Rockman Crossover Reborn (Flash Game)

Published 2017-12-20
Yes, it's a flash game! I never thought I could pull out one! I'm super happy!

Play it here!…

I remember the first I saw Xover 5 years ago, I'm shocked. I can't believe Capcom did that. That's the time I thought Megaman is dead and if there will be another, it would take long.

The game has 2 modes. Over-1 and Bad Bad Mettaurs mode. Supposedly the mettaurs is a secret mode but it was initially what I'm doing and it's way more work compared to Over-1. You get to play as the mettaurs after you beat the level with Over-1.

I haven't tested it to someone yet only my brother. You may encounter problems but hopefully it's not something very distracting. I'm just a newbie so forgive me.

I want to know if the game is hard. Personally, it's just standard difficulty. The only thing that would make this hard is the boss's Overdrive Attack and it's certainly not for casuals.

I've more things said on DA, check it if you're interested.

All Comments (21)
  • UPDATE: Last Jan 31 I updated the game with a different control setup, easy mode and Overdrive Mechanic. Play it here!… It's my first flash game! :D Sorry about the controls, you can't change them but maybe next time I'll know how. It might be long before I can pull out another though. The game's not hard, the only real challenge here is Ground Scaravich's Overdrive. It's not for casuals though. I actually wanted to know if the boss is hard. My brother played it and beat him the 2nd try. I want to know what others think. Also what do you think of X8's Overdrive Attacks? I wish Capcom remake or create another Xover game. I think I would have preferred it instead of Megaman 11 because you know how Xover looked. I just saw something btw. I regret not checking the whole thing before uploading it. XD
  • @werti4894
    the dash animation could use a ghost after image like in the X series
  • @Rickfernello
    Hey UMX. I just played both with Over-1 and the Mettaurs. I hope you don't mind that I wrote a small review of my thoughts while I was playing it, so it can help you improve on your game designing and programming abilities! I know it isn't finished yet, but maybe it'll help afterwards. I hope you can correct me if I am mistaken about the intent of anything that I point out. I am just a regular person that enjoys game design but I'm no expert at it; I'm just writing from a regular player perspective. [Controls] First thing are the controls; it was weird at first, for it's a keyboard game, but I then noticed they follow the same pattern as the console games; down button jumps, left button fires, right button makes you go fast, etc. I initially thought that was going to be a bigger issue, but it's actually easy to get used to. [Attack Mechanics] Then, the firing mechanic for Over-1... It's really weird, really. When you fire, your previously shot projectile disappears. Perhaps that was intentional, so people won't spam as much, and will actually make for a "hit-check" mechanic before firing again, but I found that very uncommon for a 2d shooting platform game. Not necessarily bad, though, actually very interesting. The alternate fire was pretty much unused except in areas which I had to deal a lot of damage fast; something you acknowledged on the game description, saying you can fire both at the same time. But in reality I found it pretty useless, as it's kind of weak and not practical to use. For the Mettaur, it kind of reminded me of Megaman Zero, I guess that's what you were going for? I don't have much to say about it. The ranged attack pierces through enemies and has a cooldown, which is pretty cool. [Movement Mechanics] The speed-up mechanic instead of the dash makes the gameplay even more different from regular Megaman games; I felt a bit like playing those precise-control games at some parts. Again, not bad. It's good to have different things. You did a good job with the hitboxes, and it felt satisfying dodging the boss attacks. [Stage Design] The enemies and stage design are ok. You did a good job introducing each of the enemies one at a time and then combining them. I found it very awkward at a part where you had falling rocks and an enemy that you couldn't fire at right at the other side, that could fire at you from your side with angled attacks. Good thing you realized the difficulty of that part and put a checkpoint right before it. One thing I liked is that you have to dodge enemy attacks in different ways depending if you're playing with Over-1 or Mettaur. The screen, though, suffers from that handheld Zero and ZX games syndrome, where it's just too close to see ahead. I find that a bit annoying in platforming games, but it's no big deal. Also, the health pickups. I guess it's a design choice to not have health drops, but if I'm not mistaken, they did not respawn after I died on the checkpoint? It's also really weird that there is only one in the stage. I'd rather just kill myself after a checkpoint to replenish my health, then. [Boss] The boss was actually pretty good! I like it that he has no vulnerability frames, and you have to play around that "hit-check before firing" with Over-1 to defeat him effectively. I found it a bit harder with the Mettaur, but nothing too much. I really really liked the overdrive attack where you have to stand right in between the rolling rocks. I found that was pretty fun and satisfying to do; it's predictable just enough for someone to analyze and dodge it, and deals a ton of damage if you fail to be patient. I also found the Mettaur speech and ending really cute and funny. [Artstyle and Graphics] Everyone here agrees that you are a master at this, no doubt. Did you draw Ground Scaravich yourself? Pretty sick! It just feels right, good job on that. It's fun seeing Ground Scaravich on that artstyle. The sprites are pretty good. However, the terrain and background... I can't tell what about it that feels a bit off. Maybe someone else can give better insight on that; maybe it's just personal opinion. The effects are good and smooth most of the time. But as people have already pointed out, they are a bit too flashy and blinding; even though it's useful if paired with the "hit-check" mechanic. About the performance... The game stuttered on some parts with lots of effects, and I have a high-end computer. I don't know if it's something I actually did wrong, or if it's normal for flash games to be like this. But most of the time it ran fine; it just really stuttered a lot during the boss's Overdrive. [Overall] I enjoyed playing it a bit (even though I spent more time writing this than actually playing), and I hope nothing I said could discourage you for keep doing this and improving on all your abilities! This is your first flash game, and it felt satisfying with the visual and sound effects. I follow your YouTube channel for years now, and you always amaze people with your great art skills and creativity. Please keep working on the game if you feel like it. Also, I do think Capcom would want to hire you! If not for what you just did, for your amazing art! I imagine how wonderful it would be if your art could be considered official Megaman artwork! I'm absolutely certain everyone would be pleased to have you on the Capcom team. I hope they can notice your hard work if you ever decide to apply. About the Japanese... Well, it's never late to start, you can do so many great things already. Thank you for working on this love letter to Megaman fans, and I wish you the best!
  • @thetrainshop
    One critique would be that the gun effects and damage frames are a little too flashy and over the top which actually makes it difficult to see other potential enemies on screen. Not that it doesn't look good, though.
  • @MetalPcAngel
    Capcom. Let this man make the next megaman and X games.
  • I can’t stop playing your game every day I wake up I play it! Best Christmas gift ever
  • Hey ultimatemaverick! Congratulations on making your first flash game. Just some little things that I noticed that u can improve on (please don't take offense). It feels very much like a mega man game but the bees don't attack or respond to you at all. They just fly across the screen. Try to really think about how they can attack the player and give more of a challenge. The trap enemies and rock obstacles are a nice touch and well placed. Also mix it up with different types of enemies in a stage or it will become stale quickly. Overall great level design (kinda short) and boss battle was good. His overdrive was challenging as u said but can be figured out after a few attempts. Being able to play as mettaur was cute and makes it interesting. As the mettaur when attacking it would seem to lag a bit. The dialogue with boss was funny tho. Last thing I agree with other comment would be nice to see z saber or other weapons too. Keep improving and hope to see more from you!👍👌
  • Oh my god you did amazing especially when making the gameplay stay as good as the X games obviously needs some work but this looks just as good as other fan games
  • @michelk.8008
    for your first ever flash game it looks totally awesome can't wait for the full thing to happen^_^
  • @itzbruhere
    If this game was released Megaman X9 can too ^^
  • @FioreFire
    It may be simplistic and the level design and enemy placement might need a bit of refining, but honestly good work getting started with game development! It's a long and tough but rewarding road.
  • @KamiJoJo
    This is soo smooth! Awesome job dude :D
  • @Mega82662
    For your first time...It looks fantastic! I'm don't know how to make these...but it's definetly great! Good job!
  • Bro, I'm just damn glad to see there's still someone constantly doing projects to show love for the Megaman franchise such as you. Thanks for all the cool videos and all, man.
  • @SET_Studios
    It looks pretty damn good, the only complain i have is the animation of running, i just don't like how he moves with the buster even runing, he should run normal with both arms, and when you shot while running thats when he should be having that animation of the video got nothing else to say, the game is good and i hope you can keep going with this, good job! :D
  • @Dyz89
    I'm Glad the Mettaur gets his spot here too, he is one of my favorite megaman enemies, its always nice to see the cute guy running around and now he gets to kick some maverick butt, your work is amazing im glad you finally got the chance to make a game, also funny our first self made video game is megaman inspired, since i too made a megaman x prototype game, i really gotta get back to finishing it though!