The Secret CORELLIAN CORVETTE in Return of the Jedi

Published 2021-02-15
For almost 4 decades, a secret Corellian Corvette variant has been hiding in plain sight in Return of the Jedi. Join us on an exciting exploration of this ship, including a fan interpretation of the ship brought to life!

Brought to you by over 200 incredible supporters on Patreon:

3D Animation by Ryan Fletcher of Skyforge
   / @skyforgefilms  

Rendering and Interior modeling by Angelos Karderinis

All Comments (21)
  • @StuartLugsden
    All of EC Henry's designs are part of my headcanon.
  • @Joe-hj2fu
    In the next installment EC Henry turns around the camera using alien technology and discovers more forgotten ships.
  • @aka-red3946
    EC Henry: Drops new mystery ship design Me and most of the Star Wars fanbase: It's canon now
  • First of all: Best series. First of all: The renderings are surreal. And first of all: I could watch a full Disney+ series about the plot you created for this ship, the full stressful super-skilled squadron.
  • @Toon_Lucario
    In the future EC Henry will give us a whole fleet of these obscure ships
  • @blazer2123
    EC Henry: Displays his model of the Corellian CR110 Corvette. Also EC Henry: Casually pans past his hitherto unseen model of a Rebel Nebulon A. (0:16)
  • @squarks5509
    EC Henry: "this background ship is clearly different than the ep III Corvette and the ep IV Corvette." Me: "The corvettes in III and IV are different?"
  • @AVR7771
    “ ‘The Death Star’s shield is down, I repeat, the Death Star’s shield is down!’ was heard from the comms, and suddenly a ray of hope sparked in their hearts, but the battle was not won yet. Even though the Tantara´s battle group was mostly still combat effective, one of the gunships had been destroyed. All those lives lost in a single instant. But Breaker Squadron was not going to let more lives perish. The Sphaerolana was at the front of the battle group, as her powerful shields took most of the damage from the two star destroyers they were engaging, while her fighter squadron Green attempted to disable the enemy shields. Most of Breaker squadron was providing cover for Green Squadron against enemy TIE Interceptors; but suddenly there was an opening on one of the Star Destroyers. Two pilots from Breaker Squad flew their A-Wings with the skills only pilots from the Tantara had, and managed to land precise shots on the shield pod, immediately disabling it. “Shields down Tantara, all yours!” was heard on the flight control room. “New orders from Admiral Ackbar, to concentrate all fire on the Executor, we are going to push forward” was the response. The Executor was just ahead, behind the disabled Star Destroyer, but deep into enemy lines. But the Tantara was made for this. Her oversized CR-110 engines gave her the speed necessary to catch up. The Tantara accelerated towards the disabled Star Destroyer and fired her twin Apgar Dishes, obliterating what was left of the Star Destroyer in the process. The Sphaerolana covered the rest of the battle group with its shields from the remaining Star Destroyer, until they were out of range. But using her engines at full power took a heavy toll on the Sphaerolana, and damage was made to her power generation system, meaning her shields could only run at a fraction of their full power. Some hasty repairs where attempted but the Executor was already in range. The Executor was a massive Super Star Destroyer, and even though most of the rebel fleet was engaging it, little damage was visible. Fire on the Sphaerolana was heavy, and without the full power of her shields it could no longer protect the rest of the battle group. There was no time, the Executor had to fall or the lives of hundreds of crew members and friends would be lost. Under heavy enemy fire from fighters and turbo lasers, the same two pilots from Breaker Squad attempted the same maneuver that worked just moments ago on the Star Destroyer. Against all odds, the extreme skill of these pilots paid off, and they once again managed to land critical hits on the shield pod. The shields where down but now what? The Executor was too large for the Tantara´s Apgar dishes to take out quickly enough, and the Sphaerolana was losing power. Minutes were left for her total destruction, so many lives on the line, so many friends. But Arvel Crynyd was not going to let his friends die, not today. He, Green Leader from the Sphaerolana took a critical decision; he was going for the bridge. With the help from his incredible piloting skills learnt from fighting alongside Breaker Squad, Arvel did a trench run on the Executor as he approached the bridge. Suddenly, a hit on one of the engines of his A-Wing. He started to spin uncontrollably, but he could still make it. One of the X-Wings from Green Squad tried to cover him but was destroyed. He was so close, and he was going to save his friends. A few seconds later, he crashed his A-Wing into the bridge, killing him on the process. But the bridge was out, the Executor was losing control, the secondary bridge could not retake it fast enough before it fell into the Death Star’s gravity well. The Executor was destroyed, the Tantara was safe, the Sphaerolana took heavy damage and was barely operational but the crew safe; although she lost one of her best pilots, and the tide of battle was turned.”
  • This is one of the best fan-made Star Wars scenes I’ve ever seen. Absolutely incredible work to everyone involved!!
  • @edwardbryan9501
    If there are fan-made games for Star Wars, ECHenry should be consulted with for the ships.
  • @Scholar_Nosk
    Ship: Exists EC Henry: "But what if it had a Flight Deck?"
  • @BufftatJunkie
    No joke, appearing in four separate shots is big for these mystery ships. Great job on the video Henry and crew.
  • @philm7758
    "Honey, can you hang those shelves?" "Sure babe, I don't have anything to...nevermind. Sorry can't, EC Henry dropped a video"
  • @awayname5008
    "Like you might see the ships in modern Star Wars." You ARE modern Star Wars. Your stuff is just that good.
  • Honestly, these would make an epic pirate ship. I’d also like to think that the CR-110 was used by the Correlian Navy during the Clone Wars. I don’t think it’s been confirmed they had a navy, but it makes sense for a shipbuilding world like Corellia to have a self defense fleet pre-Empire. Also, maybe the unique Nebulon is a Nebulon A?
  • @BryceByerley
    5:01 Tony Stark: "That man is playing the 1984 Star Wars Arcade game. He thought we wouldn't notice...but we did."
  • @GunRunner106
    wasnt that the whole spiel with corellian engineering company that sold like the millenium falcon and the CR90s etc that every single ship of theirs was super customizable to the point that ships of the same class could and would look nothing alike?
  • @veer7948
    i just rewatched ur "forgotten ships" videos and thought: man i wish he´d put out more of them. and here we are :))
  • is there any chance of collaboration with the Thrawn's Revenge mod team? Nothing would make me happier than being able to command these ships in Empire At War but I am not sure if that would benifit EC Henry and the other amazing content creators that worked their a$$ off to make this gorgeous ship and many others.