I read some of the most AMAZING books this week!

Published 2024-07-29
Thank you for watching! Let me know what questions you want answered when I get to 1000 subscribers. Thank you so much for your support! Make sure to check out these fantastic channels:



00:00 Intro
00:45 Weyward
02:19 The September House
05:15 Sorrow and Bliss
08:32 Cobalt Red
11:29 Outro


The September House

Sorrow and Bliss

Cobalt Red

All Comments (17)
  • Wow you definitely sold me on like, all of these 😂 The September House sounds like a super fun time!
  • Weyward I’ve seen everywhere. Maybe one day I will pick it up. Bleeding walls are the worst! 😆 Sounds like an interesting read. Sorrow and Bliss is waiting on my shelves. 😊💙
  • @glendaw5221
    I came over because Jolene recommended you. Glad I found you.
  • @jaimee-kate
    I LOVED The September House last year! It was a total surprise hit for me, I'm so glad you loved it too!
  • @vanessappp5672
    Hello, my love! Sorrow and bliss: so interesting to see your taken on this book since I tried to read it 2 times and couldn't stand so I gave up 😅 Love your videos. Congrats on 1000 ❤ 👏 🎉
  • @glendaw5221
    I soft DNF’d Sorrow and Bliss but I’ll check it out again.
  • Again Congrats on 1k 🥳 I just put Weyward on a Libby hold, excited to see what’s in store! lol real Hardwood Floors! 😂 bookish question for your 1k video are there any genres or authors you typically avoid, if so why? And Which character from a book do you relate to most and what about them resonates with you?
  • @BandysBooks
    Woohoo! Two book picks today! 😅And both of them were positive reviews! 😂 I’m glad you enjoyed September House. It’s just so unusual and fun for a thriller/horror. Cobalt Red really is a sad book, but especially with that historical context. I agree that everyone should know where their colbalt is coming from. I’m actually reading Weyward right now! And questions… What plans do you have for your channel moving forward? How do you decide what books to read? What is the most meaningful book you’ve ever read?
  • @TheQuietMidden
    Oh, wow, thanks for bringing Cobalt Red the attention it deserves! I haven't seen it reviewed on booktube until now. I'm on the last chapter and it has been an astonishing read. It's heartbreaking and enraging how the brutality and exploitation in Congo has continued essentially non-stop since Stanley. I will be buying second-hand phones, laptops, etc. until I can be sure these indefensible practices and conditions have ended. I understand there is a push to come up with a cobalt-free battery but we'll likely be waiting a long while for that!
  • @awebofstories
    I really wanted to read September House last September and my hold just didn't come in...so I suspended the hold until 9/1/24 so I WILL GET IT THIS YEAR! So, I DNF'd Sorrow and Bliss and now you are making me think I should go back to it! I had the same feelings about Weyward...
  • @AaronReadABook
    It's interesting that Carissa Orlando is a psychologist who writes horror books, they definitely deal with some dark stuff in real life. Questions for your Q&A 1. Do you have a massive TBR list with notes on where you heard about the book? 2. What is your favourite European city that you have visited 3. What is your favourite Spanish food/meal
  • Weyward is definitely an odd one - I liked the writing itself (and I’m sure I’ll read her future books) but some of the messaging wasn’t great. Congrats on almost 1,000! Would you share about some of your other hobbies, as much and you’re comfortable with it?
  • @coffemuse
    Congratulations, I see you've made it to 1k! My question is, I suspect you are a spreadsheet girl. Are you? And if so would you be willing to share your book-related spreadsheets? Some more great books in this video!
  • @evamarina2045
    Thanks, I added The September House to my list. Maybe I'll read it for Halloween. As for questions, I'm curious. I'm assuming you've been a lifelong reader, is there a book that stuck with you as a transition point in your life as a reader? For example, I had to read La casa de los espiritus for school and then went on a big Isabel Allende kick for a few years. But it wasn't until I read her book Paula that I felt like I transitioned into an adult reader. I've been reading adult books since I was a child, but reading that one just hit me differently.