All Max Whitlock 🇬🇧 medal performances at the Olympics | Athlete Highlights

Published 2020-04-01
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Britain's artistic gymnast Max Whitlock is the most successful gymnast in his nation's history with twelve medals and five titles in Olympic and World Championships. Furthermore, he became Britain's first-ever gold medallist in artistic gymnastics when he won both the men's Floor and Pommel Horse exercises at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. All in all, Whitlock won five Olympic medals (All-Around, Team, Floor Exercise and twice on Pommel Horse), two golds and three bronzes. Enjoy watching all his medal performances from London 2012 and Rio 2016!

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All Comments (21)
  • @stephm4047
    I find his executions very elegant and fluid. Really pleasant to watch. Very talented with obviously lots of hard training to make it look so easy 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  • Tremendous athlete! He has amazing body lines and excellent control of his body! Fantastic Max!
  • @GP-op4yt
    Somehow I'm most impressed by the bronze all around in Rio - what an achievement to be up there with Uchimura and Verniaev. He has given British gymnastics fans a lot to be proud of.
  • @Simon-oy7kf
    That all around has to be his proudest achievement
  • @roddyg3692
    Reminds me of my days in High School Gymnastics in Miami. My best friend had been selected to go to the Summer Olympics, but he turned the opportunity down. Instead, Kurt Thomas (March 29, 1956–June 5, 2020), ended up taking his place. The rest of Thomas's life success as an Olympian is history.
  • @tyt.862
    Can we have Aliya Mustafina as well?❤️🥺
  • @david30930
    東奧體操鞍馬決賽 李智凱惜敗 明明就超完美 零失誤 拿手的「湯瑪士迴旋」難度6.7 零失誤 完美落地~ 我在電視前無比緊張與興奮 李也振臂高呼 滿意自己的表現 沒想到最後竟然還輸 只拿15.4分 (難度6.7 執行度8.7) 最強對手英國惠特洛克 也很棒 但給他到15.58分(難度7 執行度8.58) 心想太扯了 太高了吧 我不懂的動作 難度7.0 真的狂 執行度流暢度 沒話說 里約兩金 東京又金 完成二連霸⋯實至名歸 李智凱(25歲) Whitlock(28歲) 應該是既生瑜何生亮 應該會生涯一路對戰到老... 賽後聽到李選手暢談 這是他第一次把生涯最高難度6.7的動作 完美展現出來! 多年的準備 無愧於心 他自己很感動 身為觀眾的我也就放心了~ 祝繼續挑戰自我~ 按照李智凱2019世大運那套動作 最高分的十個動作 "難度分值"為D E D C E D C E E D 2個C(分值0.3) 4個D(分值0.4) 4個E(分值0.5) 共4.2分 另外動作有分五個"類群" (1) 交叉 (2)全旋 (3)移位 (4)轉向 (5)下法 李一套動作涵蓋4個"類群"(0.5) 共2.0分 "難度分值"與"類群"相加 故"難度分"共得6.2分 而"執行分" 從10分開始起扣 共得9.2分 (若只扣一分以內 就是世界級非常非常完美的表現了) 總分15.4 拿下2019世大運金牌 從李選手諸多的訪問與實戰紀錄 他還沒有出現過難度分子G的動作 所以每一次難度分 都先輸給英國Whitlock 一小截 Whitlock常常難度都是7起跳! 而執行分 兩人都要視當天表現 以東京奧運來看 兩人的執行分都不太好 Whitlock還更差一些 但總分Whitlock 就是比較高 我想關鍵贏在他有難度G(0.6) F(0.7)的動作 高手過招就差那麼一點點~