How to Easily Run Further, Longer and Faster

Published 2023-03-14
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I’ve had so many people tell me ‘I’m not a runner’ or ‘I can’t run’ recently, and yet I’m 100% so sure you could feel comfortable and confident running with a couple of the right tips around speed, technique, increasing your distance and how to think about your runs. If you want to enjoy running more, build your endurance and break that perception that running isn’t for you, this is everything I think you need to know to love it and find a happy running routine (: And if you don’t want to run and wanna workout in other ways, do your thing! 👏 As long as you’re happy and feeling good, you’re working out perfectly 🙌

A slightly better heart rate max estimator to help you find 70% of Heart Rate Max as your Zone 1 threshold:

Here’s a short reference list of the RCTs and reviews that most directly featured in the video, and that are my favourites as a starting point if you want to read more about the research behind it:…
Explosive Training and Heavy Weight Training are Effective for Improving Running Economy in Endurance Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis…………………………

This is where all the music in this video is from! (30day free trial + cancel anytime) — (this is an affiliate link so it helps support my channel without costing you extra, but if you’d prefer not to use it that’s ok too ❤

All Comments (21)
  • Natacha, I’m a professional runner, and I gotta say that I am absolutely HERE FOR watching you run an ultra. Also, I am just so impressed by how much of an ATHLETE you are. I literally think you could excel at any sport. So impressive!
  • I am a Biochemistry graduate who has been watching you for years and even though I graduated a long time ago and no longer work in research science, I am so grateful you take the time to share the papers you quote in your videos. It's hard work and it's appreciated.
  • @laurenmillyx
    As a d1 college distance runner, i absolutely loved this video! People always ask how we run so much and enjoy it, but they don’t realize 80% of our running is super easy miles and only 20% is the hard stuff!
  • Oh my gosh I have to tell you this video got me out of the “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to cardio. This is a huge motivation and I am so thankful for you and videos like this
  • @JaeyunYD05
    I've been walking consistently for the last 2 months and have now decided to implement running into my regime. I went from only being able to last 3 minutes to running for 8-10 minutes at one time which doesn't sound like much but is a huge improvement for me. My goal is to run a 5K without stopping by the end of the summer. I find you as a huge inspiration for running because it amazes me how much you can run and how much the human body can really push itself. I may never run for 100 miles at once (it sounds crazy to me) but I look forward to pushing myself a lot more thanks to your videos. Good luck in the ultra!
  • @saaya8964
    for people who are starting at an absolute complete 0, who might be overwhelmed with running (at the moment), i think it might be helpful to start out walking to build up some stamina and just get used to being on your feet. Not even necessarily walking quickly but just walking until your legs/feet don't feel tired after 3, 4 miles Good luck to everyone getting ready to love running 💗
  • Why did they never break it down for us like this in school? 😩 They just made us run and then wondered why we didn’t achieve the times for good grades 😢 Since starting to watch YouTube videos about this and learning the exercises that an untrained runner can make to prepare for the first run, my running has improved so much and I don’t get Asthma attacks anymore either 🤩 Thank You Natacha 😊
  • when she said that she didn’t care if we had to walk for 2 minutes and then run for one i almost cried tears of joy! i’m trying to increase my running abilities because i want to join my teams cross country team and i’ve been struggling because i can only run a half mile without dying. love you natacha! you make me feel better about myself!
  • @fermoy29
    This is perfect! I've run two half marathons, but after an injury and a couple of years without running, I feel I'm ready to start again from scratch.
  • @jennas2100
    Words cannot describe how thankful I am for people like Natacha bringing TRUE science to social media. Natacha, you're really doing a lot of good out here girl!
  • These tips helped me run my first 5k today!! I didn’t let myself go too fast in the beginning of my run and it made such a difference! Thank you Natacha ❤️❤️
  • @Lithrilla
    This is a 10 month old video, but I just recently started running. These tips are a game changer. I've tried running so many times in the past, but I always hated it. Now I can't wait until my next run, I find it really enjoyable.
  • @lulusketches
    I love your running videos! and SO PROUD you're going to do 100 miles! my husband is an ultra runner, if you ever end up in the same race as him I'll be at an aid station cheering you on!! 💖
  • This video couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I just watched your old running techniques video since I have decided to do my first 10k in July (with absolutely zero experience). I love the fact that all of your videos are science based, but you break everything down into simple terms. I've followed this channel for years and I love that you still make quality videos, without a doubt - you're one of the fitness 'influencers' that made me decide to become a PT myself, and to challenge myself wherever I can. I cannot wait to try implementing some of these techniques in my next run and I cannot wait for the next amazing video 💙
  • This video is like everything I never knew I needed to know about becoming a runner! Such a different approach vs somebody throwing a training calendar at you and leaving you feeling lost. Thank you Natacha!! Just in time for the warm(er) weather coming to test out some zone 1 training, I’m actually excited ❤️
  • @jpro_fitco
    This video was exactly what I needed right now! I’m currently in a season of “run slow to get fast”…but I’ve been getting really discouraged at how much I feel like I’m getting fatigued. As someone who has been running throughout life, I’ve just been feeling more out of running shape after having to take a break due to back injury. I’ve been going harder than I should be just to have a better time/distance, and this was a body check to my ego. Not to mention the information is all so helpful and I love that you explain the mechanics behind it ❤️ so excited to get more running content!
  • @anam.m6092
    I really needed this. I've been struggling with running for so long, but I want to improve it to feel more athletic. Great content as always Natacha! ❤️
  • @naomiwood1287
    I just signed up for my first half-marathon, in large part inspired by your positive fitness content! So excited about this video, thanks for everything Natacha!
  • @Moon_Puff
    I know I'm repeating my past comments, but I'm so happy that lately you have these running oriented videos (given your current goals) since they line up so well with my recent efforts to take up running again - makes for some very appropriate videos to watch while running!