Greatest Recorded Speeches in American History (1933-2008)

Published 2015-02-06
America's major events told through the words of its leaders, since the widespread adoption of the film camera as a communication tool. Through the speeches of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to Martin Luther King, Jr. to Barack Obama, a look at the major moments that have defined the modern history of the United States.

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Watch the full speeches:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
March 4, 1933
“The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself”
   • President Franklin Roosevelt 1933 Ina...  

December 8, 1941
Pearl Harbor, “A Date Which Will Live In Infamy”
   • President Franklin D. Roosevelt Decla...  

Harry Truman
August 6, 1945
   • Video  

Dwight Eisenhower
January 17, 1961
The Military Industrial Complex
   • Eisenhower warns Americans of the mil...  

John F. Kennedy
January 20, 1961
JFK's Inaugural Address
   • John F. Kennedy Presidential Inaugura...  

June 26, 1963
“Ich Bin Ein Berliner”
   • John F Kennedy - Ich Bin Ein Berliner...  

Martin Luther King, Jr.
August 28, 1963
“I Have A Dream”
   • I have a dream - Martin Luther King a...  

Lyndon Baines Johnson
March 15, 1965
LBJ’s Voting Rights Speech
   • Excerpt: LBJ's Voting Rights Speech  ...  

January 12, 1966
Vietnam War
   • Lyndon B. Johnson's Speech on The Vie...  

April 3, 1968
“I’ve Been To The Mountaintop”
   • Martin Luther King's Last Speech: "I'...  

Robert F. Kennedy
April 4, 1968
RFK Announces MLK’s Passing
   • Robert F. Kennedy's Speech- Remarks o...  

Richard Nixon
August 9, 1974
Nixon Resigns Amid Watergate
   • Nixon before resignation and full spe...  

Ronald Reagan
January 28, 1986
Challenger Disaster
   • Star Trek Anthology: Reagan Challenge...  

Ronald Reagan
June 12, 1987
At the Berlin Wall: “Tear Down This Wall”
   • Video  

George H.W. Bush
January 17, 1991
The Gulf War Against Saddam Hussein and Iraq
   • George H W Bush Announces War Against...  

Bill Clinton
January 27, 2000
The 2000 State Of The Union
   • The 2000 State of the Union (Address ...  

George W. Bush
September 14, 2001
   • George W. Bush: Bullhorn Speech to Em...  

Barack Obama
November 4, 2008
2008 Grant Park Victory Speech
   • Barack Obama Victory Speech: Yes We Can  

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All Comments (21)
  • “Not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” such a beautiful sentence🥺
  • “I’ve never seen a skinny person drink Diet Coke”- Donald trump
  • @travistaylor6110
    Regardless of what people say and think about Barack Obama, that man can orate with some of the best. Few men have been able to captivate attention in the 21st century like this man. This was an excellent collection of orators, through and through.
  • @Howlingburd19
    On this day, 60 years ago, during the March on Washington, MLK delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech to about 250,000 people. I’m not black, but there’s a power and boldness in his speeches that is so unmatched! No matter what race or ethnicity you are, this is someone who everyone should look up to and respect: a hero and a warrior!
  • @texsion
    I love how MLK just walked away from his speech like he just spit some heat
  • @The_Engineerr
    I really love when presidents actually respect each other.
  • @AndorranStairway
    RFK’s speech was incredible. MLK’s death spurred riots all around the country, but RFK managed to unify everyone by sharing his own personal experiences. And because of his speech, everyone went home that night in peace
  • @goldmantis5850
    I like how Harry Truman explained how he dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima like an old man reading a bedtime story to his grandchildren lmao
  • @darrell2322
    Damn, MLK's last speech was literally him saying he is going to die.
  • @brhtcecc7026
    Man I’ve been a republican my whole life but Barack Obama’s inauguration speech was truly remarkable
  • @hamidkhan-ir4ro
    These recordings are powerful reminder of the power of words to inspire, motivate, and unite people. This speech will undoubtedly be remembered for generations to come. Truly a masterpiece!
  • @slushyslimshady
    "A man touched down on the Moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination" Yes we can! What a beautifully inspiring speech!
  • @skiiimsk
    MLK’s “I’ve been to the mountaintop” speech brought me to tears.
  • Reverend Doctor Martin L.K almost made me tear up with his last speech. He knew what was going on, but was brave enough to keep proceeding with his mission on earth, leaving the masses with optimism, hope and courage... You didn't do all this in vain mister KING... REVOLUTION is on it's way!
  • @mikeoaster1935
    It's amazing looking back 60+ years later and seeing how accurate President Eisenhower's final address was is insane. The man warned us of exactly what unfolded.
  • Every time I hear MLK say "I may not get there with you" I just cry.
  • @vigilance_7008
    I find one common point of people who made America Great. They can speak coherent sentences.
  • @lukethomas.125
    God, listening to Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech gives me goosebumps