
コメント (21)
  • @Smarfer
    I’ve mastered the ability of flying so incredibly slow that I become invisible to the human eye
  • Always remember. If you see a bi-plane at top tier it is either going to be the worst player ever or an absolute god amongst men
  • Players: can we have stealth planes? Gaijin: we have stealth planes at home Stealth planes at home:
  • Now that you have mastered the Biplane at top tier, you must do Low Tier AA vs Top Tier
  • Fun fact: a US Navy destroyer was sunk by a kamikaze plane so outdated it wasn't included in the briefing estimates and didn't show up on radar.
  • Using a biplane is actually not a bad idea, because at this BR the SPAA's are expecting for something that is fast and fly high. You got them completely unprepared.
  • I love how it goes from "bully aaa" to "bully absolutely every fucking thing".
  • this bi plane has a bigger bomb load than a tier 4, it makes no sense
  • Remember… radar doesn’t work if your radar cross section is so big you blot out their entire scanner!!
  • @Novous
    I can't remember for sure, but I think I remember reading that there's a minimum speed requirement for radar to even notice you against scenery. It would be hilarious if this means you don't even show up on radar with a slow biplane. [edit] I googled one paper and it reads: "All single-phase-center air-to-ground radars are characterized by an MDV, or a minimum radial velocity below which motion of a discrete nonstationary target is indistinguishable from the relative motion between the platform and the ground. Targets with radial velocities less than MDV are typically overwhelmed by endoclutter ground returns, and are thus not generally detectable" from "GMTI Radar Minimum Detectable Velocity" pdf [can't post links on youtube] So perhaps this only applies to airborne radar. Wikipedia also has an article with a "Minimum detectable velocity" section [page called Moving target indication]
  • @sbh_tx
    things that keep me up at night: ghosts, robbers, boogeymen, the fog Smarfer in a low tier airplane playing CAS
  • “Hey guys, Peter griffin here. I’m here to tell you that contrary to popular belief, Smarfer didn’t die like a complete noob here but was rather trying to save his fellow teammate from a 152mm High-Explosive shell by flying directly into it’s path” 3:46 Why did I do this
  • @Al_Ares
    Please used your mastered skills to make more masterpieces like this. Your future... Our future... and generations to come... depend on this.
  • I see You've taken my place of doing the non meta crazy stuff. A fine successor :D well done!
  • @shiv5813
    welcome to war thunder where radar aa gets destroyed by a gigachad i15
  • With how slow a biplane is and how close you can get to them it's basically like saying "Here hold this"
  • Bro, I was not expecting the Terra Swoop Force theme to be here. Let alone fit this well!!!
  • Man, that soundtrack brings back memories. Great flying though.