In The Mind Of A Villain: Soldier Boy from "The Boys" Season 3

Published 2022-07-13
In this entry we’ll be taking a closer look at the mind of Soldier Boy from "The Boys", as played by Jensen Ackles.

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#theboys #vought #homelander #jensenackles

All Comments (21)
  • I personally consider Soldier Boy to be less evil than Homelander for one specific reason. Homelander has made it clear that he would happily wipe out humanity if he loses his fame, while Soldier Boy doesn't intentionally hurt people unless they're in his way. He's fine with collateral damage, but he isn't sadistic like Homelander. If you're not in his way, he won't intentionally hurt you.
  • @mondo_visualz
    The reason I like soldier boy is because he actually has some forms of morals and keeps his word even if he shows it in a strange way
  • I don’t think Soldier Boy despised Homelander because of his need for love, affection, and family. Soldier Boy admitted that he always wanted a family and he did struggle with deciding to kill Homelander. I think he was disgusted by Homelander because it was like looking into a mirror. Soldier Boy realized how much of a bad person he really is, and those same traits are present in his son. Homelander just like Soldier Boy is egotistical, insecure, has violent tendencies towards others, and they’re both frauds.
  • I think people misunderstand Soldier Boy at the end, he didn’t want to kill his son or grandson if you watch the scene he has emotion in his eyes and prior to confronting Homelander he was drinking to cope with the fact that he has to kill him. This show just shows that SB is a jerk but a man of his words and a True Soldier because he puts the mission above everything even his personal feelings.
  • @thegifting267
    I don’t think Soldier boy wanted to kill his grandson. What do I think then? He believes when he agrees to do something it should be followed through. Now why did SB try killing Butcher? I think it’s because SB was more than willing to put his emotions aside and make the sacrifices necessary to take out Homelander, but then Butcher stopped him. Basically Butcher is a hypocrite that was just using SB and SB realized that.
  • @fettbub92
    Soldier Boy was a great character. Gave the show a wild card, third party villain that is willing to team up. Anime fans know what I'm talking about.
  • @oldwise1367
    I loved the Soldier Boy character! My favorite scene is when he first meets Homelander and diss him. I hope we see him again. Btw, I don’t think he is as bad as his son.
  • @jordanhowe188
    An excellent analysis, really well done. I like how you remembered the part where Soldier Boy actually agreed that he and Homelander are basically the same person. It's a powerful moment that seems to get overlooked.
  • I love soldier boy. He is tough, cool, charming, hilarious, has great taste and is quick wit. Like that part where he said killing gunpowder was like killing Emanuel Lewis. That was so hilarious
  • I think he’s a tragic fallen hero. His fatal flaw ultimately being wrath. He ends up causing a lot of collateral damage including the cost of innocent lives. We see how he’s affected MM kinda like how A train affected Huey.
  • If Payback and Bought would've just said "were done with you." I'd be a betting man Soldier Boy would've just said well forget you guys and gone and smoked hefty bags of reefer and smashed grannies the rest of his days. He only went after people who had him tortured for half a century and would've let some of them go if he had his PTSD and new power under control. Yes he threw a car in MMs house and that is terrible no denying but that seems to just be a theme in this show with all superheros. Not purposefully harming innocents just not taking enough care to make sure they don't cause they know Bought will cover for them.In my opinion and I'll no doubt get "cancelled" for it in the comments the only reason Soldier Boy is deemed a villain is cause Prime went out of their way to make him a "male toxicity" poster boy. But if smoking drinking getting laid and not taking crap from anybody is toxic then Clint Eastwoods a villain too. I think Soldier Boy is the realest least hypocritical person in the show, but if you wanna tell me you'd just send a postcard to your backstabbing team after half a century of torture be my guest. As for me I gotta go get dude more Astroglide.✌️
  • Soldier boy keeps people scared because he is a bomb.And he is.That should not be taken lightly.Thats some good writing.
  • Awesome/accurate analysis of this boys character who was one of the best things of this 3rd season. Soldier boy is definitely Homelander’s dad.
  • I rarely see this level of quality put into the analysis of a character on YouTube. Because of the high number of viewpoints, use of vocabulary, etc., I can tell a lot of thought went into writing for this video. This is excellent content.
  • Intriguing: "they had it coming, all of 'em." That's reoccurring from The Punisher
  • @xifyction1175
    I really hope for a return of Soldier Boy. Imagine waking up another 50 years or even 100 years later... his life is a tragedy haha.
  • Soldier boy was on billboard top 100 for rapture and Logical POV . Certainly a man of many talents.
  • @DrasserC
    After watching S3, I've got to say Soldier Boy was the best part of it. Jensen Ackles was the right pick for the character, he just oozes charisma. About who is the most evil villain, definitely Homelander. As much as he might be an a-hole, Soldier Boy at least acknowledges the fact of killing civilians as bad. Homelander has such a god complex that he feels everyone should worship him even if he killed their whole family. One of the things I loved Soldier Boy for this last season is because he proved something most suspected about Homelander: he is an unmitigated coward. Their fight in S3 was the first time both of them found an adversary on their own level of strenght. When SB got hit by HL, he looked surprised, but he started hitting back, stoic as a rock. Homelander, though? He had never met someone who could actually kick his rear, and when he realized he didn't have the power superiority he usually has... he cowers. He tries to play the family card, even putting Ryan in danger so he didn't have to fight him. Hell, he even tries to recruit Maeve, after everything he's done to her, to fight SB (and Maeve just laughs in his face). Am I hoping to see him in the series again? Yes. Hell ****ing yes. Now he has a bone to pick with the Boys, after they put him on ice again. You can say what you want about Soldier Boy, but he is a man of purpose and a man of his word. If he gets out of hibernation, he would be on the warpath, both against the Boys and against Homelander. With all due respect, I believe Soldier Boy is the villain this series deserves. Plus, I'd love to see some interaction between Soldier Boy and Mallory, just to see how he reacts xD.
  • Just got around to seeing this. Thank you for this video. I can tell you really did your homework Soldier Boy was my new favorite character and villain from The Boys. I go back and forth on him, when watching the show, I pitied him and was disappointed how he was disposed of in the season finale.I can understand him when it comes to be betrayed and plus Jensen Ackles acting. However while Homelander is worse, Soldier Boy isn't a saint and some of the worst I have seen of people IRL up close I see in Soldier Boy which makes it unnecessarily complicated
  • Soldier Boy is my favorite supe due to him being a badass. I think he can still beat homelander for I think SB is evolving with his new found powers. Once he masters it and whatever new powers he might get (BIG IF), he'd be a super badass.