The Top 5 Foods to Lose Belly Fat (NO BULLSH*T!)

Published 2023-06-04
What to eat to lose belly fat? Lemon water, cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar, chia seeds, and kombucha. These are the top 5 foods google said I should eat to lose belly fat. While this will lead to the most uncomfortable dump of your life, these won’t do anything for belly fat loss. Let’s cut through the BS and look at the real science behind the foods that can actually help you lose belly fat and with weight loss overall. There’s 5 of them worth talking about.

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Number 1: “low calorie density foods”. These contain a ton of weight and volume for relatively few calories. People who eat these foods consume fewer calories everyday but end up eating more actual food than those who don’t eat these foods. So what are the best low calorie density foods for belly fat loss? Basically, most fruits, vegetables, and low-fat foods classify as a low calorie density food. But that doesn’t mean you should completely restrict yourself from high calorie density foods. You just want to eat less of them and add more low to moderate calorie density foods into your diet. For example, during breakfast, instead of having high sugar granola, go for a whole grain cereal with fruit.

Number 2. Depending on the type of food you eat, your body will burn a certain amount of calories just to digest that food. This is what’s known as the thermic effect of food and is part of what makes our next food, lean proteins, so effective for belly fat loss. The importance of having enough protein when losing fat goes far beyond this. It’s the most important food to help you maintain or even build more muscle as you lose fat. This will not only help you look better once you get lean enough to lose your belly fat, but it also seems to correlate well with preventing fat regain after your diet is over. But, it’s important you prioritize lean proteins that deliver significantly more protein for fewer calories. Egg whites, shrimp, protein powder, low-fat greek yogurt, extra lean ground beef, chicken breast, turkey, tofu, and white fish are all great examples. You can still have the fattier protein sources in moderation, but by eating mostly leaner proteins, you’ll not only consume fewer calories, but you can also potentially swap those saved “fat” calories for something else.

Food number 3: omega-6 PUFA. You need about 20-30% of your calories to come from fats to support your general health and hormones. But the specific types of fat you eat matter when it comes to belly fat. To potentially avoid building up the dangerous fat in the belly and organs, try to moderate the amount of daily fats you get from saturated sources such as bacon, cheese, butter, cream, and fatty meats like pork and beef. Instead, try to have more of your fats come from foods rich in omega-6 PUFA’s such as nuts, seeds, and seed oils, as well as omega-3 PUFA’s which have been shown to have other health benefits and can be found in sources such as salmon, tuna and flaxseed.

The 4th food on our list that’ll help you lose belly fat is a controversial one and was put to the test in a 2015 study, where researchers took 300 overweight individuals and had them start the same weight loss program. Only difference was one group was assigned to drink an additional 24oz of water everyday whereas the other group had to drink that same amount but with a non-nutritive sweetener. The sugar free group not only experienced significantly greater weight loss, but they were also better able to keep that weight off for good. Why? It's possible that in the water group, limiting access to sweet beverages may have promoted their desire to satisfy their cravings from other sources like candy and desserts.

Number 5. So far I’ve given you a lot of great food options to lose fat. But let’s be honest, some of the foods I mentioned won’t appeal to you. Sure zucchini is a low calorie dense food and yes egg whites are a great lean protein source, but if you don’t enjoy those foods then don’t force yourself to eat them. The key to making your diet stick is to eat your favorite foods. Personally, I love wraps, burritos, and shawarmas so I make one every day. But I’ll incorporate what I taught you earlier about what to eat to lose belly fat by using a low calorie wrap or tortilla, adding plenty of veggies, using a lean protein source, and adding fats or calorie dense condiments in moderation. So pick a handful of your favorite foods from each of the categories we went through, add a couple of your favorite treats to have every now and then, and that’s pretty much your diet. It’s as simple as that.

All Comments (21)
  • @JeremyEthier
    There seems to be quite a bit of confusion and pushback in the comments about "seed oils" and "artificial sweeteners". My goal with this channel is to inform you with the best available evidence while considering the strength of the evidence. So while there is some valid mechanistic speculation, the human evidence we have points toward PUFAs (including Omega-6 which are found in seed oils) being neutral to positive for most health outcomes particularly when replacing saturated fat (as noted in the two studies covered in the video). As for the concerns of negative health effects from sugar-free drinks, again the most high quality data we have says otherwise: . There are some unknowns with certain artificial sweeteners, but overall the most recent human research we have points to them being safe, and as mentioned in the video, helpful for weight loss purposes. Ultimately I respect each of your decisions as to what you decide to eat, and I get how confusing/overwhelming getting nutrition info from a bunch of different sources/influencers can be, but realize that research is always evolving and changing. I try my best to stay on top of the latest evidence, and sometimes this contradicts what I used to believe. So be open to changing your thoughts/beliefs based on new evidence, that's the only way to grow and that's what this channel is all about. Anyways, I hope you found the video useful. Here's all the links to the studies mentioned in the video: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SATIETY AND CALORIE CONSUMPTION EFFECTS OF LOW-CALORIE DENSITY FOODS ON CALORIE AND FOOD INTAKE THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD HIGH PROTEIN VS LOW PROTEIN DIET PROTEIN INTAKE AND POST-DIET FAT REGAIN CONSUMPTION OF PUFAS VS SATURATED FATS ON TYPE OF BELLY FAT THE EFFECTS OF NON-NUTRITIVE SWEETENER VS WATER ON WEIGHT LOSS
  • @Zayden-Horner
    This man is straight up the most dedicated person to his youtube channel in the world. Hands down everyone
  • @Warstub
    This is exactly the information missing from most videos about consuming calories and dieting. I've often wondered "Yeah, but what does 200 calories on a plate actually look like?" Thank you for making this video - its very helpful!
  • @sonalipal8714
    @Jeremy, I love all your content. It's always so unique and informative. Thanks for all the effort and time you put in providing pieces of research evidence. Can you make a video on exercise routine and diet for PCOS patients with insulin sensitivity/resistance?
  • @patrickdavid6525
    The amount of effort that would go into creating such content, transitions, pictures, examples, mind blowing even with whatever tool your using ... getting this for free is such a blessing. God bless your effort Jeremy ! Wishing you more success.
  • @MythicStealth
    Great job on the plates of food to show examples of calorie content. I have a family member who needs to watch this video. Small changes in food choices can make a big difference!
  • Excellent videos Jeremy, my workouts are heavily influenced by your videos and I feel so much better, if you could please make a video specifically about "reverse dieting" that would be so helpful!
  • His videos are so easy to understand, the visuals literally help me so much! Thank you Jeremy!
  • @Sarahruth91
    Thanks Jeremy I think belly fat is one of my concerns throughout my whole journey of workouts no matter how I do them food intake is the major outcome. And this video helps ❤
  • I like these videos so much cause I changed jobs and started working out again. The changes from some of the videos played a major part in changing my approach. Keep up the great work.
  • @Bbozy13
    I really enjoy these types of videos. Please continue to use research papers in these informative videos. Really enjoy it!
  • Yo bro! When I was a newbie I followed your PPL workout playlist for more than 5 months. The results are fantastic. I got a lot of compliment for my physique. Some even said it looks like a calesthenic build. Yes, I'm small (5'3) that may have helped and skinny (45kg) as well. But I'm a college student (computer science). so my sleeping sched is fucked but I still gain 10kg weight. thank you bro, keep it up a good work🙌
  • @joeclark6413
    Best advice ever, so simple and you can easily eat stuff you love in those groups
  • @sleepnomore6065
    Video/photos WAAAY more helpful way to display such info than an article. It's amazing how huge a portion of fruit you can have for the amount of calories of like 1.5 cookies.
  • @BlessBeing
    Here are some reasons why water is better than diet soda: Hydration: Water is the best fluid for staying hydrated. It's essential for almost every function in your body, from helping organs work properly to maintaining your body's temperature. While diet sodas are mostly water, they also contain other ingredients that don't contribute to your body's hydration needs in the same way. No additives: Water doesn't contain additives like artificial sweeteners, colorings, or preservatives. these additives may have potential health concerns. Appetite regulation: There's some evidence suggesting that artificial sweeteners may interfere with your body's natural ability to regulate calorie intake based on the sweetness of foods. In other words, regularly consuming foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners might make you crave more sweet and high-calorie foods, potentially leading to overeating and weight gain in the long term. Oral health: While diet sodas don't contain sugar, they are acidic. Frequent consumption can contribute to dental erosion. Bone health: Some studies suggest a correlation between phosphoric acid, a common ingredient in many sodas, and lower bone density. Overall health: Regular water consumption can aid digestion, prevent constipation, and help the body flush out toxins. The benefits of drinking water far outweigh those of diet soda.
  • @jakemcavoy2554
    THANK YOU, JEREMY. This has been the best presentation I've seen in a very long time. Jeremy gives us a realistic plans perspectives to achieve goals in body building as well as solid diet plan that can work for almost everyone. One noteworthy item about Jeremy's sugarless beverage: most of them contain artificial sweetener, such was aspartame, which has been established scientific factors that they not only promote sugar cravings (paradoxical effect) as well as is carcinogenic to humans.
  • @markthompson1796
    Awesome video. I like the switching out one food for another or cutting your portion of a high calorie food in half. Really good advice. Gonna incorporate this into my life.
  • @Jacqueline-nv8vd
    I am so appreciative and happy that I found you, there is a lot of information out there from people and I feel like you are genuine and truly for the people. I am a lifetime follower. Looking forward to my transformations. ❤
  • You changed my life friend, thank you. I was inspired by a video you did years ago, and oddly enough, I came up with "my own" method, which you basically just said in the video, is what I should do lol. So thanks again! :D