Jewish Man Encounters the Virgin Mary - Roy Schoeman Conversion Story | Catholic Video

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LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE THIS TESTIMONY! Help us honor our beloved mother, Mary, by spreading the beautiful ways she still leads us to her Son, Jesus Christ.

コメント (21)
  • This is my favorite testimony I have ever heard. I’ve shared it with all my closest friends and have watched it three times in the last 24 hours. I am a Jew raised secular new age pagan and has a mystical encounter with Jesus in my twenties. After much wrestling and resistance was finally baptized Catholic in 2006 ( more than 10 years later). Now my son is a priest. Our lord is my King, Father, husband and savior.
  • “You can go skiing, or you can work for the 2nd coming. It’s your choice.” 🤣😅
  • Beautiful story. We share so much with the Jewish Faith. We are the Continuation and Fullfillment of it. God be with you.
  • This is the best testimony that i have ever saw.! May God bless him.
  • You are blessed! Thank you for your testimonies! I was Methodist, Baptist & " saved" with a very real experience if the Holy Spirit entering me & was blinded no more...the veil was lifted & I could "see". I married a Catholic & decided our new life together would not be devided so I became Catholic. That was 41 years ago & have just recently come to a greater understanding of Mary. Oh how much time I have wasted not considering her as WHO she truly is. A vonverted Lutheran friend of mine has greatly encouraged me to understand & experience her love and yearn to continue to grow in all spirituality of our Holy Trinity & blessed Mother. Hail Mary, full of Grace...💕 I will use your testimony for a protestant friend who spent 2 yrs in classes becoming a follower of Judaism as opposed to Christianity.
  • Dr Schoeman came to Winnipeg a few years ago and shared his wonder-filled story! I have his two books and have read them with so much awe!
  • I love your English speaking I'm hope that God almighty give to me a wisdom in speakeng so that I can do my testimony the way you a Filipino.
  • Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
  • His testimony should move every Catholic who left the church with all its sacraments to return back to the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC and APOSTOLIC CHURCH, but most importantly to the PROTESTANTS who could not accept MARY. I am very much aware of the infidelity of the majority of the PRIESTS today and much more of the BISHOPS whom the clergies must obey even to closing down all churches during the COVID and as they themselves continually being disrespectful of the EUCHARIST giving it on the HAND, nevertheless a true catholic will never ever go to other sect but will stand firm and PRAY for the church and the priesthood and. be sad but happy to see even ONE TRUE SACERDOTAL who may not be perfect but has love for GOD. This one priest has always love for MARY. It is a fact for Mary is the MOTHER of the TRUTH, the GUARDIAN of the FAITH and a JEWISH MOTHER.She is the NEW JERUSALEM. And I believe that when the MIRACLE event happen being prophesized by many seers today, the miracle would be MARY. She will be seen in the sky by ALL PEOPLE hence, she is the MOTHER of MANKIND. Thanks for the testimony.
  • This is undoubtedly my favorite testimony I’ve ever heard! I recently experienced “the dark night of the soul” and abandoned the Catholic faith after having converted to Catholicism in 2008. My husband’s roots were Catholic and his grandfather had converted to Lutheran when he married my husband’s grandmother. My husband was raised Baptist and when he did his genealogy he discovered his Sicilian roots were Catholic. My husband now is the Director of Security protecting the Jews and still a Baptist in his heart. I pray fervently he will come back to his Catholic roots, and due to my frustration at his not becoming Catholic after years of praying, I abandoned the Faith and stopped Praying the Rosary, going to Mass and fell into deep despair. After having 2 annulments prior to becoming Catholic in 2008, my husband agreed to marry me in the Catholic Church after our Priest said he could marry me in the Church of his forefathers. And I wait…and I wait. And then I hear this - I think of the amazing calling my husband has of protecting God’s Chosen people and how God called me back to Catholicism…and I can never be anywhere else on this side of HEAVEN. It is the only real consolation I have and listening to this amazing testimony has given me HOPE that my husband will indeed come HOME. 🙏🔥
  • @lem4100
    I was born & brought up in RI until the age of 69. My family took me to Lassalette every year at Christmas time. I took my children their also. My sister & her children went also. We all loved it there. Christmas time of course was so beautiful. If you want to do a special confession, it's the place to go. Just wonderful there. I really miss it. Really enjoyed listening to you & will check out your other videos.
  • Kindly, I was watching your story, and I did my best to take it all in. I did not doubt you, and I listened intently…. I am not a Catholic, but I am a Christian. I ALSO deeply respect BOTH the JEWISH and CATHOLIC religions. NEVER would I MOCK nor DISRESPECT the way in which God has chosen to speak to a HIS Children. To imply that Protestants have chosen to ignore the truth greatly hurt me, sir. I am not a great person. I am a sinner, as we all are. MARY is, to me, an UNBELIEVABLY WONDERFUL HOLY person whom I could NEVER come CLOSE to understanding. I don’t have to be a Catholic to feel how BLESSED she was (and IS)! I believe that she WAS, and IS, as close to PERFECTION as a human can get. I would be humbled in HER presence. I am traveling to her house in Turkey on November 23, 2023, NOT because I am a Catholic, but because I ADORE the VERY THOUGHT of HER. I am going in the midst of a war, and I am taking my 86 year old mother. While I am not sure why you say we have chosen to “ignore or deny the TRUTH as Protestants , MY GOD, MY JESUS, MY MARY, MY HOLY SPIRIT, and MY SALVATION, I believe, do not lie in the hands of anyone other than THE FATHER in HEAVEN who speaks, not in YOU TUBE videos, but, rather in the whispers that both comfort me and perplex me. While I LOVE and ACCEPT the way HE speaks to you, I KINDLY hope you will respect the way in which HE speaks to others. Shalom.❤