Tomura Shigaraki Is An INCREDIBLE Antagonist.

Published 2022-11-13

All Comments (21)
  • Tomura will always be infinitely more interesting than AFO to me. We've seen him develop. His character is the literal failure of hero society. Leaving an abandoned child until the worst person imaginable picked him up. Such a compelling story. And then Mr. Potato head decided to backseat game and it's so much less interesting
  • Shigaraki was so close to become truly free, it's targic and sad. He created his ideology, found out friends who could belive in him and had an army of his own...The only thing left was for him to get rid of AFO. I think that Shigaraki's ultimate failure is to not have recognized AFO for the piece of shit that he is. Shigaraki loved AFO as a mentor, he was greatful for what he did to him but never realised the true intentions of the man. It really breaks my heart.
  • @G-LukeJA
    Wow Shigaraki is such an amazing villain. Surely he will go on to develop his character even further and most definitely wouldn't do something like lose all of his autonomy
  • @Sjono
    It’s interesting to note that as the final arc progresses and All for One’s plans fall apart, he starts acting like the psychopathic manchild that Tomura acted liked towards the beginning While Tomura progresses, All for One regresses
  • @dinostar2894
    Horikoshi writing out a well written Developed Antagonist that Parallels the main Character in their Struggles and Achievements where there set to have a battle of Ideologies by the end of the series Also Horikoshi:”Oh I don’t think so” makes 100 year old potato man the main Villain At least Endeavor hasn’t been ruined and the series is still Popular
  • @diodesu
    Horikoshi: "B--B-But you know who's a better final antagonist? All for One."
  • AFO's body hijacking completely kills Shiggy's momentum to become one of the most iconic anime villain in the current generation. There's nothing more damaging to a character than losing his own agency
  • @racool911
    I really liked how unlike many other shows the big bad wasn't a threatening force that has the rest of the story all planned out. It's just a dude that has no idea what he's doing, with no actual goal in mind. Then he slowly rises up through developing, training, and introspection as the show progresses to become a powerful antagonist the same way the protagonist usually has to rise up to become a hero. All for one even touched on this when he says Shigaraki will become much more powerful with himself out of the picture, which is very similar to many heroes losing their mentors in most stories.
  • The one thing I ask for the end of MHA is for society to grow out of their bystander effect, ending the series with someone helping a lost child in the streets would be amazing
  • @bthsr7113
    Just.... the fact that this is a VILLAIN who grows stronger and changes not only in things like power level and surface level tactics, but as a character and person.... that's brilliant and scary. He comes into his own as a villain much as Deku is coming into his own as a hero. He is a magnificent case of villains being a dark mirror to the protagonist.
  • After 423 I luv when the main villain died when he and the hero fistbump each other
  • @craazyae
    would be a shame if he got replaced by the old final boss that was defeated, in being symbolic that the old generation has passed onto the new generation, which also ties into the generational battle of One for All and All For One. Would be a shame…right? EDIT: yes i’m still salty 😂 after watching the episode where Shiggy literally tells AFO to shut up, decays his influence from within the comparing it to where we’re at in the manga; it’s heartbreaking 😭
  • @Just_Some_Kid07
    So Shigaraki's Ideology is: a society that can create me doesn't deserve to exist
  • @AsarathaHSYT
    I am mostly an MHA Manga channel, but this is a video suitable for MHA anime onlys. I would however advise you to not scroll beyond this comment! Scroll back up and enjoy Shigaraki from My Hero Academia :)
  • I'm not watching the full video, Asa. Thinking about Shigaraki makes me sad and even cry. I will leave the like just because i enjoy your content.
  • @JDWalker495
    Crazy how all of this is being broken down by Mr Potato Head I’m still hoping Shiggy regains control, cause it seems like a trend that characters are actually trying to shake AFO’s control over them. Aoyama, Kurogiri, Endeavor, etc
  • This was a fantastic explanation holy shit- there's a lot to unpack in this and honestly, I agree, Shigaraki's development was pretty great
  • @Sappysappster
    This entire video captures what exactly was so appealing about Shiggy to me It really hurts my heart how all this genuinely excellent writing and character got thrown away
  • @treceslez
    MHA is FAR from being a perfect manga, but it still managed to create a perfect villain. I might be biased because Shigaraki is one of my favorite characters from modern shonen, but I do seriously believe he's (or was?) one of the most compelling villains we've seen come out of the shonen demographic in recent years: the themes surrounding him, his characterization, his journey and development as a character, all the parallels he shared with the main protagonist and most of the important cast... It was all just so good, until it wasn't. It's just so painful to see his character be reduced to what he is now. Truly sad. All the wasted potential makes me kinda angry.