THE WAR WITHIN: Does it Actually Feel Like a New Expansion? (Bajheera Reacts)

Published 2024-04-23
THE WAR WITHIN: Does it Actually Feel Like a New Expansion? (Bajheera Racts)

The War Within is looking great! A lot of people have been able to get into the Alpha so let's see what they have to say about it!

00:00 Intro
01:22 Warbands
06:00 Delves
10:25 Mythic + Dungeons
12:20 Hero Talents
14:31 Story
16:16 Blizzard Listens
17:49 Marcelian React
18:14 Warbands
21:38 Questing
23:13 UI Upgrades
25:38 New Zones
27:24 Delves
31:33 Dungeons
32:51 What's in the Future?

Quazii WoW's Video:    • I've Played THE WAR WITHIN Alpha For ...  

MarcelianOnline's Video:    • War Within Alpha FIRST IMPRESSIONS  

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Editor: Quaylin (   / @quaylin  )

All Comments (21)
  • @The_Erik_Saga
    I like how positive he is. Wholesome. I love when people are not so negative about blizzard. Rare these days.
  • @MarcelianOnline
    Always an inspiration Baj! Thanks for reacting to our vid man <3
  • @ItsKingxr
    Hey Bajheera, I was recommended to your channel by a friend and I'm glad I was, I'm 100% new to WoW and I was wondering if you had or could make a video for new players like me showing best race for warriors, is arms or fury better and just understanding how to set up my skills and keybinds for the best experience, thanks again and take care and have a wonderful day 😀
  • @Helikaeon
    2:06 The irony that they did this kinda screen, exactly as you describe with Lost Ark Baj, with Diablo 2 originally, where they'd stand up and cast a spell or do a battle shout when you clicked on each class, then sit back down when you clicked another character. The sheer irony 🤣
  • Dorngal needs a mercenary camp where your Warband is set up. If you visit your Warband you will see your characters resting, cooking, blacksmithing, ect. The same Mercencary camp should also show 2 random Bnet or guildies warbands as well that you can check out. Personally I think that would be dope af.
  • @peirs3071
    Warbands are cool but I really liked the unique backgrounds in the login screen for the different races
  • @mabonhunts
    The way it works is you get gear that is labelled "warband" and that gear can drop on any char and be any type mail, leather ect and you can send that gear to your other chars in your warband it will drop for any char in your warband. As for the Delves they will go up to rank 11 and at the top level will drop Champion track gear which is Normal raid gear.
  • @Tr3nix
    Baj, these react videos are awesome, cool to see your side of things, especially with your warrior and PvP knowledge
  • @jayfaulkner2602
    Imagine a high tier delve boss has a very low drop rate follower legendary that you can equip that has like a passive that boosts his allies stats? that would be so cool or some variation of it
  • @Miloascape
    I agree... more content for my main. Instead of making it so that I can only do 1 dungeon per week, allow me to do that same dungeon 10 times for gear and loot, and I'll be happy. But yes, to answer your question I think having ALTS always means more opportunity to grind for loot. I like these changes to WOW it feels like a real quality of life improvement. Dropped a like.
  • @xf3arles5x33
    I definitely love the whole aspect of feeling like your account is getting stronger and not just your main. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I took a short break from WoW to try out some other mmo's (ESO specifically) and I really like the aspect of either sharing progression across alts or even being able to help alts gear up. Loving these Bajheera reacts vids!
  • @emjaythegreat22
    I always play rogue warrior and hunter. Usually warrior or rogue will swap depending on how I’m feeling to start out an expansion. 6/9 expansions I’ve always started rogue! Out of 4 of those I swapped to warrior main! And those were ones where prot warrior was good at tanking. I like to dps as melee dps as range! And tank. I pvp solo a lot so rogue was always my go to! Not needing healer as much as my warrior! I could still pvp as rogue solo just fine! Hopefully they do it right and we’re not hindered by not having alts! Would love to not feel forced and enjoy the new expansion
  • @The_Fictionist
    My dream for warbands is that they expand the follower ai to be support all classes so that you can do follower dungeons with your warband. Possibly even hot swapping mid dungeon (outside of combat) which character you control. Then you can create an entirely new pillar of competitive PvE play around pushing mythic keys with your warband.
  • @puppethound
    I would like to see that gearing your alts, so you can take YOUR OWN Warband into dungeons as a solo team where AI controls YOUR alts. Seems now Blizzard is looking into other MMOs to get some ideas because follower companions is in ESO and I love it. Hopefully we can unlock other characters from the WoW universe, eg Thrall or someone less prominent.
  • @savitarr1162
    the best thing about warbands is the transmog in old raids !
  • @emjaythegreat22
    I agree I love the login screen on lost ark idk if you have played Tera but they did a great job with theirs having all your characters walking moving together! Like they should have class animations. They need to go a step further to really capture the class fantasy! Where rogue is like sitting down applying poisons to his blades. Hunter petting its pet or messing with its bow string. Something unique for each class that they can have them do would be cool addition! Then just standing so static!!
  • @CrashedLandin
    Oh boy, more Baj reacts! Seriously I’m SO READY FOR THIS EXPANSION! Watch out Baj. You’re looking at the UK’s new future top DK! 😤💪🏻
  • Dude, imagine warbands like dragons dogma powns for dungeons and other group stuff... insane!