ADVANCED Lifting Strategies (Maximize Your Gains!)

Published 2024-03-16
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00:00 Geoff Says Hello
00:15 Assumptions (BASICS!)
01:06 #1 Progression is SLOWER
03:34 #2: You KNOW a lot about training (success leaves clues)
04:42 #2a Volume
05:54 #2b Frequency
06:12 #2c Intensity/Loading
06:34 #2d Failure/RIR
09:07 #3 Staying Healthy/Injury Prevention+Management
10:45 #4: Technique/SFR/Optimal Exercise Selection
12:39 #5 Specialization Phases
13:32 #6 Diet/Bulking/Cutting/Recomping
14:56 #7 More specific goals
15:47 #8 Process focused?
17:09 #9 Fewer sources of information
18:33 #10 You are sacrificing MORE, to get it worth it?

Chart from:

Book 1: SWEAT (beginners/intermediates)
Book 2: Ring Training For Hypertrophy (ring enthusiasts)…
Book 3: Resurrecting Your Gains (intermediates/advanced lifters)…

Can check the site for full Tables Of Contents of each book. Appreciate the support!

Custom Training Plans and One-On-One Mentorship:
Email geodude412 (at symbol thingy) yahoo (dot symbol thingy) com
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All Comments (21)
  • @xntumrfo9ivrnwf
    I imagine being advanced is like wishing you could go back and watch your favorite show/movie as though you were watching it for the first time
  • @Ahmad-ru4ou
    I will watch this once I am advanced 🥲😭😭
  • @penumbrium
    i def think the bulk of your content is for intermediates but is explained very well and that makes it understandable to a beginner.
  • @lucasjay1000
    Advanced lifter here. 16 years of at least 4 days a week lifting. This is one of my favorite channels currently
  • @NekoJet91
    Why would anyone complain about lack of content for advanced lifters? If you are advanced then you already should be your own best coach, since you figured out what sort of approach and fine tuning works for you specifically and was able to break through intermediate phase into lifting endgame. Maybe a professional coach can help you if you work personally, sure, but "10 tips" sort of video isn't something truly advanced people need, imo
  • @DCJayhawk57
    I think it's important to note that advancement is kind of body part specific. If you have significant weak points, those muscles groups are by definition not as advanced (developed) as others. Training age alone is an unreliable indicator. You will always have a genetic weak point, but with time, you can have really even development like you see with pro natural bodybuilders who have been in the game for 15 years or more. I also think that your frame plays a big role. If you're short and slight, the amount of muscle you can possibly build naturally is a lot less than someone tall and broad. Taller lifters often complain that they can't fill out their frames, but I think it's a blessing. It takes longer, but you have more of a runway for gains. If the surface area of your back is 50% larger than the average person, just think what it will look like when you develop it accordingly. I think overall, it's relatively fruitless to worry whether you're advanced or not. Don't confuse a plateau with reaching a limit. A hard limit may not even exist until you reach old age. That's why tracking your progress and consistently working on technique are important, adding reps or weight over time is the best way you can tell if you're making gains. Stay disciplined on the journey and one day you'll see yourself and be like, "damn."
  • @BrofUJu
    Wow, thanks for showing that 5 years of training clip. I've been going hard for 2.5 years and feel confident I've got a better chest and back. Always good to see actual nattys to have a baseline to compare to.
  • Your channel has had a huge impact on my natural bodybuilding journey bro... Motivation wise and informational wise. Your channel is game changing... I would go as far as to say life changing. Keep up the good videos... And keep spreading that knowledge. Your making a huge positive impact on the fitness community. Your one of the good ones. Your the only dude that claims being a "natural athlete" that I actually believe. Just the way you carry yourself and talk yourself... I actually believe that your a lifetime natural. Your an inspiration for us all brotha.
  • @edwardgrzyb8591
    Doing a dropset on a first set can help measuring a slow progress. One might be stuck on X reps in OHP, but his dropset can still be climbing, indicating he's more and more juice left after his primary set (so in time one will reach level needed for X+1 reps).
  • @bgdnt
    I think that video is also useful for intermediates who thinks that they are advanced. It really helps you understand what stage you are at now. Because some people dont actually quite understand WHAT IS begginer/intermediate/advanced in terms of lifting. Its not some numbers on certain lifts, its how you close to your theoretical natural peak.
  • Knowing oneself (as an individual) is one of the more important aspects of being advanced, I’d say. Great stuff, Darth Geoff 💪
  • As someone who has been following the channel for many years now, I have made a ton of progress (thanks btw) and I'm definitely at a point where youtube fitness as a whole is providing less value. While I would consider myself intermediate, I'm looking forward to learning more about more advanced approaches
  • @k3tamine
    Geoff, I have never been to the gym before, but I have watched almost all your videos. Would this mean I am an advanced lifter? I have been telling people this for years
  • @huglug9195
    Very excited for the more advanced targeted content!
  • @atdyeam1605
    Geoff rocking the gym bro hoody so the advanced lifters take him seriously haha
  • Loving the process has been the most important thing for me. I don’t ever see myself not lifting weights or chasing hypertrophy. Thanks for helping show what it looks like to be higher up on the mountain.
  • @Yoke047
    Love the big videos The bigger the better