The ketogenic diet, explained

Published 2018-03-13
Is keto just another dieting fad?

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New year, new dieting craze. The ketogenic diet is the latest in popular diets in the US. It shares many similarities with the Atkins diet; it’s low-to-no carbs, some protein, and a lot of delicious fat.

The keto diet isn’t exactly new. It’s been used to treat epilepsy since the 1920s, and it’s had promising outcomes from treating Type 2 Diabetes. However, epilepsy and diabetes aren’t the only reason people give the ketogenic diet a try. It’s also used as a diet for weight loss. The diet banishes most carbs, including fruit, and opts-in for fatty foods like avocados, salmon, eggs, cheese, butter, oil, and the holy grail of fatty meats — bacon.

Unfortunately, science has not yet proven the keto diet to be the miraculous cure to losing weight, that some kept devotees claim it to be. The more extreme a diet, the harder it is to adhere to, and though the diet may be beneficial to some, that does not mean it will work for all who give it a try. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out

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All Comments (21)
  • @Vox
    The ketogenic diet is backed by good science. But findings support it as a treatment for epilepsy, not losing weight. Read our full explainer breaking down the research on
  • @yasmeenm6435
    I started the Keto diet 6 months ago. Ended up losing a bunch of weight because overall the Keto diet did make me feel less hungry, more energized and it also encouraged me to give up highly processed foods. I’m not on the diet anymore but certain habits did stick and I kept the weight off!
  • @WhatIveLearned
    A bit more thoroughness would have been nice. Your "Why we imagine aliens the way we do" video was even longer than this
  • @ariserventy3097
    The Keto diet was really good for my Auntie who had a brain tumour, didnt cure anything of course, but it starves the cancer and made her mind a bit clearer and helped her out with her attention span and recognition of voices. She passed away last year.
  • @abbid1136
    I’ve been on the keto diet for 7 months now and I’m still going strong. Lost over 50 pounds with little to no exercise. I usually eat salad, eggs, avocado, cheese. I never counted a calorie and I still go out to eat(if there’s a keto friendly option). I’ve had many cheat days a month (4-5) although I was recommended to cheat every two weeks for optimal results. It’s hard to be on this diet in the United States because nearly everything has some amount of added sugar or carbs. If you’re gonna try this diet, give it a fair chance and actually put the work in. If you want something bad enough, you’ll get it.
  • @givememore4free
    Honestly, it was not fully explained. I am a little disappointed in this video.
  • @Tw1l1ghTT
    Keto is not only about eating fat.. its about healing your adrenal glands and keeping your insulin levels low. It takes a lot more than just eating fat to stay healthy..
  • @jnaibynoe9892
    I’ve been on this diet for 5 months and have lost 30+ pounds already. Everyone that I know that’s done this diet has felt better and it’s worked.
  • @furenaef
    Been doing keto since 2011, everyone said I was going to die of cholesterol, now everyone asks me how to do it lol.
  • @mozam16
    I was expecting more of a physiological explanation, not that most people don’t stick to their diets that’s why it might not work for you...
  • @JohnSacapano
    So basically, because there are many temptations out there you should just eat fast foods and not do the diet. Thank you very motivating.
  • You've essentially made a video that says... nothing... After 3 minutes and 48 seconds, you have not given an opinion, you've shown very little research, you have done nothing but say its a hypothesis... This sounds like someone justifying why it's hard to stay on a diet: 2:58 Seriously guys, these videos should have more of a point, or at least have a bit more substantive research that helps people make a decision. Or don't make them, please.
  • I struggled trying to lose weight for years and then I tried Keto and MAN! I dropped 39 pounds in 2 months
  • @ofranja
    Your definition of "explained" really amuses me.
  • Thanks to the keto diet I lost more than 70 pounds and I no longer have diabetes. For me it is a lifestyle. I feel very energetic and happy! If I feel like bread or it happens stick, there are many delicious recipes that can be used. This has been my lifestyle for over a year and I love it… I love Keto<3
  • @haggisattack
    Not sure what the video is saying. Is keto bad because it does not work in the body to burn fat? Or is it bad because it's so "extreme" because our culture pushes high carb foods and therefore people can't stay on it? There is a huge difference between those questions. Short term studies show it does work as long as long as people adhere to it, but no diet works if folks don't adhere to it over a longer time frame. I've lost 50 lbs on keto and kept that weight off for more than 10 years and i admit staying on it is hard, but there are techniques folks can use to stay on it. (1) prepare your own food (2) have low carb snacks ready for cravings (3) try to get your family, community and friends on board as eating is social and social support is critical.