead of scientific patterns that we have cannot comprehend yet. i think of lot of the answers to why are concepts our brains cannot grasp
  • @dirgeofexistence
    Great video! It really tells many of us how small minded people have become. Isaac newton and Einstein were both smarter than many of us here on YouTube. They understood things we don't understand. So that's pretty cool to know that many scientists feel the same way.
  • @mbarron651
    An interesting talk. It's a shame that some people seem to be completely missing his point though, and getting all heated and irate. Chill out for goodness sake.