I'm Ditching "Transgender"

Published 2023-12-18

All Comments (21)
  • As a post op girl, I couldn’t agree more! Although transgender is a part of my history, it doesn’t describe me or who I’ve become since transitioning. ❤
  • @jimkragelund7517
    Very well spoken! As a 52 y/o trans person myself. Transsexual is what I relate with myself.
  • @vanhopecomedy
    Maya, this is one of the best videos you’ve done. I relate to this almost one hundred percent. I’m trying to find my place in the world and community as a trans woman. Thank you for your insight and heart and care.
  • @davkumi
    Maya, as an older transgender-transexual woman I so much agree with you. Some of us are simply binary and changed our gender and sex. I too don't identify with the non-binary trans community. Thank you for being such an eloquent spokeswomen for us transsexuals!😘
  • @deripocock4346
    Hooray for you Maya !! i transitioned m-f over 50 years ago, my problems since have been similar to most other women. i have little urge to identify with TG, yet i proudly acknowledge TS if i must be labelled.
  • @reneelove7513
    I have struggled awkwardly at times with saying to others I'm Transgender. But transsexual feels comfortable, and I'm elated knowing one more thinks like me . Happy holidays! ❤
  • @Piotrus208
    ❤You are an inspiration to all of us(followers) Your narrative shows the depth of your beliefs and your positive honesty. Personally I am in awe of your bravery in confronting all the challenges.
  • @xzsdfvdfbv
    I don't understand how "transsexual" is any more gender specific than "transgender"
  • I completely respect your choice to use whatever term you wish. For the record, I've only been on HRT for a few months and call myself a transwoman. Even if I have surgeries, I think I will always refer to myself as transgender rather than transexual. The reason being is this: I think we, in 2023, are currently in the hey-day of gender transitioning. It is almost mainstream nowadays. But I feel that there will soon be a big(ger) push back from the current mood in society. We've had our two steps forward and now is the time for 1 step back. I think the trans community need to stay closely knit and support one another rather than splinter into seperate groups (transexual / transgender / whatever else). You are free to do you and seek your own happiness, but for the sake of staying strong as a community and showing support for others who have yet to embark on their journey, I'll remain transgender. Additionally (and about this I have no opinion), I think you are also opening yourself up to criticism of the anti-trans activists. Aren't they going to say that; it's one thing to identify as a woman (ie your gender), but you can't change your chromosones (ie your sex)?
  • @SaraSpruce
    You do you Maya! Even though I technically fit under the term transsexual, having undergone medical transition, I dislike using it for myself because I feel it perpetuates the common misconception that being trans has anything to do with sexuality. That being said, I’m a huge advocate for everyone to use the terms they find most empowering for themselves, and think that no one should have a say in what labels others use for themselves. It’s definitely important that we as a community can discuss these things without immediately being at each other’s throats, and because of that, thank you for making this video! It's honestly quite refreshing to see a person assert their identity without putting other people down.
  • "More questions than answers" is something I can relate to Tbh at this point I kinda feel like the whole concept of gender isnt helpful. Not when ur talking about about individuals at least. All it does is iron out all the little things that make each of us special and unique. And makes the world a grey and boring place instead of a beautiful rainbow ❤
  • @jamesnorman893
    My wife stopped using any term to identify herself except female/woman. She was trans but after her final surgery she considers herself female, as do everyone else. It isn't an issue in her life
  • @stephcooper5998
    Maya, I am a woman first and my transition was due to an error at my birth. I also am a Trans Woman and will always support my community. Personal relationships require disclosure, IMO. Be comfortable with your labels, and someday we can stop and be people.
  • @robertleahy7842
    Maya, I love these videos where just sit down and tell us your thoughts. I have watched you grow into the person you are now. Always speaking with intelligence and honesty. Keep it up ! You are a beautiful person.
  • @Krysten_now
    I disagree with the continued "Ideology" language. That is the talking point of the right. Reclaim and use the term transexual. Its a matter of squares and rectangles. Transexual is a subset but will forever be part of the larger community. I have had HRT and surgery. There are things that we exclusively experience but we are not so different than someone else in the community that has for example socially but not medically transitioned. The community is not a monolith but we can't play us vs them in today's environment.
  • @dawna4185
    To be honest, I am tired of all these labels generated by society....it seems to be causing too much division and hatred. I say just be ourselves, whatever that is!! NO more labels! Love your channel!
  • @Diamoondust
    maya, i think it's great that you have found your own identity and expressed it with us. it's great to have kept with you over the years, watching your videos, and seeing you transition into the mature woman you are now. i wish i could be where you are right now. unfortunately, i wasn't given the opportunity to transition, and i have been silently suffering in my dysphoria, only opening up very slowly, so some people that are close to me. i'm honestly kind of losing hope, i don't think i will ever be in the situation you are in. also, while i respect your decision, do keep in mind that you probably wouldn't be able to distance yourself from "transgender" if you didn't pass as well as you do. it's definitely a great privilege to have, and it's the result of your long and arduous journey, but do keep in mind that a lot of people who identify as binary transgender aren't necessarily different than you. that's all, i'm very proud of you, and i will keep following you because you are an awesome human being ❤❤❤
  • people like you don’t realise how special you are you are amazing intelligent and beautiful ps i’m trans to x
  • Girl, our transitional timeline is so similar. It is insane. I totally know where you are and how you're feeling right now. And you couldn't be more correct. The umbrella term of transgender is so much that I don't understand it. So how can I expect anyone outside of the community? Understand it. Separating myself from the term and just using transsexual is much better, more direct, and it just makes more sense. Overall. Overall. Kudos to you for putting that out there
  • @toddlarchuk
    Maya, there you go again, flashing that sexy brain of yours. It's always refreshing to hear your clear headed and logical thoughts. Listening to you over the years has done a lot to set my mind straight about transsexual and transgendered people.