CYPRUS | Europe’s Mideast Outpost?

Published 2024-07-05
The Republic of Cyprus, the easternmost member of the European Union, is at the frontline of the EU’s activities in the Middle East. Throughout 2024, it has received widespread international praise for its crucial role in providing aid to Gaza. However, the growing risk of conflict on the Lebanese-Israeli border has now seen Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia, threaten the island. This precarious situation underscores Cyprus's complex geopolitical position, balancing relations between the Middle East and the EU.

Traditionally, Cyprus has maintained strong ties with Europe and the Middle East. The island's history of diverse rulers—from ancient Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines to the Ottomans and the British—reflects its strategic importance at the far eastern end of the Mediterranean. Post-independence in 1960, Cyprus navigated complex regional dynamics, forming close ties to its Arab neighbours. The 1974 Turkish invasion, resulting in the island's division, deepened its ties with the Non-Aligned Movement and Middle Eastern countries, particularly as anti-Western sentiment grew. However, Cyprus's EU membership in 2004 shifted its focus somewhat towards Europe but didn't sever its Middle Eastern connections. Cyprus continues to be pivotal in EU's humanitarian efforts in the Middle East, becoming an essential humanitarian hub, especially in crises like the Lebanese Civil War and the recent Gaza conflict. Yet, its increasing collaboration with Israel, especially after tensions between Israel and Turkey escalated, has complicated its position, drawing threats from Hezbollah.

Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know
Oxford University Press…

Hello and welcome! My name is James Ker-Lindsay, and here I take an informed look at International Relations, conflict, security, and statehood. If you like what you see, please subscribe. Even better, perhaps consider becoming a Channel Member or supporting the Channel through Patreon. Thank you!


00:00 Introduction and Titles
00:47 Cyprus as a European and Middle Eastern State
01:36 Cyprus and Its Neighbourhood
02:30 A History of Cyprus: Between Europe and the Middle East
03:44 Cyprus, the Middle East and Non-Alignment
05:30 The Cyprus Problem and the Middle East
07:31 Cyprus, the EU and the Middle East
09:01 Improving Cyprus-Israel Relations
10:49 Hezbollah’s Threat Against Cyprus
12:53 Cyprus, the EU and Irsael: A Strategic Choice?

President of Cyprus…
Republic of Cyprus " Ministry of Foreign Affairs
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations…



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#Cyprus #MiddleEast #EU #Gaza #Israel

All Comments (21)
  • @JamesKerLindsay
    Hezbollah's threat to strike Cyprus was a rather unexpected development - and not a little alarming! However, it also gave me a good chance to examine a topic that's not only very close to home but has fascinated me for a long time: the relationship between Cyprus, the Middle East, and Europe. While we think of the EU frontline states in terms of the Ukraine-Russia war, Cyprus provides a vital link between the European Union and another conflict zone. But while the focus has been on how Cyprus can provide humanitarian aid to the region, Hezbollah's threats have indicated how it may, in fact, face a threat if a war does emerge between Israel and Hezbollah. So, what do you think? Was Nasrallah's threat aimed at Cyprus or Britain? Would Hezbollah ever attack Cyprus? What would the EU do about it? And should Cyprus perhaps look for more balance in its regional relations? As always, I look forward to your thoughts and comments below.
  • Unironically, my first thought when I heard Nasrallah's threat was, 'Hey, doesn't James live in Cyprus now?'. Stay safe man
  • @joeshmoe8345
    Thanks a bunch for sharing this with us Big Dog.
  • @hitalia2000
    What humanitarian aid island? Stop taking the piss of the people. All the world knows that European Cyprus is a heavy military base for the West and Israel. You made me laugh by saying humanitarian and reminds me of the marine port built by the US in Gaza which was also for humanitarian too 😂
  • @MarkVrem
    We going back to the Bronze Age with this one folks!
  • @GlobalNiko
    Cyprus is blessed and cursed at the same time by its geography. So close to so many tense interactions by bigger actors, yet still the fact that it's an island allows it to be removed just enough from them (not counting the frozen conflict it still finds itself in with Turkey occupying its north) to have relative safety and play a mediating role. A precarious balancing act for Cypriot policymakers that they will hopefully be able to continue for the sake of their own security.
  • @msbayramoglu1
    Akrotiri Military Base in Cyprus has always been involved in all Middle Eastern wars and it is involved in the current war in Gaza too. I used to work there, and I know. Whenever a war starts in the region the air activity in Akrotiri multiples by 10-fold. Two weeks ago, I was at Ladies Mile Beach on the periphery of Akrotiri and the air activity was excessively busy just like the 1967, 1973, and 2006 Middle Eastern wars. In 2006 Akrotiri was used to bomb Lebanon. In 1967 & 1973 the targets were Egypt and Syria. Now once again if a war starts the target will be Lebanon
  • @tidyjob1
    Uk Military airport used, to transport , munitions to support the war in Gaza.
  • @peterkops6431
    I had no idea of the importance of Cyprus in modern history. Shame on me.
  • @RedgeNumber1
    War aside, Cyprus is a super interesting place. I'd recommend staying in Nicosia to hear both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot's side of the story and experience their culture.
  • @lars2007
    I’m surprised that the houthis have not attacked Cyprus after all the RAF has attacked Yemen from their bases there
  • I'm a retired Brit living in Cyprus so when I first heard these threats they come across as very concerning . Although when I gave it some thought I was convinced Nazrallah was referring to the British bases which have been used in the past for Israels security . We've got enough on our plate with Turkiye so the last thing we want is another war front to open up . The Cyprus economy is very dependent on tourism especially in the summer months so any kind of conflict is strictly a no go area for the Cyprus government . However being a small country it doesn't have much say in what the bigger countries plans are and it may be the case that the British base in Akrotiri is used again in either supplying Israel or even bombing Israels enemy's . Cyprus really is in the hands of the EU and Britain and far as this issue is concerned so the quicker we get peace in Gaza and the Lebanon Israel border the better for all .
  • Aside another comment made, I am grateful for your work professor. As a Cypriot, I always value and appreciate your perspective. Not only for showcasing high academic quality and expertise, but for making sure that as viewers we a) understand the complexity and versatility of some issues, but more importantly b) for providing a good basis and necessary context, which viewers many times require but not always granted. That's, for me at least, very important and more so the way is done. I believe you do provide that and done so, without having us feeling overwhelmed by what's presented or feeling unable to further dive on briefly presented issues, as from my experience I can always check your material as a starting reference. In my view, at a time of overflow of information/disinformation and polarisation, doing so helps build a mindset that fosters a culture of not only knowing what is happening and analysing it through our own beliefs, but rather building a better understanding, combining the different info and perspectives that help complete such complex puzzles. 🌍🇨🇾🙏🏻
  • @MENSA.lady2
    Important to note that the 2 Sovereign Base areas are not part of Cyprus. Under the 1960 Independence Agreement they were ceded to the UK. As such they have a status similar to Gibraltar or the Falkland Islands. Any attack on them would be seen as an attack on the UK and therefore an attack on NATO.
  • @timor64
    Thanks again for a great video. It's interesting that you now live in a place worthy of a video. It moves from acadameic interest to lived reality.
  • Dont forget Israeli rehab program in Cyprus for heavily wounded IDF solders and survivors of Nova festival
  • @mouniash
    I didn't know anything about this topic before watching this video. But when I googled it, I found that according to both Haaertz and DeclassifiedUK, the British bases in Cyprus are being used by the UK and US to supply weapons to Israel. There was even an article in The Guardian that discussed such allegations. Also according to The Guardian article, the 2 bases are used by the UK and the US to attack the Houthis in Yemen
  • @happydays4302
    What are your thoughts on the british spy planes using it as a base for thier regular flights over Gaza?