Lowell man involved in 120 police reports gets bill from city

An ordinance adopted by the city of Lowell last year is being questioned by a local man who claims city officials are abusing their power by charging him about $1,000 because he’s been involved in so many calls to police. (June 19, 2024)

コメント (21)
  • @Maybe1Someday
    This whole lame news story and they dont say who is actually calling the police. The person who "calls" and requests service should be billled. Like what kind of backwards bs are we playing here? Lame news station police department and society...
  • This is nowhere near the true entire story. Nothing was explained. I listened to the report twice and cannot figure out what happened!
  • @WarpigA23
    This needs context. Is this guy making all the calls? Are neighbors calling about him? What is going on?
  • @daniels.3062
    Sounds like a back door way to run people out of town.
  • Canadian here. TV8's investigative reporter didn't investigate much! Didn't even explain what happened.(Does she know? / Why didn't she ask?). Her inexact questions were largely ignored. 1: Person calling 911 but police find no crime = jailtime for abuse of 911 and no further calls. 2: Person calling 911 and police confirm crime = jailtime for criminal and no further calls. 3: Person constantly calling police non-emergency line (compared to all other community members) = referral to state board of health for psychiatric exam and no further calls. 4: Person GETS calls from the police at all hours of the day and night = sue / call the FBI for investigation of constitutional violations by police / city and no further calls.
  • @mitymac
    hmm i wonder what institute for justice would think of this 🤔
  • That’s why things like this aren’t the norm. They are wide open to abuse.
  • @gemgal711
    It violates the 8th amendment. Excessive fines and fees.
  • @seredin
    This seems like a good one for Institute for Justice to get hold of. The government using it's lien power to silence, harass and or subjugate someone who isn't on their preferred citizen list.
  • @joekev27
    Why are they not sending the bill to the people that called the police. Sounds like man just trying to live his life and he is being targeted. It's not like he is calling the police a hundred times this is ridiculous but not surprising considering the direction our government has been heading.
  • @chipchaser44
    120 police reports sounds like someone is getting targeted by the government.
  • That ordinance sounds very unconstitutional & it's just another word for a tax!!
  • If they're legit calls (as 0:54 seems to indicate) then cite/summons him and recoup the taxpayer funds when he is fined in court.
  • Unfair taxes without equal representation ask Boston how that worked out
  • @thedude4762
    Tax payers already pay for their services this is bogus