The Most Disappointing Doctor Who Finale | Empire of Death Review

Published 2024-06-26
So Doctor Who Series 14 is finally over. After all sorts of adventures through time and space, the 15th Doctor and Ruby Sunday's adventures concluded with S14E08: Empire of Death, the climactic finale featuring the dramatic return of Sutekh. This finale promised a lot, didn't deliver. Why? Well, that's what we're here to find out!

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#DoctorWho #Series14 #Review

All Comments (21)
  • Sutekh has been eaten by a T-Rex in Victorian London and that will never not be funny to me.
  • The best thing to come out of this episode is the sheer amount of "How Sutekh reacted to X episode"...
  • "It needs a second draft" is how I feel about a lot of recent Doctor Who episodes
  • @generalj216
    It’s also confusing that they never said why Ruby’s mother was dressed like darth sidious
  • @Borgopixel
    People complain about Moffat but I look back fondly at how character driven and small scale his last two season finales were
  • The fundamental premise that Sutekh would care about Ruby’s mother at all is stupid.
  • @impax2634
    I still don't have any clue on how ruby was able to summon snow.
  • @FaumauNZ
    Imagine how harrowing it could have been for the TARDIS to land in a settlement of survivors and for them all to think they've been saved, only for the doors to open and for the dust of death to take them all. What a missed opportunity to do anything interesting
  • 100% hit the nail on the head. The stakes are non-existant, Sutehk is underused and easily defeated, the Ruby's mum mystery reveal was fumbled, and Rudy and The Doctor didn't have enough onscreen interactive for me to care when Ruby leaves.
  • I mean Clive's line in Rose means a lot more now I guess... he literally did travel with Death itself.
  • Even if the DNA thing did get destroyed... "Attention people of the world. The woman on screen now is Ruby Sunday. She was left as a baby at this church on this date. She wants to know who her mother is. If you are her mother, please call this number. You will remain anonymous. But your daughter just saved the universe, so you kinda owe her some closure on that front."
  • I also thought Kate was going to remain dead. But then I saw the extent to which the death wave spread and realized everyone was going to come back as if nothing happened. What's the point in a show if there are no consequences? Things can't progress if everything is reset at the end of every adventure.
  • Been worried about how sloppy and rushed the RTD story-telling has been since the specials, once again in the finale too many loose ends were dangling and then not resolved in a satisfactory way. I think the show urgently needs new blood on the writing team, a more diverse pool of writers could create a more interesting blend of stories. Relying too much on the lead writer also had issues in the SM and CB eras, that could be a lesson to learn. Is it so hard to find TV script writers? Oh and in the cafe Ruby missed the chance to say "are you my Mummy?"
  • What makes this sting even more is one of the comments Russell made saying that the only mistake he found after rewatch was that The Doctor, Ruby, and "Dead" Mel got transported from 2046 HR to 2024 UNIT HQ. If he's saying that that minor nit-pick was the worst mistake of this finale, then we're most likely gonna be in hell for next year
  • @bradugar
    Sutekh was totally messing with Twelve in Listen, I don’t think he latched onto the outside more so was hiding inside, only coming out to make a new Susan
  • @redblueberg
    My problem with this season is 8 episodes with 2 plots being very doctor absent made it hard for Ruby and the Doctor to stand out or really grasp me as them as a pair. I like them together, but there weren't enough times where they challenged one another, had banter or called eachother out on stuff to then strengthen their bond and heavily connect. Eccelston and Piper had 5 extra episodes, sure. BUT even they were able to adapt brilliant chemistry, banter and challenges to one another that worked, and Father's day handled a missing parent story better.
  • What a shame cause this season built up it’s mysterious amazingly: Susan twist, ruby’s mum, the one who waits, the snow, it’s all really intriguing and engaging… Then this episode either wastes, forgets, or butchers each and every one of them.