2 Years Post-Op | Gender Reassignment Surgery

Published 2022-10-03

All Comments (21)
  • @scoobykitty
    Thank you for your honesty. More and more trans people(male and female) have been speaking out about the problems they've had with bottom surgery and their doctors post-op. I am starting to think that we are pushing these surgeries before we really have perfected them. These doctors should be more honest about the side effects and limitations.
  • @pauldacus4590
    I'm an old geezer with a wife & 3 kids, and I am not entirely sure why youtube put one of your vid's in my recommended list, but one thing I can say after watching several of them is: You Are Tough As Nails! Your descriptions of the medical issues you've gone thru make me want to curl into a ball & whimper and cry. Oh my God.. I cannot imagine going thru this. I stubbed my toe this morning, and I will probably complain & whine about it until 2028. My only suggestion for these great videos: Don't address trolls, f|_|ck those f|_|ckers..
  • @janetteesther
    I have respect for you. Some people glamourize the surgery and don't receive enough info. Your channel, your words, your honesty.
  • I have no idea why YouTube put this video on my feed but I decided to watch anyway and my thoughts are this - I am so sorry you have gone thru this gender dysphoria as I am sorry that anyone goes thru it, that being said, I still believe that you are a woman only in your head. No amount of surgery can make you a real woman. Thousands of years from now if your remains are dug up, anthropologists will say "this was a man". I'm sorry if that offends anyone but it's just facts. The part that really bothers me is that the trans people want those of us that live in reality to affirm their delusions. All I can say about your sexual partners is that I hope that you are honest with them about being trans because if you're not and they find out, you could get hurt or even killed, so just be careful
  • @julyreverie
    it’s so crazy you just posted this update i just watched all your other videos last night 😮 as a trans woman i just want to thank you for being so open and honest about your experience it helps to have the extra perspective
  • @tasdefeuilles
    Loving the discussion on transparency and taking responsibility for our own health, I swear critical thinking is getting lost these days. I’m glad you’re healing well now!
  • @dorothywalters7448
    New viewer here!! I'm a retired mental health therapist and I'm very impressed with your presentation of YOU!! Your confidence shows so don't let the negative people make you question yourself. Good luck sweet lady, you will do well in life.
  • @hothatch1520
    You are an inspiration for bravery and candid honesty. You contribute SO much to teaching everyone about what this journey is about. Thank you !
  • Your class and honesty is like no other. I am really happy you decided to make this video and even more happy that things are going well regarding your GRS. I've wanted to get my GRS for awhile now and appreciate your candidness in this regard. Although it's scarry and knowing it might be a couple years of hell on many fronts before the healing is complete, seeing you reach it and being so happy gives me such great relief. Thank you for your honesty and positive vibes 💜
  • I watched a Blair White video with a detransitioner because I wanted to hear what they had to say. It was a new take for me as a trans ally. It took me down a rabbit hole of Blair videos until I really was so scared for every trans person ever. Thank you for sharing a story with both ups and downs instead of just one side of the story. I think your stance on not recommending the surgery makes the most sense of anything Ive heard. You are gorgeous and I wish you all the best!
  • @amandarose4399
    I genuinely appreciate your transparency about this. It can't be easy speaking about something so personal but it is SO needed right now, so thank you for your message and thank you for your strength.
  • @TheVsmith8
    This is the first video I’ve seen of yours. I think your approach to this very complicated subject feels genuine and caring. You look super classy not over the top with tons of makeup, the off one shoulder top, and gigantic boobs. You look like a regular classy lady. Very pretty and put together.
  • @EowynG191
    Thanks for speaking honestly and openly about the reality of your experience. This is the first video of you I've ever seen, but my opinion is that you are genuine. I appreciate you not trying to look happy for the camera and just being and speaking normally. It doesn't look like you're putting on a show, just talking about what you've seen, felt and learned along the way. Thanks for that :)
  • @jaspertheboat
    I’m so glad you’ve used this as an opportunity to educated and be REAL about the surgery. I’ve watched you years ago when I thought I wanted to transitioned and loved your personality! Thank god for trans people who are truthful about their experiences and actually want other trans people to be better educated and researched about srs ❤ so glad you’re back x
  • @APRNCafe
    Your honesty is amazing and the fact that you are willing to be so open in the face of so much resistance to your frank discussion speaks to your courage. You are beautiful.
  • This is the most sensible approach that I have ever seen on this subject. Kudos to you young lady.
  • @thereal_kpatz
    Your authenticity is literally the most attractive thing about you. It is hard to find people who are prepared to be so vulnerable. Thank you for your honesty and openness. It is valued and I know that you will keep living your truth and I for one will be happy to see your videos on food , fun and travel as you roll along thru this crazy life.
  • @cessna1729
    Maya If I had passed you on a city street somewhere I would have noticed you because you are very attractive, but I would have never guessed in a million years that you had gone through the transition from male to female. I appreciated hearing your story. Best of luck to you in your new life.
  • Maya, I happened on your video via Twitter and just felt I needed to comment. I have always loved being a girl and saddened about people who don't feel happy with their body. I thought your video was very informative. I think you look beautiful and very classy. Thank you for your openness and honesty. I wish you a lifetime of happiness and good health in the new Maya. 🥰
  • I am a woman and a mother. I would never tell that you were born a man not only because you are stunning beautifull but also because you talk and behave like a woman. No histerical voices or gestures. You are very intelligent and clever and that makes all the difference. You deserve the utmost respect ❤