The Atheist Experience 703 with Matt Dillahunty and Åron-Ra

Publicado 2011-04-13
The Atheist Experience 703 from April 3, 2011 with Matt Dillahunty and Åron Ra.
Aron Ra talks about his Magic Sandwich Show and answers viewer calls with Matt Dillahunty.

00:50- Intro & Announcements- Matt Dillahunty
5:40- Gonzalo (atheist): discusses Bill Donohue, communion wafers and transubstantiation
16:54- Chris (atheist): contrasting science and religion, debating with theists
28:08- Cameron: Texas textbooks
30:10- Daniel (atheist): was horrified watching the 'Jesus Camp' documentary
38:31- Ed (atheist): disturbing aspects of the Mormon church, polygamy
50:00- Atheist at Large (atheist): oxytocin diminishes logic processes, encouraging religious belief, incestuous homosexuality between Ham and Noah
57:12- Sonia: asks why the Bible is insufficient to prove God's existence


The Atheist Experience is a weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin. The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

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Intro song: "Listen to Reason," written and performed by Bryan Steeksma.


TheAtheistExperience is a fan appreciation channel on YouTube.
"The Atheist Experience" is a registered trademark of the ACA.
Creative Commons license: BY, NC, SA

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • 5:40- Gonzalo (atheist): discusses Bill Donohue, communion wafers and transubstantiation 16:54- Chris (atheist): contrasting science and religion, debating with theists 28:08- Cameron: Texas textbooks 30:10- Daniel (atheist): was horrified watching the 'Jesus Camp' documentary 38:31- Ed (atheist): disturbing aspects of the Mormon church, polygamy 50:00- Atheist at Large (atheist): oxytocin diminishes logic processes, encouraging religious belief, incestuous homosexuality between Ham and Noah 57:12- Sonia: asks why the Bible is insufficient to prove God's existence
  • @Andulsi
    I've read the Bible. As I read it, the further I got, the more I question became: how the hell did anyone ever believe this?
  • @uparangi7933
    This show actually played a pivotal role in my becoming an atheist. Thank you Atheist Experience.
  • @cbbuntz
    Premise 1:  You eat the body of Christ at communion Premise 2:  You shit what you eat / What you eat turns to shit. Conclusion:  Jesus is shit. Sincerely, William Lane Craig
  • @jennadon8224
    Jesus camp was a scary piece of film. To see those children whipped into religious frenzies was disturbing. Thank Zeus my parents never sent me to any place like that.
  • @adamf6974
    Critical thinking; God's kryptonite.
  • @gospyro14
    Both of my role models on one screen. Is this a dream?
  • 11:25 When AronRa said fingers in the ear and shaking your head I connected with it instantly.  My own mother did this when I challenged her position and said something she could not refute.
  • @EvanB43
    HELL YEAH ARONRA. Finally someone who doesn't spend most of the show talking about things we already know and just gets to the calls like the fans want. May the spaghetti monster bless you.
  • @UTU49
    Wow, you can really tell who wears the hair in this relationship. :P
  • @TheBeatKeeper
    Aron really dislikes Ray Comfort & that was very evident when both of them have a debate on radio. I think his dislike for Ray is warranted because its been shown time & time again that Ray Comfort is a liar... he pretends not to understand the most simplest things.
  • @jonjosenna5581
    I think these two plus hitch and Stephen Fry, could win any argument/debate ever. But Matt and Ra-man are just powerhouses.
  • @Graylord88
    "Came" upon his nakedness. Ahahahaaha.
  • @FlyinZX10R
    I was raised as a Christian since I was a kid. These last few years I’ve had so many seriously bad life experiences, one after the other that I started to question whether there was a god or not. Thanks to Aron, Matt, Forrest Valkai and Professor Dave, I’ve seen the light. There is so much less pressure now in my life. These guys really helped me more than anyone in my life.
  • @aaronh920
    6 years on and when matt says its almost 5 o'clock, the time on my clock is 4:55. Wow. Now I am a believer.
  • @darksoul479
    When I was in prison since I had nothing but time, I decided I was going to read the Bible cover to cover, I never made it through the beginning of the book of Genesis. As soon as Cain killed Abel and went over the hill and took a wife, that was it for me. There was no reason to continue at that point. That was a strange time in my life considering that I had been a Christian for 40 years through childhood indoctrination. That is when I started to doubt. But even with the seeds of Doubt sewn at that point it still took decades for it to sink in.
  • @GretgorPooper
    AronRa in The Atheist Experience, that's AWESOME.