History of Xi Jinping

Published 2023-01-11
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This would have been impossible without this incredible reporting by The Economist, I highly recommend listening to their full podcast for more details - www.economist.com/theprincepod
America Against America - www.amazon.com/America-Against-Wang-Huning/dp/B09R…
The Final Struggle: Inside China's Global Strategy - www.amazon.com/Final-Struggle-Inside-Chinas-Strate…
Coalitions of the Weak - www.amazon.com/Coalitions-Cambridge-Studies-Compar…

You can get in touch with me via Twitter: twitter.com/johncoogan

Disclaimer: This video is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as a primary source. I am not a financial advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Always do your own due diligence.

All Comments (21)
  • Thanks for watching, please ignore all the bots in the comment section, I will never ask you to contact me or give you financial advice. You can follow my real account on Twitter at twitter.com/johncoogan This would have been impossible without this incredible reporting by The Economist, I highly recommend listening to their full podcast for more details - www.economist.com/theprincepod
  • @Luvinist
    42:41 You failed to mention the millions that fled the Mainland were Nationalists who lost to the Communists in the last Chinese Civil War. Technically to this day the Chinese government in Taiwan still claims to the Mainland. This is not a conflict between independent nations but a civil war that is not finished.
  • Fun fact: xi lived in Iowa for a short time as a magistrate. It was the first state he visited. To him Iowa is America. He was studying new algaculture and farming practices. He did have some back ground in the rural life and nothing wrong with inproving food security.
  • Wang Huning deserve an episode about him. He has served three Chinese presidents, and the brain behind many policies.
  • @mcole442
    He's not hard to figure out. He's a survivor. He's able to adapt to any given scenario, and because 99% of everything is made in China through outsourcing, He's in the driver's seat economically, and he knows it👈
  • @TCWG87
    Small correction (@21:45): Bo did not flee to the US consulate in Chengdu to seek asylum, his former ally/police chief Wang Lijun did, out of fear of retaliation from Bo.
  • @jayearl3591
    Great content, as always. FYI... a small error: Bo's wife was actually accused of killing a British businessman (Neil Hayward), not an American, from what I understand. As you say, though, getting to the bottom of all these details is not always an easy task!
  • @user-um9sl1kj6u
    That’s like someone having their hand cut off and you don’t wanna talk about it. The more you shut it down, the worst it’s going to get because it’s just bleeding everywhere
  • @cobaltusa
    Excellent video. Easy to absorb the information and very entertaining at the same time. Great work thank you for what you do.
  • @Alterdeitsch
    I love the irony of discussing censorship, then saying we can't discuss this on YouTube
  • @EvilSmonker
    I’m very happy for this because despite being very interested in Xi personally I feel like he’s heavily overlooked in western conscious compared to someone like Putin or Kim (who have much less influence I believe).
  • Seeing Xi Jinping shake hands with the citizens is a cool sight, we are shown so much different stuff about China, but those people really admire him and you can tell
  • @honpor25
    bo did not flee to the US embassy, it was his subordinate wang lijun who tipped off bo and bo's wife's dealings and fearing for his life, he fled to the US embassy and exposed bo, causing bo to lose the power struggle vs xi
  • @moepharmo
    Key learning Points 1. have lots of connections 2. Stay clean 3. Don’t give up 3. Connect with all, don’t be hungry for power it will come to you. 4. Stamp out government corruption to prevent a revolution 5. Slow & steady & stay clean
  • Great stuff sirrah!! Made ALL the more compelling by your declining to put in some sponsor blurb! Excellent stuff and consider yourself one more subscriber forward....
  • @markdimeo7060
    An incredibly, informative, deep dive into the subject. Thank you for that.
  • @yojimbo3681
    I understand you want to frame this story as a rise to power story, almost like a villain story arc, but the truth is life of the average Chinese national today has far more freedoms than back in the 1990s. And this trend is only going to continue towards more freedoms. China has also gone through many internal regime changes since the 80s. Several things I spotted in this video: 1) No, it's not "risky" for a Chinese person to protest out in the streets. They protest about jobs, housing, pay, etc all the time. Hundreds of protests happen every year that's not reported on, because nothing ever happens, they don't get jailed or locked up, so the western media never reports on those mundane protests because there's no story to chase. 2) If you want to talk about the most prisoners in the world, America still holds that record, in both per capita and in total prisoner population (More than 2 million with 40% being non-White). And Rikers Island is still THEE largest prison in the world. 3) "Non-compliance would be met with swift punishment?" Nope. You're just speculating again. The reality is China has changed its policies FAR, FAR more times than America has in the past 2 decades, and to the benefit of its people. In America, you can vote for the other party, but you're just voting for the 1% in the end. China however, has shown real results for the 99%, despite its number of billionaires now surpassing the US. (Look up: "China is making new billionaires much faster than the U.S." - Hurun 2022 Global Rich List). 4) Tiananmen Square Protests: What people don't realize: And no one ever mentions this, including this video, is that there were real consequences for Deng after the crackdowns. How do you think Jiang Zemin became President of China? It was precisely because he handled the SHANGHAI protests peacefully, and was selected immediately to be the new President. And over the next 10 years, real internal change happened within China, reforms, continuing to open up, continuing to have more freedoms. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese tourists and international students go abroad EVERY year to western countries before the pandemic. Oh, and most all Chinese people over 30 still knows about the Tiananmen Protests, but the truth is, a lot of them just moved on. 5) There are actually other political parties within China. Small, and realistically not a challenge to the Communist Party, but they're there. Hence: official recognition of other, minor political parties in China. 6) The Communist Party specifically worked to lift 800 million Chinese people out of extreme poverty and into at least lower-middle income class with access to roads, 5G Internet, primary school education, etc, so you can't say that they don't care about the people. Canceled BILLIONS in African loans. Look up: "China Cancels 23 Loans to Africa Amid 'Debt Trap' Debate" - Source is from Voice of America, a Pro-US website. 7) Xinjiang. I can't type out their ethnic name because Youtube sometimes blocks it. But the truth is Saudi Arabia and the CIA has been pushing their form of Wahhabism into Xinjiang (Remember: the CIA took a lot of those prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that were fighting in Afghanistan which borders Xinjiang directly), started radicalizing the people of Xinjiang into actual terrorists that would chop off the heads of Imams for drinking alcohol (These are the same terrorists that would train child soldiers). Hundreds of knife attacks and bombings were happening all over Xinjiang prior to 2017. But once the anti-terror crackdowns began, not a single terror attack happened. All ethnicities in Xinjiang felt safe to go back outside again. The education camps were closed down in 2020. And every "whistleblower" that testified at the UN (While on a Chinese passport, stamped by a Chinese customs officer that allowed them to leave the country to go to the UN), never, ever, mentioned that anyone actually got killed by the authorities, or even died. And by the way, the US didn't even grant them political asylum, they just used them to testify at the UN for their own political purposes. Time Magazine did an article about how the US admitted they took NO refugees of that ethnicity in 2020. Source on Time article: Look up "time us admitted zero refugees last year" 8) Taiwan: The US officially recognizes that Taiwan island is a part of "One China". So, for the benefit of the Taiwanese people, you should encourage Taiwan to negotiate the One Country Two Systems policy where Taiwan gets to keep all of their current form of government, democracy, trade policies, everything, even military. The only difference is: China's PLA gets garrisons on Taiwan and, more importantly: No foreign power can EVER put weapons or soldiers onto Taiwan ever again. And THAT doesn't sit well with America, who really just wants to turn Taiwan into an economic vassal state. Source on Taiwan keeping its military: Look up "fmprc china taiwan one country two systems" - Directly from the Foreign Ministry of the PRC website gov cn itself: And I quote, "... Taiwan may become a special administrative region. It may enjoy a high degree of autonomy and may keep its military forces. The national government will not intervene in the local affairs of Taiwan." "Taiwan's current social and economic systems will remain unchanged, its way of life will not change, and its economic and cultural ties with foreign countries will not change.' A provision on setting up special administrative region was added to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China passed at the Fifth Session of the National People's Congress in 1982, providing legal basis for accomplishing "one country, two systems". 9) Most Chinese people supported the Covid lockdowns. Don't believe me? Now that China has completely opened back up, no more Zero-Covid Policy, the consumers in China are still not coming back out to shop. Why do you think that is? It's because most people in China are still afraid of the virus. No one was forcing them to stay inside anymore. 10) America started this trade war because they're afraid of the other country from becoming too powerful. People were even smashing up that country's electronics and cars out in the streets. That country I'm talking about is 1980s Japan. America forced Japan to sign the 1985 Plaza Accords which forced the Dollar to devalue against the Yen, making Japan less competitive, which contributed greatly to Japan's "lost decade" of the 1990s. And America wants to do the same to China today. Started by trying to ban Huawei, trying to ban TikTok, trying to ban everything except for the fact that US corporations like GM, Ford, Apple, Nike, Walmart, etc. are still making too much money from Chinese consumers who love American brands. So can't completely ban China. It's America that started the chip war, it's America that started the trade war, it's America that banned only China from the International Space Station (Wolf Amendment), but they've proven they don't need US help. China has landed rovers on both the Moon and Mars, independently built its own space station, has plans to establish a permanent Moon AND Mars colony. So, America could have had a real opportunity to lead the entire world in space exploration, but instead, gave China a very real and determined reason to be a global competitor instead.
  • @yeetian2774
    He spent some time in the farms in Iowa, USA in 1980s. The locals have highly complementary remarks of him. He spent 17 years in Fujian and eventually made that poorest province The fourth Richest province in China.
  • @Spider-Too-Too
    correction: Bo didn't flee to US embassy in Chendu, it was Wang who tried to apply for US asylum and Bo even sent out a dozen armed infantry vehicle from Chongqing to Chendu to lay siege of the US embassy
  • @Sajangrg69
    The guy basically went from digging ditches and eating grass noodles to having the most power in the world.