I Rented a Raccoon to Simulate Having a Child

Published 2022-12-16

All Comments (21)
  • @yanoushka
    "Hundred years ago, dad's only job was to get drunk and inflict permanent psychological damage on the family. when did the rules became so complicated ?" I cried
  • The part where you wonder why you’re doing so much for Oliver when he doesn’t appreciate any of it is honestly the most practice you could get for having kids
  • as a mom to a 1 year old this is definitely what it feels like to have a toddler. especially when you planned an entire party and said the raccoon didnt care. me too
  • The fact they found out she was pregnant the day the raccoon showed up 😂
  • @matterwiz1689
    "all he wanted to do was hide under the table and eat cheezits off the ground" that's exactly what i was like as a kid. This is a perfect simulation of parenthood.
  • @ThePenguinMan
    “Don’t worry, I gave him a gun.” Is the most American thing I’ve ever heard.
  • @CheshieD
    Watching this knowing that they found out they were having a kid the same day the raccoon arrived oddly makes the stress in the video make more sense
  • @AyshaLovesYou
    As a parent to a three year old, I can say that this is exactly what raising a toddler is like. The only thing that’s different is the raccoon won’t give you constant sass while yelling at you all the time.
  • @csquared1331
    “All he wanted to do was hide under the table and eat cheezits off the ground”. Having a toddler myself, I would say this sounds like pretty spot on toddler behavior.
  • @PaulHofreiter
    It’s actually shockingly similar how that raccoon acted compared to a toddler, speaking as a parent, minus the actual achieved height of the climbing.
  • @indig0icee
    Giving the raccoon a Nutella gun next to the decorative cream pillow gave me an inordinate amount of anxiety
  • @jenshere2090
    Ok, wildlife rehabber here. I was ready to HATE this because of the whole “renting” of this poor raccoon. (Rehabbers are not fans of anyone keeping wildlife as pets.) I have to say, I found this hilarious! The raccoon was obviously well taken care of and really seemed to be enjoying himself while trying to destroy your home in the process…lol. Have no fear, you two are going to make fantastic parents!
  • @Nybson
    “Having a child is either a living nightmare, or this raccoon isn’t a good substitute for a kid” Probably both.
  • The fact that your Raccoon tail is actually a butt plug is effing hilarious. “The seller didn’t give me anything to attach it with.” Well played William😁
  • "We had to sing quietly so we wouldn't scare him." As someone that use to cry whenever people sung Happy Birthday to me as a child, I appreciate that lol.
  • @stokhosursus
    First favorite part @ 7:58. Oh! They gave you a way to attach the tail, but probably not in the way you’d appreciate too much. 😂
  • To be honest, that raccoon acted better then 80% of human children
  • @gatsbysdead
    I was fully expecting this to be the worlds most elaborate pregnancy announcement
  • @nikkig4802
    The raccoon teaches the most important lesson about children, just cause you buy it or think they’ll like it doesn’t mean they will. And hide your garbage