Creepy Moments # 13

A series about stuff that creeped me out that can't be covered by Creepy Bad Endings or Creepy Time Limits.

The original Game Boy sound chip is surprisingly effective at getting under the player's skin and creep them out, and that's why I decided today, I'd talk about the music tracks on the system that got to me and the events associated with them.

Want more creepy moments? Check out the playlist:    • Creepy Moments  

コメント (21)
  • Uh oh! He used QUICK ATTACK! "Uh oh! He" is the best nickname ever.
  • "There is a strange presence here..." When I was a kid, I remember shutting my GBC off after reading that and recollecting myself over what just happened lmao
  • There's a spooky radio tune in Mahogany town before you deal with Team rocket as well, it hurts your ears a bit but it's probably a bit less creepy because it's explained by the plot with the whole radio waves forcing magikarp to evolve thing.
  • I wish they made that third oracle Zelda game so much. I love the other two.
  • IDK why but the ruins of alph gives me creeps and you perfectly represented how odd it is.
  • Maybe the Wind Fish's Egg is empty because the creepy music scared all the monsters away. Or something.
  • 2:22 Every time you say something like "I'll leave it for another time" I get excited. I want to hear the rest of the story!
  • Your vids are so chill they feel like they have been made 10 years ago (in a good sense)
  • You are the gift that keeps on giving. Love your insight to alot of games I've played and even interest me into games I haven't played.
  • I’ve always found Gen 1’s Cinnabar Mansion area and theme a lot more creepy as a kid. The beeping robotic noises and whines makes it more unsettling considering what experiments they did on the Mon’s there and the aftermath. Also that’s why I loved the Wind Fish Egg, though short and simple. Music for WFE and the bosses are very fitting since you’re literally “in a nightmare.”
  • Lavender town isn't even the creepiest Pokemon song, never mind GB as a whole. Though the most unsettling is probably glitch songs, dear lord, i don't know what it is with GB Pokemon games, but they make for really freaky glitches. And i love that.
  • When I was a kid and played wario land 3, I was terrified to play "the peaceful village" at night, because of the music and the zombies
  • @Lpoeser
    I remember being creeped out as a kid by GameBoy music. Not because of the tune itself, but because the battery was dying. It's like the game's world is collapsing.
  • Y'know, when first saw that Gameboy on the Thumbnail, i thought, this video was about the Gameboy itself. Something like when the battery get's low and the red light starts blinking, so you need save the game as quick as you can, or else your whole progress was lost... Huh, this would kinda fit into a "Creepy Time Limits"-Video.
  • Two creepy pokemon tunes/scenarios, two creepy Zelda tunes/scenarios, and two creepy Wario tunes/scenarios? Is this Gameboy/Nintendo hell
  • Plz dont let this be the creepy pics on the gameboy Thank god its not in this vid. Them pics really creeped me out
  • @Torinna_
    I remember accidentally finding the radio signal in the Ruins of Alph as a kid and it terrified me. I played lost silver years later and instantly I remember how creepy the track was. One of the most odd things in a Pokemon game
  • The music that always gave me the creeps as a kid was the final area in Metroid 2, right before fighting the Queen Metroid. Something about the decrepit ruins only populated by metroids was always unsettling, especially the room right before the final encounter.