Tired of trying...


コメント (21)
  • @PewDiePie
    I found myself a lot happier and less stressed out lately. thanks for all the supportive comments, it means a lot u guys understand.
  • People underestimate, or frown upon Felix's "easily gained wave of success," yet the very fact that he is willing to thrive on YouTube to the extent of going outside at 4.a.m. to consume others internet purely to keep his fans satisfied is what truely makes him successful.
  • Dude your recent content is fcking hilarious, keep it simple and be yourself. The editing is perfect. Youre funny as hell felix, for me youre in your prime right now and I watched you sinced you had 600k. Love you man, keep it up
  • @park6449
    You don't even need to justify taking a break when you're sick, any other job you get time off for being sick. You're awesome Pewds, keep doing what you want to do
  • I honestly think you deserve a break every so often. Putting yourself at full throttle 7 days a week is exhausting, even more so when you're sick or have something important come up. Honestly folks are here cause they like you as a person dude. Just be you and shit will work out
  • Good God. I feel like I've been saying this for so long. GO TAKE A BREAK. Go do what makes you happy. Not what makes you money, or whatever.... remember when you did this because you loved it?? Abscence makes the heart grow fonder. Leave for a while, if you find that you miss creating... then come back. Otherwise, its okay.
  • @PewDiePie I'm a college senior right now and I started watching you back in high school, I got hooked on to your videos because you played all the horror games I wanted to play but wasn't real enough to play them myself lol, you're a great personality and one of the first people who really got me excited for youtube, and if you need a break from it, I'm all for it man, the most important thing in this world is a persons' physical and mental health and I appreciate that you are open and honest with how you feel, I def support you the long way homie, stay up and keep being awesome.
  • I'm really happy that you're cutting back on the work Pewdiepie! Never worth stressing yourself out. I am such a big fan and apart of the Bro Army for life. I never make comments because I know you'll never see them, but I'm really glad that you look at them and that your comment section has been so much more positive than what it use to be. It's great that it's making you feel better to see that so many support you. Makes me want to comment positivity to support you more than just enjoying all of the content you come out with. relax, take a break, don't feel like you need to upload every day, if you need a day or a week to yourself you take it! Just be happy. I support you all the way.
  • I have so much respect for you creating this. It takes a lot to step back and recalibrate
  • I really feel so bad for him, he lost his company, he lost his advertisers and Disney Contract, overall Youtube is just not as lively as it used to be, he looks so tired too, poor Felix.😟😟
  • it can't be easy being the biggest youtube personality, the pressure must be huge, it's understandable that it gets tiring
  • YES!! I LOVE THIS!! seeing you at peace doing what u love makes me so fucking happy. i'm so proud of u, just know i'll always support you no matter what u decide to do.
  • @plsno6262
    I TRIED SO HARD AND GOT SO FAR BUT IN THE END, IT DOESNT EVEN MATTTEEEERRRR Edit: Now this is just painful to read. RIP Chester
  • Do what you feel like Felix, no stress. We love you and we want to see you well. If you actually see this, tell Marzia that I love her too, she is so goddamn cute.
  • Yo pewds, I used to watch you all the time and just subscribed again after seeing you're recent stuff. I'm glad to see you doing you, and goddamn you've been grinding for a long time. You may not be trying as hard but these vids still crack me up
  • @kokz43
    i love these kind of videos ... hes always transparent with us , we can feel hes connected to us in a certain way, knowing what he goes through . we only want you to be happier and enjoying what you do , we got your back <3