4 Reasons Why We Live in Sicily

Publicado 2023-10-02
In this video we're explaining a few of the reasons why we chose Siciliy as our new place to live.

We sold all of our belongings, filled out the immigration paperwork, moved to Sicily and started looking for houses. This is just the start of our palazzo adventure and our renovation series and it's definitely going to be interesting. If you like house renovation projects, Sicily, Italy, how-to videos, travel and a good laugh, join us!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @rufus2o
    Hi guys! I am a Sicilian, I'm so happy and proud that you have choose my land to live in and I want to thank you about this! I like your reasons to live here! and I am here to give you my warm welcome! If you need advice for all, I will help you with very pleasure because I know that sometimes can help to know locals for a better and fast integration (I have lived in London) ,Sorry for my not perfect English! Só... I wish you a beautiful long experience in this colorful,perfuming,historic particular and really different part of Italy! WELCOME!
  • @RavenARPG
    I am Sicilian (Palermo) and my old lady is American and we live in Macomb County, MI. You can imagine our reaction when you said you are from the Detroit Area 🤣I am glad you are happily living in my native land. We are planning to move to Sicily in a couple of years. I am a CPA Accountant and trying to find a doable remote solution. My lady loves there and I am starting to miss it... Ciao!
  • fantastic. I am Sicilian American and recently became an Italian dual citizen and very much considering moving there
  • @gigi-jeff
    Welcome to Sicily! Enjoy! We lived there 6 years more near Catania Aci Castello areas We loved it! Unfortunately with Hurricane Ian coming we had to return to our house there so We left a year ago … hoping to return soon. La Vita Dolce! 🛵🛵 Gigi & Jeff
  • @antarart
    I am glad to stumble across your channel. I am a German-Flemish-American artist from SoCal, where I lived for 45 years...Now thinking about moving to Sicily later this year! - I have long-term EU residency, and also getting my German passport back, since it is now possible to have dual citizenship. - I will follow your adventure on Youtube and may have some questions in the future....Best wishes and good luck!!! Ciao! Antar
  • @mysicilycorner
    Nice vlog and I couldn't agree more with these 4 reasons!
  • @joerosa2532
    "knock on wood" is "tocca ferro", translated "touch iron" whose meaning stems from touching an iron horse-shoe which is thought to bring good luck!!!
  • @Sezfluffy
    I lived in Sicily for 6 months and made my move there I 2019,Siracusa, unfortunately I lost my Job snd chance to get residency in covid and had to flee back to UK. I'm OK now doing my old but miss it a lot .
  • @joycef2499
    Came across your channel, first time seeing you both, love Sicily and my dream was one day to buy a house in Sicily. My parents migrated to Australia back in the forties, they left for a better life for their children, there was nothing left for them after the 2nd world war. Have been to Sicily twice and love it, was meant to go back again, covid hit and boarders closed. With health issues now, not sure if I will ever get back. I will be checking your other videos and living my live through them.
  • @dmz7550
    OMG! You just said you come from Michigan! Detroit! Me too! My parents were born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Canadians are definitely some of the nicest people around. As are the people of Italy. I'm of Italian descent (Calabria and Friuili) as well as my husband (Sicily and Lombaria). We are about to embark on getting property in the southern part of Italy and getting dual citizenship. Location yet TBD. I look forward to following you through your journey and seeing the process you went through to buy property there. All the best to you.
  • Good luck to you both, I was born in Sicily and have started the path to retire there soon. Buona fortuna
  • @marcocarlson1693
    Terrfic for you! Agree totally with what you said. Would just say that you will come to realize that Sicily is not really poorer than most all other parts of Italy, which are anything except poor. I totally understand what you mean and why that is said in general by others. It's also less expensive as you said. There you can have the Best of everything and live a top notch lifesyle, without being price gouged for every single thing, you find most all other places in the first world. Sicily produces lots of it's own 'stuff', and everything is very reasonable. Plus you have all of Italy at your disposal anytime you want, which is as good as it can possibly get. The great food, history, churches, scenery, beaches, supermarkets, shops, and of course the people, which are the nicest in Italy overall, and really anywhere in the world, I would say. Your comment about Canadians is funny, as I have relatives in Canada, and yes, the true Canadians are always very very friendly generally. I will also be moving to Sicily permanently from California in just a very few months, and I can't even wait to. I have been there of course and am Sicilian by ancestry. So all I can say is you guys have things figured out really well, and far better than basically everyone else, by your move and your comments. You seem like really good people, as I would expect from Midwesterners(my Dad was actually born in Cleveland, haha). So you deserve it too, right? Yes. So Best of everything to you and wishing you a wonderful stay. Auguri!
  • So l can tell you “knock on wood” would be equivalent to “tocca ferro” in Italian😊
  • @paulfreitag7772
    Ciao! I am from Wisconsin but I live in Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily 6 months of the year. I will be returning on June 1st. Can I ask what type of Visa you have that allows you to stay more than 90 days at a time? Right now I am doing the 90 days in 90 days out thing. I will be looking into getting an Elective Residency Visa soon. Best wishes, Paul in Sicily
  • Posso spiegarti (in italiano, non mi fido del mio inglese!) un segreto dell'Italia e degli italiani? Un segreto che spiega perché pur avendo un reddito più basso, ad esempio di francesi e tedeschi (più basso del venticinque per cento), in realtà vivono meglio anche se non lo sanno! Il novanta per cento degli italiani (quindi tutti, tranne i poverissimi) vive in case di proprietà. Una famiglia di madre, padre è due figli ha in media almeno due appartamenti (uno per l'invero e uno per le vacanze). Questo non vale in Francia e soprattutto in Germania. Non avere il cruccio del fitto, delle spese sanitarie, delle spese di istruzione che sono molto basse anche nelle migliori Università ..., fa una grandissima differenza, di cui noi italiani siamo poco consapevoli. Inoltre diciamo pure che gli italiani hanno sovente delle entrate che non dichiarano al fisco e sfuggono alle statistiche (circa un venti per cento, secondo gli economisti). Non è un bene, ma arricchisce di dettagli la narrazione. E infatti c'è una stranezza riguardo ai dati del Sud Italia. Redditi bassi e consumi alti! Qualcosa non quadra! E' evidente che l'unica spiegazione, sta nel fatto che non tutti i redditi sono registrati! Se i siciliani fossero davvero poveri non potrebbero fare serenamente la vita che fanno! Non potrebbero essere ospitali e generosi. Infine voglio spezzare una lancia a favore della sanità italiana. Serve sessanta milioni di utenti e non guarda se sono italiani o stranieri, se sono immigrati clandestini o regolari, se ricchi o poveri, residenti o di passaggio! Se vai in una clinica privata avrai maggiori confort ma non cure migliori! Recentemente sia Re Carlo d'Inghilterra che Kate si sono dovuti operare per un tumore. Sai da dove sono giunti i medici? L'equipe era del Gemelli di Roma! Gli stessi che hanno in cura il papa (Papa Francesco) ma anche l'ultimo dei senzatetto! Peccato che proprio noi italiani, non ce ne rendiamo conto!
  • Please stop with "dolce vita e dolce far niente"!!!!!🤦‍♂️😫All foreigners...especially americans are killing us with this two sentences!!!!! 🤦‍♂️🙇