Who am I and what am I doing (a re-introduction) :-)

Published 2017-05-01
Happy Monday everyone. I've been wanting to do this for a while and finally ripped off the bandage. This is what I want to do, and I don't have any fear anymore of the outcome, I just needed to say it out loud :-) Have an AWESOME week x

All Comments (11)
  • was pointed in your direction by the lovely Verity White and I am so glad such an inspirational young lady
  • @evelez
    Totally agree with all the points you have made. It's all about you having fun with what you love doing. If it works out, awesome, but if it does not, who cares, you had fun doing it. I have been following your channel for a long time, and I would love to continue to listen to your music for years to come.
  • @miamilev1
    Love it! Do it! You didn't waste any time you gained experiences and material to write about!
  • @tps607
    Natalie...just be yourself and follow the dream. Nothing about you is rubbish,don't be daft. Been following you for a long time and have always enjoyed your work (just don't vlog about shopping and "hauls" ) Do whatever you do for the love of doing it and pleasing your creative self. xo
  • @elsiebrownmusic
    I can't even put into words how inspirational this is to me. It's like you were saying all the things that I haven't had the courage to say myself lol!! ....except I'm the wrong side of 40 not 30 ha ha!! I think you are bloody fantastic! Can't wait to watch where this new chapter takes you! xx
  • @JeffKSorensen
    I write lyrics for fun (I don't make a dime) for a lot of different composers who write music but have a hard time coming up with lyrics. Although the common response from them is that they love or are amazed by the lyrics, the large majority of the songs have never been sung because they are not singers with a beautiful voice like yours (and I only have an old man voice with a limited range). I would love to see you do covers for the songs on my channel as they would make both me and the various composers happy. The songs vary greatly in style and content so you would have a lot of different songs to choose from.
  • @DavidGardiner
    Well, I'm the wrong side of 70, so listen children – the most satisfying thing any of us can do in our lives is CREATE. I have spent a lot of mine writing, first short stories, then a couple of novels and about three years ago I started, with a great deal of help and encouragement from other people, turning one of the novels into a stage musical. That project is complete now and Jane, the woman who runs amdram-dot-con-dot-uk, the main site for amdram in the UK, says she's going to feature it on the front page of the website. I feel the same way about the musical that I did about everything I've ever written. If one person gets something out of it then it was worthwhile. Creating art of some kind is what I want to do with my life. What you have said in this blog is going to be inspirational for a huge number of people. What could be more worthwhile than that? I came across your channel by accident. I was bowled over by your song 'The Man'. It brought tears to my eyes and has had the same effect on others whom I have sent to your channel to listen. Creating that song is a MAJOR achievement. Most of us couldn't have done it in three lifetimes. So stop underestimating your own talent! Finally, I've got some lyrics I think would suit your voice and style. Can I sent them to you?