Drinker's Chasers - Disney's Ridiculous "Inclusion" Standards Revealed

Published 2024-02-09
Recent diversity and inclusion documents leaked onto social media reveal the scale of discrimination happening in Hollywood right now, all in the name of "inclusion", and go some way to explain why the quality of their output has plummeted.

All Comments (21)
  • @5PawZ
    "if you start to police art.." That right there is the statement. It's no longer art. It's propaganda.
  • @jetuber
    "Inclusion" actually means "exclusion of whites, heterosexuals, and males," and especially "exclusion of white heterosexual males."
  • @hope-cat4894
    Doesn't this mean all the raceswapping wasn't happening because the actors were the best people for the role? 🤨 It really was just to fulfill a quota.
  • Martin Luther King asked that people be judged on the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. And nowDisney are hiring based on the colour of someone's skin, not the content of their character. People should be judged on merit, not a tick box.
  • @xVMouseVx
    Seeing a diverse group of background characters is actually really distracting now
  • @farfaraway4285
    I use this opportunity to thank the garbage men for their service and selflessness. Without them we would all drown in our own junk. As a woman I greatly appreciate that I don’t have to be represented by 50% in garbage industry. Thank you, brave boys!
  • @jonbaxter2254
    "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever."
  • @Thx1138sober
    Dear Disney and Hollywood, our family has found entertainment elsewhere, goodbye and good luck.
  • @NarrativeArcade
    I have tried to get funding in Europe for a feature I wrote. The gov grants organizations all use this type of bs metric. I was always asked if I could rewrite my story to be about immigrants (because I'm an immigrant and that seems to be my only defining feature according to these idiots). Basically what Disney decided to do is handle the filmmaking process like government would. I foresee the same results. Decided to start a channel and build an audience instead. Most of the mainstream pipelines to get projects off the ground are ideologically captured.
  • @dodonpachi8201
    If 50% of actors/characters/etc must come from underrepresented groups, wouldn't that make those groups overrepresented?
  • @nopenope2550
    What Mauler said about Sweet Baby eventually going down hit the nail on the head. They still killed games, and when the company dies the people on staff will just go elsewhere. The idea doesn't die because the company does. The people are still there, they still believe the same BS, and you have to be aware of them because they will kill more games. What I'm saying is follow people, not companies.
  • @philw8049
    The world has truly gone off the deep end when we hire pilots based off filling a checkbox instead of who is most qualified to fly the friggin plane…
  • @JoeMercersWay
    Killing your company with racism against your only talent
  • @johnmurdoch8534
    This diversity quota nonesense would have no bearing on reality anywhere outside of some big cities or the coasts. The world isnt a college brochure.
  • @jkfozul2316
    I'm so glad you clipped this into it's own video! It's like a nuke in the arsenal for people defending their positions against current era Hollywood!
  • My problem is that their “inclusion “ isn’t actual inclusion. All the ppl they hired under this guise are grossly incompetent and unfit for their job. Even when I boil it down to 50 percent actors thing. As a black person their is definitely a racist history in Hollywood, however, their is a proper and/ir easy way of mending those grievances. Like drinker said the Roman Empire wasn’t filled with African Americans 🤷🏽‍♂️, wouldn’t make sense tbh (of course there can be some- historically there were even Asian traders present in the Roman Empire). But the whole point is to execute a touchy subject properly, unfortunately Disney is full of pandering idiots.
  • @joelt2002
    I'm glad drinker said "stopping is not enough". About a year or so back he had released a video claiming he was afraid of us "going too far in the opposite direction". It's like, "dude". Let's stop the progression first then get it back to where it was before you start fear mongering about going too far the other direction. We are nowhere close to even returning to the 90's on how entertainment was being handled. It's not enough to just vote with your wallet. You need to make it a cultural backlash that makes these companies afraid to jump on ship with the woke nonsense. You need to write an email/letter to the company telling them that you're done becuase of it. They need to see a direct consequence and they need to hear it. Else they will just ignore it and pretend their failure is due to something unrelated.