Publicado 2009-08-25
Complete videos are available on the St John's Timeline, which was relaunched in Autumn 2021. It comprises of over 200 full videos with improved subtitles from leading philosophers and theologians. You can subscribe for £22 (£15 concessions) per year. Institutional subscriptions are also available.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @corbinburg
    If orthodoxy is correct and they hold the true key to Yeshua’s teachings, they shouldn’t have to attack and murder the Gnostics in order to perpetuate their doctrine. Goes against everything Jesus was about.
  • @mindsofmirth
    I was trying to figure out Gnosticism. And even though this wasn't the intent, this video made me want to explore more about Gnosticism. But in the end, no human can make up anyone's mind but their own.
  • @LadyInWhite741
    Grew up in the Christian church and had no clue that what I’ve been thinking and feeling internally was Gnosticism till this year when I was 38 years old. I truly believe that some of us are born this way. When you hear God’s words in pure truth, there’s absolutely no doubt anymore nor any roadblocks nor can anyone stop you again. Mine all started with the hypocritical teachings of Paul this past year and it lead me to the lost gospels and there I finally found the words of God that confirmed everything I’ve been thinking and feeling my entire life! Like as a child I would ask God, “God if you love us so much why did you make things that hurt us?” My questions like this never have stopped. And I knew something was “off” about this world. I’ve never felt that things were right. I suffer greatly from a very painful genetic disease called Hypermobile Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome with Cranialcervical Instability, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and PoTS and have always wondered why if God loved me so much and died for my sins, did I need to be in such agony for my entire life being undiagnosed till I was 37. Why did I need to suffer if Jesus already paid the price for my sins? It never made sense till I read the Gnostic gospel’s and found the answers. In 2019, i was healed miraculously while crying in my husband’s arms one night in our home. I was suffering from an incurable disease called Pseudo tumor Cerbri, (comorbidity of hEDS) all the symptoms of a brain tumor without one to treat. It was undeniably God (of Gnosticism if you will) who cured me. This I have no doubt. After that night, I’ve received countless prophetic dreams and prophetic words about who I was in God. I searched the scriptures and found 1% that confirmed these dreams. Again, it wasn’t till I read the lost gospels did I fully understand and have these dreams confirmed. I found my Savior and God and who I am to them.🥰
  • @mrwonder8470
    This was one of the most informative breakdowns between the two that I've seen on YouTube. At first, I thought you were pro Gnostic. For years now, when someone would ask what my religion is, I'd say agnostic because I thought it meant that I believed in God but didn't practice any religions. My family is Baptist. The main thing that pushed me away is that even as a kid, I got feeling that either the stories were missing something or that they had to be misinterpreted. I didn't think it made sense that God seemed to operate with such human emotions, many of which seemed negative. It's like, it didn't fit how I needed to understand God.
  • @shane-3901
    This comment is meant with love. The words Tom used were “… to attack Gnosticism/Gnostics”, this reminds me greatly of the disgusting murder of Cathar by the Catholic Church. Yeshua said “it is not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, but what comes out of it that defiles you”. In keeping with Yeshuas teaching, I pray Tom has ears to hear and eyes to see, and not simple follow the human doctrine of his church. God bless you Tom.
  • @fam4449
    Every dealership has their top salespeople.
  • I was baptized Greek Orthodox and attended both Catholic and various protestant churches as a child. Back in 1991 as a young adult, I had a Gnostic vision. I didn't know what Gnosticism was until after 2019. There is something going in the spiritual realms and so much misinformation on what Gnosticism is.
  • @mindtripper5071
    Gnosticism 💪 pre-Christian and persecuted by the very things foretold. Break the chains 🙏
  • @patrickkelly5291
    the special knowledge required; is what Christ teaches when He says the truth will set you free. What is truth if it is not knowledge. Many Sacred books were ordered to be destroyed by the Roman Empire. They legalised Christianity on the condition that Christians would only accept the Bible they put together. Christians who refused to be doctrined by the Roman Empire were put to death. I pray Christ leads you to truth
  • @209116032
    I wouldn't say the davinci code is a suitable representation of gnosticism
  • @GoodVideos4
    Well, the spiritual form of Christianity being Gnosticism, the spiritual form of Islam being Sufism, and the spiritual form of Judaism being Kabbalah. When comparing the three, are actually quite similar.
  • @carlharmeling512
    This presentation has unwittingly supported much of what the Gnostic approach is about. Simply by referring to it as a ‘conspiracy theory’ doesn’t do one’s argument against Gnostics much good in this age of official misdirection and fake news. We’re starting to get wise to this approach. Thanks for regenerating the search for the truth about what Jesus was all about.
  • @tjak76
    The gospel statement of "The kingdom of God is within you" in context of the surrounding discussion is pointing out to the Jews that God no longer resides in the structure of a building (temple) but thru Jesus' sacrifice now resides in His people (i.e. "your body is the temple of God").  That is not the same as thinking you are somehow divine in and of your own right as Gnostic thinking goes.  Also, Christianity does not say "change yourself and the Kingdom of God will come down."  The whole point of the Gospel is that God Himself made a way (thur His own sacrifice) for us to reconnect spiritually with Him.  And it's thru this reconnection that we rediscover the Kingdom.  Not all religions teach this message of grace. Still, it's something you have to acknowledge and accept.
  • @jamesdelisco
    Gnosis has always been there in art, music, literature, the bible, in other cultures, Gnosis is not restricted to just Yeshua and his teaching, but as I said before it is similar to other cultures practices and sages.
  • @NRTSean
    Well done … Thank you for standing up for truth
  • @Unit1iDirty
    Incredibly well spoken with clear, lucid, commentary. Well done.
  • Excellent presentation! Clearly defined and in a short amount of time. Much appreciation.
  • @billybagbom
    In other words, to gnostics, what is most important is what goes on between one's ears, not what can be documented. Like empty tombs and radical conversions and exponential growth and multitudinous martyrdoms and world-transforming cultural revolutions.