A study of the reality, origin, nature and acts of Demons. The following book is recomended to go along with this study…

Want to study theology? check out:

This is part of a course that follows the typical order of systematic theology. The following text is recommended to go along with these videos:…

See also the NGIM Guide to Bible Doctrine:…

My approach rests on the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, upholds the classical view of God, is Protestant, evangelical, a moderate Calvinist, baptistic and premillennial. I rely heavily on the Systematic Theologies of Dr. Norman Geisler and Dr. Robert Culver, who were both teachers of mine.

Dr. Norman Geisler…

Dr. Robert Culver…

For those of you interested in my view of Genesis Six, see…

コメント (21)
  • I find it difficult to believe that mine would be the first comment in the nearly two years that this video has been up. This was a great dissertation. I'm guessing that because it does not appeal to the prurient interests of the masses, most, if not all of the so-called believers, are missing the boat entirely, to their eternal detriment. So be it. Thank you, Mr. Potter, for your exhaustive, methodical research. Let they who have ears heed the message. New Subscriber. Amen.
  • A mind came to me,why only learn about God all the time?Also learn about an enemy.Its apity most churches never teach about Demons,we dont know our enemy!God bless this teacher.
  • Couldn't agree more! Most important lesson learned from combat is to know your enemy! Know your opponents better than they know themselves, it's the only path to victory.
  • @mizithrae
    Well made video, though not what I was looking for. Thanks for making so many people satisfied, though :)
  • I have got what I had been searching to know about. So I was excited too much, for i found it is more described than i want to know. God bless you more and more and more!
  • This is very powerful to study. Thank you so much brother God bless you and your studies
  • @Jedi116
    My man, this was very well-put and greatly informative. Thank you.
  • Great work, very thorough "New Subscriber" Thanks, and walk strong in the "Way" GOD BLESS
  • This is an excellent, detailed. and accurate video that well describes this. Well done. Excellent resource
  • @dpn80171
    This is the type of subject that you can fill a library of books with, so I'll limit my comment to one simple observation. In Matt 22:30 Jesus uses a qualifier ἄγγελοι ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, but the Bene ha'Elohim in Gen 6 weren't in heaven (cf. Jude 6). I think there's people that subscribe to the ancient Son's of God = angels interpretation, and others that try to refute it with more modern interpretations, but no amount of debate is going to change anyone's mind, lol. We just gotta stay humble and teachable. God bless brother!
  • Thank you for uploading this. I am thankful that I came across this video, on a telegram channel of all places. For a while now I've been trying to explain this topic to people, and your video will help. We are pretty much aligned regarding our perspectives on the subject matter
  • @stevehyde217
    What explains me waking up in the morning with child bite marks on my chest and a dotted number 9 which was exactly what the 9 was like carved into the stone wall of the cottage i was staying in, when working away in Dorset England. 16th century building?
  • @sunniegb
    Thank you for this! Extremely informative and clarifying. I’ve always wondered how Pharaoh’s magicians could replicate some of the miracles God did through Moses and Aaron.
  • Wow! I was searching, here i am! subscribed after listening! Thxs for sharing!