Sora and Riku: Their young appearance, clothes, and time travel • Kingdom Hearts Analyses

Published 2020-01-29
Dream Drop Discuss playlist •    • Dream Drop Discuss  

0:00 • Beginning
0:44 • Why Sora and Riku look younger
2:21 • Sora and Riku's new clothes
3:56 • Addressing why their appearance and clothes are inconsistent
7:11 • Did Sora and Riku actually time travel
7:51 • Case for them actually time traveling
11:34 • Case for them entering Destiny Island's dreams of the past

Video transcript PDF •…

TSR discussion blog •

My free edited KH stock •

Thank you 13th Vessel for the DDD dialogue rips!

Music used in video • Destiny Islands, Kingdom Hearts II

All Comments (21)
  • @MartenDE
    My favorite thing in this video is the fact that one hypothesis relies on the fact that MIckey is, in fact, a mouse.
  • @jamescreed9728
    I watched this while high and damn near had an exsistential crisis
  • @Evnyofdeath
    DDD is definitely the most complex entry in the series when it comes to lore and the fundamentals of the universe. Nomura gave us all the cards and assumed we'd be able to follow along, not realize he'd written in an alien language.
  • @Etrodecim
    I want to address the time travel point you brought up. in KH3's San fransokyo world, Dark Riku told Sora "unlike a certain Wizard you know, I had to play by the rules to travel through time. which meant leaving my body behind." Which means Yen Sid's method of time travel is different than the Organizations because he can somehow bypass the rules. Thus Sora and Riku didn't need to leave their bodies behind in DDD when traveling to KH1.
  • Thank you very much for the wait, everyone!! This one took forever to create for a multitude of reasons, but I hope it helps! If I see any FAQ, I’ll answer them here :) Dark Riku in KH3 mentions how "a certain wizard you know" (Yen Sid) doesn't have to abide by the rules of time travel. -- For me, this is the same sense of evidence of Yen Sid, Xigbar, and Goofy all saying that Sora and Riku actually time traveled as well. It still doesn't explain at what point Sora and Riku returned to DDD's time. I would also think how could Yen Sid, just by using magic, not suffer any of the consequences Sora suffers in KH3/ReMind? Would Yen Sid be breaking a 'nature taboo'? And I'm assuming Xehanort is a more powerful person then Yen Sid, other wise why wouldn't Yen Sid just fight him on his own? But if Xehanort truly is more powerful, why is Xehanort not able to overcome the rules like Yen Sid is? I'm not saying you're all wrong, I just wish Nomura would better explain himself if this is his answer.
  • @alexxio8656
    Love when you used the Namine with moogle art work and the moogle sound at 3:54 it just fits perfectly. Amazing vid overall
  • @Toxin__0
    I feel like Ansem remembers Riku noticing him because this isnt really Ansem Riku is talking to. That's just Rikus darkness. It manifest itself as Ansem and this was Rikus test to become a master. To conquer his darkness. He remembers Riku seeing him because he was with Riku the whole time.
  • @docxy7331
    The raft was gone in kh1 cause ddd sora and riku stole it.
  • @blksheepramirez
    We can all agree on two things 1. Secret Reports is easily one of the best Kingdom Hearts channels on YouTube, no debate 2. Phantom Ursula was Papa Nomura’s attempt at making us hate her even more
  • @TheLemonsims
    Your formatting and style is so......SIMPLE AND CLEAN! I absolutely love it.
  • @ciennaquidd6486
    Hm. My take on this was always that. Upon diving into the dream worlds, both characters now had a 'dream self'. In the sense that, even though Riku ended up back in the real world in TWTNW, he was still his dreamself. That his real body was still asleep alongside Sora. Until he was woken up, in which case he was his older self. Then he dives back into Sora's dreams, becoming his dreamself again. Theoretically, once Riku reaches TWTNW he could return to Yen Sid's tower and see himself sleeping there. This is also why Sora and Riku are still their dreamselves when everybody goes to rescue them even though they are alongside clearly awake characters like Lea and Mickey. And by the time of the end of the game, Sora is no longer taking Yen Sid's test, so his dreamself no longer is under Yen Sid's magic and it returns to his KH2 look.
  • @magicsquire1500
    PLEASE do more of these sort of videos!! Your content is incredible and a much needed addition to Kingdom Hearts Youtube
  • @Altelier
    YES! I fucking LOVE how much quality you put into your content. It's the personification of Chef's Kiss
  • @normal6483
    Regarding the lack of comatose physical bodies: there's precedent in the series for physical bodies kind of "disappearing" whenever the heart or soul leaves. Nobodies don't rise up from the exact place the heart is lost - they disperse and reform elsewhere. Likewise, when Maleficent time traveled it was because her body was completely destroyed, but she was able to form a physical appearance at the destination all the same. Dead Sora in KH3 had his body split up into 333 identical pieces, and he didn't even need all of them to go back to normal. It seems like the "physical" body in KH is a lot less physical than it seems. So when Sora and Riku leave their bodies and go to the past, their bodies sort of disperse into nothing. Then, when they return to the present, their bodies reform around them. Perhaps the reason Riku didn't have his body back is because he hadn't gone to Mysterious Tower yet, where the pieces of his body were waiting. And when he went back into Sora's dreams, his body dispersed again and he was back in Dream Eater form. (The youth bit is still weird, but a "dream self" probably has more leeway on appearance.) Meanwhile, when Sora went to the dream worlds in modern times, he didn't have to leave his body behind because he wasn't time traveling.
  • @drgeniusphd
    I personally think that they both time traveled and were in a dream. They went to sleep and in order to access the Sleeping Worlds (a feat that Yen Sid implies to be difficult even though Sora and Riku and the Organization manage it), Yen Sid sent their dreamselves back in time to the only Sleeping World he knows they would definitely both have access to: Destiny Islands, when it fell asleep in KH1. This also explains why Ursula is there: she isn't summoned by anyone, she's just a dream Sora is having of his past. She might have been summoned by Ansem or someone (she says "he was right" about them being in DI) but I think her being a dream is supported by her just disappearing after they defeat her. It's also the reason why they're in their younger forms in the dreamstate and when Riku is functioning as Sora' dream eater; they started the exam by dreaming about their past lives. Everything about the opening sequence in Destiny Islands points to it being a dream that Sora and Riku are having together, especially them reliving their raft building. It also makes Destiny Islands the first of the seven keyholes. I know you think that their bodies not showing up in the cutscenes rules it out, but it actually makes more sense to me that they'd be in the next room and dragged Sora out once things got serious.
  • I love these videos so much. They're so incredibly crafted, not only in terms of how well you build your analyses, but god the VISUALS are beyond belief.
  • @arnistle
    My gosh I love these videos. The visual/audio aesthetic is of a premium quality that is only rivaled by your theory crafting abilities!