So This Trash Finally Ended

Publicado 2024-07-19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The biggest problem with the Acolyte is that characters motivations change on a dime with no explanation. Mae probably changes her mind twenty times across the series.
  • Palpatine: Did you ever hear of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? Anakin: What happened to him? Palpatine: He appeared in The Acolyte.
  • The funniest but worst line in the whole series is Osha going: "I'm not so easily corrupted". Absolutely hilarious because she gets corrupted immediately and forgets that her sister tried to burn her alive and her new master just slaughtered a few innocent Jedi for no reason but "I guess I'm Sith because I don't want the Jedi to tell me I can't kill whoever I want!!!"
  • Putting Yoda and Plagueis in this show is like throwing two pieces of clean tissues into a shit filled dumpster. I mean what's the point...
  • The Acolyte really helped me. I was in the hospital paralysed, then i watched The Acolyte and then i stood UP just to crush the TV
  • @Alissabrodzki
    Whats contradicting about the scene where Mother Aniseya seems to turn into a shadow, is that Headland explained as they're merging with the Force. And, if you know what I know about the Force, that means a death sentence. So, that justifies Sol's response. She was basically killing herself and then taking Mae with her. No one there is competent in the writing. And this pattern goes on and on in the show.
  • The mind wiping is most notably an ability in KOTOR (Knights of The Old Republic). However, it took an entire Jedi Council to pull it off, not just one person can do it
  • What's even funnier is that the Witch lady actively antagonized Sol and Torbin before Mae walked into the room. She proceeded to threaten and mock their entire organization when she had no reason to. She quite literally had MULTIPLE chances to just tell the Jedi what she was going to do, but instead, she had to act like a prick because she was full of herself. Her turning into a smoke monster demon ghost thing and being stabbed for it was 100% deserved. Also while she was turning into a demon thing, she is actively turning Mae into smoke as Shes about to kill her... WHAT did she think was going to happen and how did she think Sol was going to respond???
  • Not to mention, when she is force choking Soul, she is sporting her trademark blank face. During one of the angriest moments for her character. A-tier acting.
  • @laceyreihe
    I don't even think the coverup can work. Indara's murder has an eyewitness in the bartender and his kid, and Torbin's body was discovered moments after he drank the poison and at all times we know Sol was around other Jedi including the ones stationed on that planet who are still alive. For two of the murders they know that Sol couldn't have done them, and the implication can only be that there was an accomplice which would just spark another investigation. So now as well as complacent, the Jedi are just incompetent.
  • Bro the people writing the Acolyte must have been drunk on balls
  • Turns out the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise was him being put into the Acolyte.
  • I feel so bad for Lee Jung-jae being a part of this trash after fricken Squid Game. He needs to get a better agent at least.
  • What the mom did was akin to pulling out a very real-looking gun, get stabbed, then say "ohhh I was just bout to play laser tag."
  • I refuse to believe that they went through more than one draft. Like from a writer's perspective this show had very questionable moments throughout the season that ruin the narrative structure. And I for the life of me can't understand why Disney is so LAZY with the starwars franchise. We occasionally get content that is well-thought and planned but most of the Disney era seemingly has the consistent issue of lazy writing. It really comes off that they were betting on the franchise's name to carry all the weight and they could just sit back without a care in the world. It is very odd how Disney can't seem to be bothered to give attention and care to the most valuable IP in the world.
  • Jedi council: so what happened? Sol: So we found this life created by a witch cult seemingly made using a vergence in the force. Crazy witch cult leader turned into a demonic smoke monster and began disintegrating one of the vergence lifeforms, so I stabbed her. Rest of the cult possessed the wookie and when we severed their control they all dropped dead. We only managed to save one of the twins born of the vergence. Jedi council:...Good job, wish youd found the other one but sounds like you handled everything well. This is the fundamental problem with the show, they don't make the jedi seem evil, they show the jedi overreaching slightly and then acting like perfectly reasonable people.
  • The characters have the mental compacity of Horror Movie Characters. Where basically no one talks to eachother, and they all make the dumbest decision possible to get themselves killed.