While Exploring a Waterfall, I Noticed something Unusual

Following a 50 mile long spine of rock into a remote forest led me to discovering one of the most interesting waterfalls I have ever seen during a rare flood - stage.

Of course, I had to go inside of it.

And nearby, some unusual symmetrical geology in the riverbank and potential evidence of ancient human habitation. What do you think used to be here?

Had a lot of fun flying the drone here. Thanks for watching. - POV

#geology #hiking #ancientdiscoveries #waterfall #drone #backpacking #history #exploration #camping

コメント (21)
  • I've been travelling for six decades and have rarely seen land-based hydrodynamics as crazy as these. Thanks
  • I’m one of those 66 year olds who just loves watching your videos! Thanks for taking us with you! You are an example to all young people of what is important in this life, and as such you will excel!
  • @jak343434
    You and Desert Drifter always seem to upload on the same days. It's a nice combo to watch at work.
  • Your camera work is spectacular you take it in so many different places that we can never be. The Drone is also cleverly managed. I am 85 years old and have done lots of packing and discovering but nothing like what you do we never had Google Earth or GPS or drones or cameras that you're making such great use of all those tools. Thank you so much
  • Just been feeling sorry for myself about getting old and missing the long hikes, then this popped up! Thanks for taking this 83-year-old along. It relieved some of my anguish.
  • Thanks for picking up that beer bottle left by some clueless idiot. Many years ago, I was camping with some friends & our dogs in a semi-remote area of the southern Sierras. We hiked from our camp to a little waterall to swim. One of the dogs stepped on a piece of broken glass & got a bad cut on his leg. A real bleeder. We had a helluva time getting him out of there & into a jeep to drive to the nearest small town (Murphys). We took turns holding his leg over the wound so he wouldn't bleed out & made it to a vet. He ended up being okay but it was really traumatic & left me with a lifelong fear of broken glass & a strong dislike for the people who leave it behind. Please be careful.
  • Nice to see a series of natural waterfalls like this that haven't been molested by humans and incorporated into a park or something. Another great video, thanks for showing us this place!
  • Love your faithful companion and love to virtually accompany you two on your adventures.
  • I am mesmerized by those falls.. The flowing water is insane but also unbelievably calming. This video is great to have when you’re having an off day. Thank you for taking us along and thank you for sharing.
  • Once again you have taken us on a journey that shows us how unimaginable nature and natural surroundings can surprise us and make us feel how truly blessed and beautiful the planet we call home is. Great video and keep giving us your pov😊👏
  • Great videography...your channel is becoming a "can't miss " watch!
  • @cmpe43
    Please go back every so often and see how fast/slow it changes. I'm watching on a large screen and it's very coil. Thanks!
  • Wooo. The pareidolia stimulated by that rock image at 1:54 is extreme. Eyes, nose, mouth. Eye holes on the same level, triangular nose. Wonder what the ancient ones thought? Did they raise their hands to heaven? Sacrifice offerings to the mighty whirlpool? A treat of a trip, thanks.
  • 10:28 Wow. Look at all of those smoothly rounded edges and corners worn down by flowing water over millions of years. Some places look like holes have been cut by long gone, inexplicable, perfectly circular whirlpool activity. Interesting.
  • The amount of power in those waterfalls is insane!!! To look are the carved rocks and know that water cut those away over time! These videos take me back to my younger years when I spent tons of time exploring like you. Thanks for bringing the joy you do just by sharing your adventures!
  • Spectacular footage of waterfall, stream, and unusual rock and landscape. Was wondering why the water so brown? So cool that in what can seem a crowded world such wonderful places in the outback. Thanks for sharing your world of exploration and wonder!
  • WOW❤Stunning! Someone's already mentioned the skull at 4:15. That's just the first of many effigies and art that you captured! That place is special, and looks to have been an important spiritual/gathering place. The energy must have been palpable for you🤩 Great locale
  • There's a waterfall near Tucson that then flows underground - very scary box canyon.