An exquisite yakitori restaurant run by a beautiful owner. TORI希 焼き鳥 japanese street food

Published 2024-04-12
Hello! "Japanese Kitchen Tour".
This channel introduces Japanese food culture, chefs' techniques, and Japanese food.

In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, street food stalls), we will introduce a variety of gourmet foods such as local Chinese food, big-serve restaurants, Japanese street food, and sweets.

This time, I would like to introduce ``TORI Nozomi'', a yakitori restaurant located in Yatabe, Taishi-cho, Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture.
This is a new store that just opened in 2023.
The owner, Saki, always spends her days with a smile.
The video introduces a lot of exquisite yakitori, sake, and obanzai.
Please watch till the end!

[TORI Nozomi Google Map]

[TORI Hope Official Instagram]…

[Japanese Kitchen Tour Official Instagram]

こんにちは!「 Japanese Kitchen Tour 」です。

日本の伝統的な料理( 寿司 ラーメン うどん そば 刺身 屋台 )などに加え、町中華やデカ盛り店、日本のストリートフードやスイーツなど、様々なグルメを紹介します。


【 TORI希 Googleマップ】

【 TORI希望 公式インスタグラム 】…

【 Japanese Kitchen Tour 公式インスタグラム 】


All Comments (21)
  • @Amathene
    She writes notes of gratitude to her workers on their paychecks. What an amazing boss!!
  • @ThaStranger11
    She's like one of the prettiest women I've ever seen and ambitious and kind to boot. What a catch, I wish her and her restaurant prosperity. 😍🙏
  • 日本人の仕事を見るたびに、秩序、正確さ、優雅さが調和して生み出される美しい製品を誇りに思います。
  • @silverb4ck192
    This lady is really grateful about what brought her to be able to live her dream, including the people surrounding her that also give 100% of themselves in this hard work. It is really beautiful to see. May this restaurant prosper and this owner get the endless reward of having happy customers. Considering how much heart is poured into this, I wish for it to be an endless success that will go on for generations.
  • @patreezzy
    i would work 7 days a week for saki. i know what it's like to work for people who think of you as nothing more than a name on a list. seeing the notes of appreciation on her employee's paychecks and the champagne toast at the end of a good service really hit a special spot in my heart. all love and best wishes on your success saki! being able to eat at your izakaya one day would be nothing short of an honor.
  • @zofo_5735
    She is so beautiful ❤and such a amazing chef 🧑‍🍳
  • @lorenzo3987
    Love and kindness make everything better.. the fact that she takes the time to write on each employee's salary envelop a personal note might seem like a little gesture but hides a ocean deep level of sensibility and spirituality. May the universe smile back at you every single day Saki.
  • @user-to8bx1tm4y
    めちゃめちゃ心優しい店長さんですね😊 素直で真っ直ぐな人
  • @Tarabows33
  • @tarkovtxusa6626
    I want to eat there and hug every one of them. They seem to be a genuinely sweet group of people and their food looks amazing.
  • @fredstah714
    Her genuine feeling and expression will be loved by her customers, her family and staffs. Blessings coming your way, Chef.
  • @montadar1
    Just seeing her tearing up talking about how grateful she is with the people working with her man I couldn't hold my tears back. What an amazing human being, we all need this kind of love and aura spread around the world. My dream is to travel to Japan. Many places I want to visit thanks to this channel and she is for sure one destination I really want to visit. Bless her, the workers and her family.
  • @alrensha7479
    It's clear she loves what she does and has a strong passion for cooking/people/seeing others happy. Makes you feel good
  • @brucetruong2619
    She is beautiful and her smile. Her smile can steal anyone's heart.
  • @nyknyk8171
  • @Measure_Head
    She’s beautiful inside and outside Amazing woman 🙏🏼
  • @KethoChusi
    What a genuine and passionate soul Saki-San possess. Many wishes for the progress of her collective dream!
  • @jj-rb9bf
    とにかく未経験から繰り出せるクオリティじゃないのよ👏 本当に素晴らしいチャレンジ、行動だと思います👏 経営者のみならず現場の戦力としてサービスに料理に魅せている姿がスタッフ、お客さんから応援される理由ですよね👏
  • My Heart melted when i saw Saki smile, Saki has a Pure Heart and Soul, it is great to see Saki loving her Job and Staff, what more does one need in life, surrounded by Loving people is true happiness, plus good food helps a lot😁