Fellow Black Beauty Queens Shocked by Cheslie Kryst’s Death

Cheslie Kryst’s suicide at age 30 has left fellow Black beauty queens in a state of shock. In 2019, for the first time, three Black women held the Miss USA, Miss Universe, and Miss Teen USA simultaneously. Kryst formed a bond with Nia Franklin and Kaleigh Garris, and they were deeply shaken by her sudden death. “Our entire community mourns her loss and our thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time,” the Miss Universe and Miss USA organizations said in a statement.

コメント (21)
  • I can't imagine what her mother is going through. Rest In Peace Cheslie!! 🙏💗💖
  • @Saltyuwu
    Even people who seem like they're living their best life have demons to battle.
  • Poor girl. I cant imagine the pain she was going through to take her own life. :(
  • @betyt4398
    understand we don’t kno what is goin on in peoples mind, Rest In Peace her soul🖤
  • What a loss. It appears she had everything, even a counsellor. How could this have been prevented? RIP Cheslie.
  • Rest In Peace this is reminder that no one knows what truly happening in ones life
  • For me-it’s easier to just smile! And avoid the awkward or shameful conversation about how I truly feel. This might’ve been how she felt; but I’ll of course never know. I just pray she is at peace and all the pressure and overwhelming feeling of just darkness is gone! God bless you Cheslie and your family
  • To be that beautiful, Intelligent, Successful, and still not be happy 😔
  • SUCH a beauty! I can't believe she left this earth so young and so much to look forward to. I wish we could know this stuff more and how we can prevent more tragedy like this from happening.
  • @RAESCA.
    she was so pretty 0:30 0:58 rest in peace beautiful Depression does not discriminate.
  • Living alone in NYC during winter, & during a Pandemic is very lonely & draining. On top of that she constantly faced anti-blackness in the Modeling & Legal Industries. She seemed to have been living her life to make everyone else happy, & constantly lived under the pressure to be perfect because everyone loved her perfection, & everyone always expected her to keep doing more & more. She seemed to pursue Law to please her Dad, & Modeling to please her Mom. However internet bullies, & racists shamed her for being “short”, “old”, “too muscular”, “too black” & “benefiting from affirmative action”. She never got to live her life for herself. As a child she started living her life for her parents, she had to live up to the White Beauty standard, she had to be a Champion for Black People, she had to be a lawyer/mba, then she had to be society’s “Hollywood feel good influencer”, & criminal justice hero. In one Ear she had her “supporters” setting their expectations of her to always be a perfect, perky, superwoman. In the other Ear her critics made her feel inadequate & unqualified in all of her achievements. She was trapped between 30 years of Expectations to be Perfect & 30 years of Cruel Criticism. She lived under a microscope for 30 years, being judged & pressured in every aspect of her existence by a selfish society driven by vanity. Parents & society need to stop living vicariously through children & celebrities. No one owes their life to anyone else. I’m sorry she suffered, I’m sorry she didn’t have mental freedom, I’m sorry this world drained her amazing light. REST IN PEACE CHESLIE KRYST!
  • imagine that moment, figure out that exact moment and feel that moment when she was ready to jump next second, did she closed her eyes and opened her arms like she going to fly in heaven, what was coming into her mind, whats images she visualizing knowing she going to leave this world forever and never going to see sunrise anymore, its all so painful to imagine 💔
  • My gosh she had the most gorgeous hair! RIP beautiful
  • @ano070602
    Mental health needs to be funded and not just talked about.
  • I'm 36 now and i felt many time's that my life was at a cross roads . I remember me over dosing on dope . And the paramedics had to use 3 narcans to bring me back to life .