Mel Gibson exposes some of the dark minds of Hollywood in 1998 | (FRIGHTENING)

Published 2023-06-02
Mel Gibson talks about some of his dark experiences with Hollywood in 1998.

Mel Gibson exposes Hollywood in 1998.

#melgibson #hollywood

All Comments (21)
  • Suddenly the slander campaign against him makes sense. If they cant prove you wrong, they frame you for crazy.
  • We live in a world where people telling the truth are labelled as crazy
  • We’re living the book of revelations. Prayers for all who are exposing Hollywood.
  • @johndunning9
    Mel was pointing something out, without saying it. In a world where good is made to look bad and bad made to look good.
  • @blitz21
    3 years ago ish the lightbulb moment happened for a lot of us. There is pure evil walking around us, most of them are running the show. Hats off to Mel for speaking out, may God protect us all.
  • Since I saw mad max as a kid the first time, Mel Gibson always had this aura of righteous man for me. Now, he’s producing a documentary about Hollywood and to be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if suddenly he turns up dead in a car wreck, with an overdose or with 24 bullets in his back with cnn calling it a tragic suicide. Pray for him and protect him at all cost
  • @treverfarted
    There are few feelings as gut wrenching as convincing yourself you were wrong when you were 100% right
  • The true reason why Hollyweird turned on Mel. Not a recorded drunken tirade that they wanted everyone to believe, but his total awakening and awareness of what goes on behind closed doors. Glad he's starting to make a comeback thx to actors who think and know what he knows.
  • @butter7734
    Now you know why all that shit came out about Mel.
  • People for a long time didn't want to believe in conspiracy theories, but they do now
  • @StompMom5
    I'm definitely a Mel Gibson fan🎯🎯. He's a man with a soul
  • Mel was in trouble from the moment he directed The Passion of Christ. Even the main actor hasn’t really worked since the film was made, it was such an awesome film and if you watch the main actor (sorry his name eludes me at the moment) in some interviews you can see the faith he has is immense, the stories he tells of what happened on set can only be of Gods doing, to test them and they definitely passed the test. Gos sees your heart Mel, that’s the only thing you need to think about, he loves you and that’s far more important than what anyone in this earth thinks. Thank you for bringing such a great film which I treasure and watch with people who don’t believe and go away thinking differently. All it takes is a grain of seed so small we can hardly see it to be planted and I’m sure many peoples lives were changed for the better after watching the film. God bless you.
  • I always thought Hollywood and movie stars were so cool. Then, I went to Hollywood for a vacation. I can relate to what Mel Gibson is saying. I can't describe the experience with words. It's just that Hollywood has a real creepy vibe about it. The people are creepy, the place looks campy. There is no sense of class or maturity. It's just a bunch of shallow carnival type people doing whatever they can to survive. There is nothing about Hollywood that would surprise me - no matter how evil or petty. It just lacks goodness and morality.
  • @dhalsim-1
    Mel is an absolute hero for speaking out on so many things.
  • @TheDumontShow
    This is the same man who made The Passion of the Christ off this own money when the studios didn't even want to touch it at all. The movie ended up being one of the biggest box office successes of all time. Why I mention this is because that movie is never mentioned at all and second, that man wanted to make a movie about Christ and they rejected him for it. That speaks volumes. Think about that. Mel Gibson has always been out of the box in this business. Since day one
  • @taur611
    BLows my mind how he was able to survive and make movies that actually do well after talking about this stuff.
  • @kokomo74149
    Not naming names and exposing people is exactly why Hollywood is the way they are.
  • @Kerry6691
    I was still in a dreamlike state when I first heard that Mel Gibson was anti-jewish and had also gone off his rocker. I believed it ( even tho I was a huge fan of his since Mutiny on the Bounty) because I didn't bother to look any further than the title of the article. Well now, many years later....I am awake, do my own thinking, research, read the article and question just about everything in it. I need to give this guy another chance, hear him out. We need to expose every single person, celebrity or not who could possibly be involved in something as sick as child trafficking. Their names should be in lights!!!
  • @lope542
    He has a heart of gold. Wise man🙏
  • @waverider227
    As a kid i first got to know Mel Gibson as an actor in the mid 80s watching the "dystopian " movies like" Mad Max" and the "Road Warrior" playing a cop who tries to do good and preserve goodness in a society collapsing into anarchy and later on in more comic action movies like :Lethal Weapon and then the bizarre like movie "Signs" Now nearly 40 years later his roles in these movies and the movie story lines although we are not fully there yet are starting to come full circle in reality These past few years; I can see that the world is descending into the madness we saw in these early movies. Today 2023 here we are with an actor who not only portrayed those roles in those movies but an actor who has saw the dark side of Hollywood and his own personal demons (ie Alcoholism) who now is exposing and warning us about what is being hidden in the real world and being inflicted upon us. Mel is a brave and true hero to risk everything to expose the corruption of the status quo. May God bless and protect him at all costs.