MA v Karen Read: Officer John O'Keefe's Sister-In-Law Testifies

Published 2024-04-29
"[#KarenRead] caught Johnny kissing Laura's sister in the hotel." Erin O'Keefe, the victim's sister-in-law testifies to Read's 'odd' responses "I wish I didn't speak to another O'Keefe after 2004." Read faces up to life in prison for the death of her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe.

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All Comments (21)
  • @whoopsydaisy6389
    I find it odd that when the cops showed up at the party house, nobody came outside. All those red and blues and nobody was even curious? On my block, if there's any emergency responder within eyesight, nearly everyone steps out to take a look at least. If it's an immediate neighbor, people come over to make sure you're good. Those guys ignored a bunch of cop cars in their own yard? Really?
  • Those poor kid's have had so much loss I pray for them to be well loved and cared for everyone that's taken care of them from their parents to their uncle they've lost
  • @ILoveWoolerbear
    What baffles me is that these people act like they're in HIGH SCHOOL.
  • Oh my gosh, this is so crushing! A wonderful man… No longer here! He was loved and so concerned about others, especially his sister’s children! How could this possibly happen?
  • @Nurse_Kathy
    Didn’t her husband just testify and answer half of these same questions?
  • @judyann4394
    May John O'Keefe rest in the Arms of Angels always
  • Look at all the lives destroyed b/c of ABUSE OF ALCOHOL. None of this would have happened but for the abuse of alcohol.
  • @FMT2003
    The reason Karen Read said “I have to remember the bad times” is because anger is easier to deal with than grief. If you remember he bad times it doesn’t hurt so much. Women use this strategy all the time to lessen the pain of a breakup.
  • @bornfree0507
    Sounds like O’Keefe had good family but lousy cop friends.
  • So far the prosecution witnesses have said what a nice person Karen is. Interesting 🤔
  • @janet6708
    After following all the evidence and witnesses in this case, along with pictures and videos that surfaced. The red flags that stand out as not normal behavior in a circumstance or event is the fact that not a single friend or coworker of Johns in the house came out to check on all the commotion and flashing lights in their own yard and you know those flashing lights were bouncing off all those front windows of that house. Yet no one checked out what was happening in their own front yard. That is NOT NORMAL behavior. BIG red flag as to why. Also the way the Alberts distanced themselves from obviously being friends with John and Karen, with too many pictures and videos proving they were all friends. Big red flag also. The Alberts invited them to come over to their house, then after the fact acted like they barely knew them. Strange and why? The biggest red flag is the responding officers who never entered the house after finding a dead body in the front yard of said house. That never happens. It would be one of the first things done after seeing John's injuries to look for a murder weapon or anything similar that could've caused his injuries. It's like they all knew ahead of time to keep the focus on Karen and her vehicle only. Anytime a dead body is found, the area or any structures nearby are searched for evidence, regardless of whether he said she said he entered or didn't enter the house. It was established by everyone John was invited their to an after party. WHY was the house and people inside not searched. WHY was only the girlfriend Karen looked at and blamed as being the only conclusion when that is only a part of the whole equation of events that night. Keeping in mind it doesn't matter what anyone has said happened. Why wasn't the whole equation investigated in the onset of John death. Why ? why? Why? This alone stinks. I'm sure Boston's Finest aren't dumb asses, so why narrow an investigation to only one scenario as the cause of death. Why not search and look at everyone from head to toe on injuries they might have had, including searching the house. What a sham!!!!!!!
  • "I have to remember the bad times." "I don't think I'm ever gonna see you guys again." There you go!!
  • It's so easy to throw the word you'll disregard in a court room, but really does anybody really disregard? I don't think so.
  • @howardroark413
    Just the typical constant cheating accusations and arguments that every couple have. How do these people live?
  • @khunter8757
    How is that hearsay when it was a direct convo between defendant and witness?!?
  • @PagingDrMakeUp
    Whatever that lawyer said that’s not cool. It doesn’t matter if you like or dislike someone. The jury should be impartial.
  • @christianyoung77
    This is so true... There is definitely a lot of secrets going around in this one. Haha
  • @christianyoung77
    That is very interesting indeed, the whole case has smelled fishy from the get-go 👍👍