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For all your high-quality Steven Universe background/instrumental music needs! Subscribe to see new music whenever it's posted on the composers' Soundcloud: I AM NOT A COMPOSER FOR (OR OTHERWISE AFFILIATED WITH) THE SHOW. I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC I POST. I can ONLY upload music the composers post to their Soundcloud, and cannot rip music directly from episodes (without there being dialog and such over it); therefore, ***IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO TAKE REQUESTS,*** SO PLEASE DON'T BOTHER ASKING. I will not post songs (i.e., tracks where characters sing) unless it was posted by a show composer or on the show's official blog; this guarantees high-quality sound (and the songs will not have sound effects etc. over them). I post BGM demos, but not song demos.

The purpose of this channel is to make clean Steven Universe music visible and readily available to those who primarily/only use YouTube. Thanks for the support!

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