🔥🔥 Great method!! When I saw how the Turks use this method I stopped throwing it away

Publicado 2024-07-24
In this video, "Your headlights will be like new! We restore old and faded headlights with our own hands," I will show you how to easily and safely restore the shine to old car headlights. Don't rush to change your headlights - they can still serve you! We'll walk you through every step, from headlight preparation to final polishing. You will learn how to properly protect a part of a headlight to see the result, use Coca-Cola for cleaning, and sandpaper of different grits to remove scratches. We'll also show you how to use acetone to polish and restore shine, and how to test the quality of remanufactured headlights.
- How to properly protect a part of the headlight for better results.
- How to use Coca-Cola to clean headlights.
- How to choose and use sandpaper to remove scratches.
- How to use acetone to polish and restore the shine of headlights.
- How to evaluate the quality of headlight restoration.
Restoring your headlights will not only save you money, but also improve the appearance of your car. This is a practical skill useful for every car owner.
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#headlightrestoration #DIYcarrepair #autodetailing #savings #headlightcleaning

Todos los comentarios (15)
  • @mplconsulting
    Most independent companies that replace car windows, such as Carglass, have a special polish for plastic convertible windows. You go there, tip a few euros, and a friendly employee will polish your headlights in no time at all with a machine and the special polish for convertible windows. You don't have to wait long because it doesn't take long. It's no work, the result is much better and lasts at least a year or two, if not longer (5 years for me). And the best thing about it is that it doesn't wash off in the rain or when you wash the car, the headlights stay in place, you don't have to do any work yourself and it doesn't attack the plastic! I can only recommend this method. Please go to a professional and don't do it yourself. Once the plastic of the headlight has been damaged by things like in the video, even a professional can't do much because in most cases the surface structure is already damaged!
  • Да вы батенька волшебник, про этот метод я уже лет 15 назад знаю, вы Америку открыли.))) Я убитые двигатели от триммера и бензопилы в коко-коле восстанавливал за 4 ре дня, делая из них совершенно новые. Этот напиток всю ржавчину на гвоздях съедал. Вообще интересный напиток, если он разъедает ржавчину, то что происходит у человека в желудке, страшно подумать ???.
  • This would work as well just using water and the sand paper.. as it's the sand paper that is doing it, not the coke. Just use a plastic polish.. acetone will melt ABS plastic.. still cloudy after acetone, wd40 wont keep it shiny after it wears off. No one will probably ask.. why was it all scratched up in the first place.
  • Да так делают турки, А кто не турок,тот берет зубную пасту и протирает фару, она счичает грязный слой с заводского защитного слоя лакасохраняя его ещена продолжительное время расхожов ноль,а кока колу можно выпить самому, через несколько лет ,можно посторить, а если желаеш покрыть лаком , сними 300 соткой старый защитный слой с водой, перетереть еще 400 или 500, а можно и не перетирать, и покрой лаком из балончика в два слоя , можно не снимать, но если без опыта можна снять , если легко снимается, а это развод, по востановлению фары
  • In Deutschland ist es verboten, Scheinwerfergläser aus Kunststoff aufzubereiten.😱😱😱😱 Viele Grüsse aus Germany
  • @LukaTricks68
    Great repair idea. I am surprised by this method.
  • WD-40 greift denn weichacher im Kunststoff an, und kann so zu mikro Reise führen.
  • @fullers1966
    And people drink that stuff watching that there's no way I would ever drink it
  • @user-ss7vh9ze5m
    Каша с топора, вместо колы можно было взять спрайт.
  • Da vy baten'ka volshebnik, pro etot metod ya uzhe let 15 nazad znayu, vy Ameriku otkryli.))) YA ubityye dvigateli ot trimmera i benzopily v koko-kole vosstanavlival za 4 re dnya, delaya iz nikh sovershenno novyye. Etot napitok vsyu rzhavchinu na gvozdyakh s"yedal. Voobshche interesnyy napitok, yesli on raz"yedayet rzhavchinu, to chto proiskhodit u cheloveka v zheludke, strashno podumat' ???.