the truth about being transgender: my detransition story

Published 2023-01-04
This was a difficult video to post knowing the inevitable backlash that people who criticise the LGBT community receive. I've always been someone who strives for truth and fairness so I think it's important to share my story so that we can understand the effects that exposure to certain ideas can have on young children. It's a conversation that's only just starting to be had but I hope it ends with less children going through what I did.

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All Comments (21)
  • @myrinn_
    this video honestly made me realize i only want to transition because of my past experiences of sexual abuse and the fact that i dont want to be sexualized by men. thank you, i will try to understand myself better
  • I am a 39-year-old trans woman and I firmly believe that there should be more gatekeeping for transitioning, there needs to be better education about the risks involved, and there are some very serious risks for anyone medically transitioning. I am happy that you did find your true self and I am sorry that the journey had to take you down a potentially dangerous path. As far as your trans friends shunning you for detransitioning, they weren't real friends. A real friend doesn't care if you are trans or not, they should care that you are happy with who you are no matter where you are on your journey to find yourself.
  • So happy for her she didn’t do anything irreversible. ❤ totally normal to have a “tomboy” phase, or to feel uncomfortable during puberty.
  • @mikeismisty
    What a smart young woman. As a trans man I agree with most everything you said. I am so glad you are giving voice to the issues of today. On behalf of the ENTIRE LGBTQ🏳️‍🌈 I APOLOGIZE for the behavior of some of the members of our alliance. Please remember I, myself, at least respect you very much. Please continue your work. It is indispensable
  • @ripihy
    i’m a detransitioned teenage girl (ftmtf) and you’re right. my mental health was terrible and i hated my body, therefore i thought the way out was to transition. glad i haven’t, because i don’t want to permanently damage my body.
  • I'm a transgender person and I can honestly say I hate a lot of what the modern transgender community has become. They say they want to be loved and accepted for who they are while at the same time being hateful towards people and having no acceptance of people with differing opinions and no acceptance for detransitioners. And at the same time push these stuff onto other people thinking they're life will be so much better afterwards and not saying a word of what negative stuff could possibly happen afterwards. You're an amazing person and thank you for sharing your story. And I think after this youre going to be getting support from so many people. Wish you all the best in whatever the future brings.
  • @FWtheArtist
    As someone who’s FTM Thank you for being so calm throughout the video. Thank you for sharing your experience. I do think a lot of people mix up the experience of depression and puberty with gender dysphoria. I do believe that people should have to go the therapy to transition and should have to be 18 the problem is people who don’t let their kids social transition because I think that would help with them figuring themselves out. Transitioning is definitely not a fix all for body image issues and depression. I’m lucky enough to have a mom who isn’t your stereotypical girl imagine. She likes hunting and fixing cars and doing things people would label aimed towards men because I think growing up that sit a line for me to understand that girls don’t have to be feminine or girly. I love my mom even if she doesn’t agree with me.
  • What an intelligent and articulate young woman. Why can't we be having this debate more openly in the current madness?
  • I'm convinced I would have thought I was trans if I was a child nowadays instead of in the 90s. When I was a kid, I was just a bullied, depressed tomboy and I eventually started to feel better about myself once I got older. I'm so glad I got to have the opportunity of learning to love myself.
  • I think you brought up a good point-puberty is hard-children need to know how hard it is.
  • Im kinda in a transition stage in my life. I thought i was part o the LGBTQ community for almost 3 years now and im just relizing that i was heavily miss guided. I now face the fact that i need to come out to my friends as straight which i find to be very hard. I dont want to be desowned by my very "woke" friends and im scared that everyone else will think i was lying to get attetntion. The fact is that for many years I truly belived I was anything but staright. I have this inner hate for myself because i am straight and im so angry that i was so miss guided by the media. There were times when i even belived I was non binary or trans. I just wanna go back and undo all the damage that was done to me.
  • I also used too see myself as non binary but never came out, now I’m glad about that lol. I’m starting to take pride in my femininity AND masculinity, as a woman. And I am in love with your glow of self love!🤍
  • @hb9149
    This is so true about people today : "Aligned their identity so fully with their gender or sexuality."
  • @gezag.hanniker1940
    I love it when the cat appears at 2:30 ... It is like the cat is also giving support to her.
  • @fishisfishing
    around four years ago i too started feeling “trans” and thought that the only way out was being more male presenting to kill all this feelings of hatred towards myself that i was feeling. i never came out, i kept it all to myself, i warped my own memories to try and justify that i was “indeed trans”, because it all “made sense” why growing up other girls didnt want me around, why i hated dresses, why i refused to even start wearing make up and all your stereotypical “girl” things. i kept growing up, my body changed and it was turned against me, i really wanted to get rid of my breasts, at the ripe age of 13 years old. im glad i never came out. i too would’ve grown to be a detransitioner i dont wanna make this too long but i figured out that to be a woman is what i chose it to be and and mean to me, if i enjoy more stereotypical “dude” stuff that doesnt mean im a guy, i still sometimes want to get rid of my chest but not because its too “femme” purely bcs it ruins some outfits that with a small chest theyd look pretty neat. i found out that i am is defined my myself, not all these labels floating around in this digital era. i am me, very simply just me. i am a woman, i am not femme but that is more than ok, i am still a girl and yes i am me
  • i am a trans man and i agree with every point you’ve made - it’s becoming cult-like and dangerous
  • I was a child in the '90s. I come from a generation where being a tomboy was considered normal for many girls; nobody cared about it. I had some "tomboy-ish moments" myself just because I didn't like skirts and dresses; I wasn't at ease with puberty as well transitioning from a young girl to a young woman brought some challenges and questioning, and there was nothing wrong or abnormal with that. It terrifies me because I probably would have fallen for this ideology if I were that same teen in today's world using social media. Your video is fantastic, stay strong.
  • @Leo-ui9hu
    Hello I currently identify as transmasculine and I am reflecting on wether I want to transition or not and to what extent. Videos like your's are very helpful because I can learn from your mistakes and compare my experience to yours. I think videos are not only valuable to people who misidentify as trans but also for people who are just discovering that they are trans. I for example am becoming more and more sure that transitioning is right for me and videos like your's also make me really deeply reflect and take my time with decision making which is good. So thank you for your video :)
  • When i was 12 I started the transition and i started to identify as a trans men, and i started to isolate myself from my family and i started to take some testosterone pills ( against my parents) , and now i really regret. and if i made some kind of surgery or something like that for be a Man, i would regret this for the rest of my life, cause i was just a confused child.