Sorry | No one cares

Sad Story by No one care

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コメント (21)
  • This happened to me in my life, loved someone and rejected and feared instead of what I could have done and what might have been. I still beg for forgiveness, for I cant forgive myself.
  • Im sorry For what? For loving you too much ❤ For missing you💯 For wanting to see you eveyday For always thinking about you before going to sleep For feeling upset if i don't see you For wanting to be by your side Im sorry for wanting to make you happy🙁 For wanting you to be part of my life 😥 For trying to make you smile🙂 Im sorry for bothering you ✌ For dreaming about you everyday 😵 Im sorry for replying back as quick as possible 😂 Im sorry for getting mad,jelous and sad 😢 Im sorry for being just a simple game 😁 Im sorry for thingking that you love me 😥 For annoying you with my messages nag call🔕🔇🚫 Im sorry for caring about you 😭 Im just sorry for every single mistake i made ☺
  • Why is this sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
  • @SetoForte
    I wish i have the brave i need to end my life. I live alone , i have no aim in life , i can't do anything good for my girlfriend , i just annoy her with my over-care about little things. I panic when she disappear for a while , i just thought she will leave me. She is really important to me. I can't text her right now, just wait until she contact me. I feel hopeless... I feel useless .... I ..... should just drop death.
  • Uar.. Takien. WA. To. Kilmirimambar. Mi. War. Faien. U. Bipor. Tinkin. U. Kiek. Mi. U. Si. Bodei. Fom. Mi.
  • Istop. OK. OK. To. Mi MI. Wat. Dowien. Die is. Not. Uar Polam. OK. Fakien. Mskiein. Laieif. Mor. Uar. Fan. Ispikin. Ispikin.. OK. Ssllieil. Kanot. U. Do. Got. WA. Mskiein. Polam. Awrtiek. Uuuuuuuu. No.
  • I don't believe any of this b.s convince easy, because you cannot convince me, you know who easy is.