He Entered the Unknown – and Cured Crohn’s Disease

“Having faith in the unknown, rather than obsessing with things I could control, made all the difference.”

When Krys was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease several years ago, he followed every treatment protocol his doctors recommended, including major surgery. But months later, he was still suffering with symptoms – and side-effects from more than a dozen medications. He realized he was looking for a sense of wholeness.

After discovering Dr Joe’s “Rewired” series on Gaia, Krys became the scientist in his own life; committed to healing by gathering data and studying himself. More and more, he saw a lifelong pattern of looking outside himself for healing and wholeness. Something to make the pain go away. And so – he went inside. Into the unknown. Krys became no body; no one; no thing; no where; in no time. “Through that work – through the energy work; through the meditations; through all the tuning in to the self I wanted to

Recorded at the Orlando Week Long Advanced Retreat in October 2023


About Dr Joe:
Dr Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher, lecturer, and corporate consultant, whose research has led him to develop a practical formula to help people transform their lives. Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He integrates that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness.

Connect With Dr Joe:
► Website: www.UnlimitedWithDrJoeDispenza.com/
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Dr Joe's Best-Selling Courses:
► Progressive and Intensive Online Course: drjoedispenza.com/product-details/Intensive%20and%…
► The Formula Online Course: drjoedispenza.com/product-details/The%20Formula?ut…

コメント (21)
  • @karikar2010
    I cannot tell you how on time this synchronicity is for me! I am writing this with tears of joy streaming down my face. I was literally just about to meditate when I thought maybe I should check YouTube to see if there are any new testimonials and lo and behold! This person who has been through the same thing as me! Healed! I’m so grateful and excited to do my meditation. I’m happy for you!! Thank you!
  • Having faith in the unknown, rather than obsessing with the things I could control......that's an important insight. Thank you for this powerful testimony!
  • So clear and helpful. I love when he says “Is this intentional? Is this what I want to be?”
  • @Lisa_M_V
    Meditation not medication ❤ Ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free… 😊
  • @kcopara1
    At 2:59, this is key. Most people ignore the importance of this to manifestation. Also he said "if nothing changes, nothing changes". Something always change, you are just not aware of it yet due to your current level of awareness. Be patient, you will eventually notice the change 🙂
  • I love the energy in his voice, the passion. Thank you for making your journey into the unknown and for sharing your amazing results. Though truly, vibrant health is how we are supposed to live. :) This our true state of being.
  • I healed IBS, MDDS and LS. 4 years Dr. Joe meditator🙌🦋🙏🏼
  • @mlowe7245
    The unknown that's where the healing begins. Thank you Krys. The sweet spot of the generous present moment. Thank you for your inspiring testimony. Thank you, Dr. Joe,.❤
  • A great testimony thanks for sharing makes me so happy each time I listen to peoples testimonies gives me the hope and strength I need to keep going
  • @laura-lb
    "The Pen and the journal was like my sword and shield", I can use it! Since I tend to compare some of my emotional states like William Wallace mode, I can become like Shakespeare, with my pen and journal
  • Great inspiring person! While watching these testimonials, now I have started to sit and feel love and courage for all those who are struggling and trying like me. This brings a shift. I am sending you all this love.❤️ ❤❤
  • I don’t know about everyone else but he got me fired up. Fantástico ❤it!!!!!
  • @LifeMindBody
    Thank you so much Krys for sharing your transformation experience. 🙏 Let us all heal, open your heart to the light!☀️
  • Thanks for your testimonial Krys, you have such a positive energy, you're a hero! ❤
  • Wow great to see another ibd testimonials. I have Crohn and this video motivated me. Thank you
  • @phoenixvoice
    Thank you so much Krys, so inspiring, one more source of beaty and truth in the world. Great footprint in human consciouness.💥
  • @hugoheros4928
    Can't wait for my first week long retreat in Dallas in August 🙌
  • @kelebekw8191
    Bravo, Krys! Thank you for sharing your healing with us ❤