Adam and Eve's perspective

Published 2011-10-07
discussion of how Eve must have been thinking during the events surrounding her rebellion against god.

All Comments (10)
  • @QuestioningJW
    Very great perspective! It realy seems as if Adam and Ever were setup...I take issue with the entire story of Genesis....if we as humans are made in God's image...why is it that we would never think of intentionally placing a temptation in front of our children, and then killing them because they partook of it...and yet this is what God did.
  • @thetruthrover
    @QuestioningJW indeed. God did place a temptation in the garden of Eden. and what's more, the angel he put in charge of helping and watching over Adam and Eve became corrupted as well. i almost wonder if Adam and Eve were a test for Lucifer.
  • @RODikUlus
    Another great video. Also, if God knew that He made humans in his image, He would have known how irresistable having knowledge would be. He's the freakin one who put that desire there in the 1st place. YHWH truly is an unfit parent. Child Protective Services..where R U?
  • @thetruthrover
    @RODikUlus i think you are right. It doesn't matter how perfect you make something, it will always have the potential to fall apart. The only way to keep whatever it is you have made intact, is to take care of it. Jehovah left Adam and Eve (his perfect creation) in a garden with a poisonous tree and an equally nasty snake. He should have intervened, and since he did not, has only himself to blame for the consequences.
  • @thetruthrover
    good point. And if Adam and Eve never partook, sooner or later one of their offspring would have.
  • @RODikUlus
    Another way to see this was a setup, is God telling this inexperienced couple to not to eat from knowledge tree. Why did He put 2 angels and a flaming sword as a deterent later? Then God ADDS to his original statement of what their punishment would be! YHWH will change the rules whenever He wants to.
  • @thetruthrover
    @RODikUlus Yes, if man was created in god's image, thus granting him a measure of love, justice, wisdom, and power, then he should be able to use these faculties when trying to understand his god. And if certain things don't add up, might the reality be, the god of the bible was created in man's image, causing him to inherit his sense of love, justice, wisdom, and power? That would indeed make for a 'stupid god'.
  • @RODikUlus
    @thetruthrover - For some reason, Chrisitians let their God escape all blame. It truly is a deep brain wash. What's crazy is YHWH doesn"t even warn his inexperienced creations that they have a common enemy, but that the enemy is much more powerful, and intelligent than they are. Then at least it could be said that God did one proactive thing in this story. Why did YHWH create the tree of knowledge, with the ability to do the very thing he never wanted happening. What a stupid "god".