Resistance Y-Wing Design (fan-made)

Published 2018-11-23
Why does the Resistance have NO Y-wings? Well, I took it upon myself to craft the next-generation version of this iconic Star Wars fighter!

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All Comments (21)
  • @teknoaxe
    Star Citizen has taught me that such a ship as this needs a bathroom (toilet/shower) at the very minimum. Yer gonna need ta add a Louie to this, mate.
  • @Spacedock
    Mate. You are a ceaseless fountain of spaceship awesomeness. This is an incredibly cool design. :)
  • @mindlord0013
    I got really excited when you mentioned the Catalina flying boats, my late grandfather was a part of a Catalina crew in WW2. I have a model of it sitting above my computer as I type this now! It makes me like this design even more.
  • This is why I love your videos: You introduce actual legit real type scenarios and reasons for why the ship wasn't introduced and re-designed and re-fit it to fit that narrative. I didn't think of the X-Wing outclassing the Y-Wings like that but I do love how you re-purposed it. Keep it up!
  • @scarletspdstr_
    You: Not just a 'cooler' or 'sleeker' Y-Wing What we got: a sleeker and cooler Y-Wing
  • @darkhelmet9757
    "The Y-Wing was obsolete by this point" *other bombers procede to move painfully slowly on their attack crawl, doing realatively little damage
  • @alonespirit9923
    As far as I'm concerned, this "Y-wing reboot" has struck gold, or latinum, or whichever. :) I LIKE it! Now, when is the 1/72 scale plastic model kit with full interior detail coming out? ;D
  • @lurakin88
    I really like this design because it feels like you can fairly easily divide the parts and imagine the point of each one. Front half being pilot systems and interior, big centre section likely housing the main power and shields, and the engines obviously providing the thrust. it feels believable and looks great too
  • @wilsthelimit
    With the Rise of Skywalker trailer out and with the return of the Y-wing in the trailer, I’m happy!
  • @harrysmith1711
    My granddad flew as navigator on PBYs in the Pacific and Indian ocean during WW2. Really like the parallel you've drawn with your design. Fantastic result mate
  • @i.m.4321
    I know this is a VERY late comment to this video, but have recently found your stuff from other YouTubers and gotta say I'm blown away by your designs. I love that you seem to put more thought / effort / work into not only the design of the ships, but the back story and purpose behind the re-designs than any of the stooges currently working for Disney Star Wars seem to be doing... Keep up the great work!
  • @lucasmartin911
    I think it makes sense to push it back to a scouting/exploration role. The clone wars featured a Y wing scout bomber, and the early Star Wars had Y Wing "Longprobe" scout variants in the comics, games and books, a Rebellion era craft. The Y wing is a larger ship than the X or A wings, it makes perfect sense for them to have a greater unsupported operating time than the more combat focused craft. The only thing I would like to see in your variant is an upgraded sensor package to help support that scouting focus. Fantastic take on the Y wing!
  • What an awesome direction to take the Y wing. One minor suggestion though, if you put the turrets up a little higher then they could fire to the rear with nearly no blind spots as well as forward for instances where the extra firepower would be useful, maybe like when attacking a larger ship like the Y wings in rogue one did against the stardestroyer. Also we know Elecktronic counter measures exist in star wars and they have been seen in the leading edges of shuttle craft wing's. Maybe since this is so much bigger add some in the trailing edge of the "wings" and maybe in the nose so attacking ships can't "lock on" to this target. That and a space toilet. Thanks!
  • @Wastydest
    Wow this looks really awesome! But I think Y-Wings aren't used at this time anymore, cause they were replaced by the B-Wing's. Although with your new role for the ship (wich reminds me of the U-Wing), I could see it having a place in the New Republic / Resistance Fleet. I would love to see a model of the newer B-Wing mark II from you, that (except for the Cockpit from the Resistance transport) we haven't seen so far!
  • @DevilDude912
    I like the design, though with the upscaling I would think that it'd still be in a strike craft role, just as a heavy bomber instead of a light fighterbomber. The problem with the silly superfortress bombers that were used in TLJ would be solved with a variant of this design that eschewed the expanded crew cabin in favor of an actual bomb bay. The reason people ask where the Y-wings were isn't because they think the Y-wing would be better than an X-Wing, it's because TLJ introduced something that was WORSE than the original Y-wing in the intended role. Most people have recognized that battle of yavin era Y-wings would have been more useful not to mention survivable than the bombers that the resistance canonically DID field, and this design simply proves the point, insofar as it shows that you could easily develop an enlarged version of the Y-wing able to put a real payload on target that an X-wing simply wouldn't be able to carry while avoiding the stupidity of the superfortresses.
  • @IvanksMW
    I'm sure if they had Y-Wings against the dreadnought they would have achieve way more than what those clunky bombers did, amazing work with he redesign on the Y-Wing, gotta be my favorite craft of the rebel fleet