Training "A" - Deads & front squat

Published 2018-01-13
Today went pretty well, I've been a little bit nervous to do this particular training day since my back is in recovery mode, but it went surprisingly well. Again keeping everything super f****** light and easy. I need my body to adapt to these unfamiliar lifts and rep ranges before I start throwing real weight around, it's challenging and it's different, but that's what I was looking for. Something I'm not used to doing, and something that's going to challenge me. So far so good, so this is the breakdown of how the day went

Training A

Front squat (on the box 45cm) 5x5 - I did a slow pyramid Style increase in weight to a top set of 225, or about 98 kg. It was weird from squatting to a box, but it went okay. I find that if I give it a little bit of a rocking motion which I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do, it makes it a lot easier on the knees. Also a side note, my knees have never felt so good during training, so I'm pretty happy about that seeing as my knee at one point almost had me in so much pain, I nearly quit my job and training for the sport all together. So that's a win

Deadlift 8x6,4,3,2,1,6,7,8 - worked up to 376 lbs x 1 or 171 kg. I did get my calculator out when I was training for that one, again the back is not in its best condition, but I worked up slowly trying to be careful, not too much speed as I don't want to torque the strained muscle, but it went well. I'm ordering a belt this weekend so I'm hoping that'll get to my house within the next week or two

Bulgarian squat 5x5 (each leg) worked up to 135 lbs or 61 kg. I actually got my calculator out for that one outside the gym. Who am I becoming?

Chin ups 5x9,6,5,4,3 (with more weight) - worked up to a top set of + 50 lbs or about 22 kg. I didn't get my calculator out for that one so, whatever. Close enough

French press 5x12 - I actually had a personal record on this today. Super gay I know, but arms are cool right? Went to 150 lbs or 68 kg on 4th set, dropped 20 lbs for the last set. Felt good, no real elbow pain in the one that's had surgery

Plank 4x1minute - generic Old Plank, this was too easy, I have to make it more challenging next session

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