Mozart | Requiem

Published 2023-01-31
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Requiem in D minor. The whole thing.

I. Introitus
00:00 Requiem aeternam

II. Kyrie
05:23 Kyrie

III. Sequentia
07:50 Dies irae
10:00 Tuba mirum
13:41 Rex tremendae majestatis
16:15 Recordare
22:08 Confutatis
24:27 Lacrymosa

IV. Offertorium:
27:43 Domine Jesu
31:18 Hostias

V. Sanctus
35:44 Sanctus

VI. Benedictus
37:42 Benedictus

VI. Agnus Dei
42:46 Agnus Dei

VII. Communio
46:00 Lux aeterna


Painting: Claude Joseph Vernet - A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas


A Friend: @storymon

All Comments (21)
  • To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
  • @python7669
    I have discovered that classical music can be played in the background when studying literally any subject and it never diverts my attention like pop songs. its amazing
  • @paulargier
    Many just came for the famous part (Lacrymosa) @ 24:27. Before Mozart died, only the opening chorus was completed. From sections 2-4, only the vocal score and organ part were written out. Sections 5-8 were missing completely. The Lacrymosa from Mozart had only 8 bars completed. Mozart's wife Constanze approached Mozart's assistant and collaborator on The Magic Flute, Franz Sussmayr, who took the fragments and completed what we hear today.
  • @makutas-v261
    Mozart, to this day, is the only man to make death audible.
  • This requiem was the last concert, my father heard. My mother was on stage, singing in the choir. I hold the hands of my father in the church, knowing, it would be the last he could ever here. Words, not spoken beetwen him and me, he took with him in his grave. 😥 For me Mozarts Requiem will ever be connected to my father, where so many words of reconciliation were never spoken. I miss this unspoken words up to this day. 😥 But I hope, 🙏 he will see me, sometimes and will have good times in another world. Family ties and true love last beyond death.🌈 Silence is silver, speaking is gold, listening is platinum.
  • Tuve la oportunidad de escuchar este Réquiem con orquesta y opera en vivo, fue una experiencia difícil de explicar. No escuchas la música, la sientes en todo el cuerpo hasta los huesos.
  • @ChatMania487
    It was while Mozart was writing this that God decided that he was ready to write music for him in heaven.
  • 0:00 Requiem aeternam dōnā eīs, Domine, et lūx perpetua lūceat eīs. 2:14 Tē decet hymnus, Deus, in Sīōn, et tibi reddētur vōtum in Jerusālem. Exaudī ōrātiōnem meam; ad tē omnis carō veniet. Requiem aeternam dōnā eīs, Domine, et lūx perpetua lūceat eīs. 5:22 Kyrie eleison. Chrīste eleison. Kyrie eleison. 7:48 Diēs īrae, diēs illa solvet saeclum in favīllā, teste Dāvīd cum Sibyllā. Quantus tremor est futūrus, quandō jūdex est ventūrus, cūncta strictē discussūrus! Diēs īrae, diēs illa solvet saeclum in favīllā, teste Dāvīd cum Sibyllā. Quantus tremor est futūrus, quandō jūdex est ventūrus, cūncta strictē discussūrus! Quantus tremor est futūrus, diēs īrae, diēs illa. Quantus tremor est futūrus, diēs īrae, diēs illa. Quantus tremor est futūrus, quantus tremor est futūrus, quandō jūdex est ventūrus, cūncta strictē discussūrus! Cūncta strictē discussūrus! Cūncta strictē discussūrus! 9:55 Tuba mīrum spargēns sonum. Tubā mīrum spargēns sonum per sepulcra regiōnum, cōget omnēs ante thronum. Cōget omnēs ante thronum. 10:57 Mors stupēbit et nātūra, cum resurget creātūra, jūdicantī respōnsūra. Līber scrīptus prōferētur, in quō tōtum continētur, unde mundus, mundus jūdicētur. Jūdex ergō cum sedēbit, quidquid latet, appārēbit: nīl inultum remanēbit. Quid sum miser tunc dictūrus, quem patrōnum rogātūrus, cum vix jūstus, jūstus sit sēcūrus? Cum vix jūstus, jūstus sit sēcūrus? Cum vix jūstus, sit sēcūrus? 13:41 Rēx, rēx, rēx. Rēx tremendae mājestātis, quī salvandōs salvās grātīs, salvā mē, fōns pietātis. Rēx tremendae mājestātis. Rēx tremendae mājestātis, quī salvandōs salvās grātīs, salvā mē, fōns pietātis. Rēx tremendae mājestātis, quī salvandōs salvās grātīs, salvā mē, fōns pietātis. Rēx tremendae mājestātis, quī salvandōs salvās grātīs, salvā mē, fōns pietātis. Salvē mē. Salvā mē. Salvā mē, fōns pietātis. 16:50 Recordāre, Jēsū piē, quod sum causā tuae viae: nē mē perdās illā diē. 17:50 Quaerēns mē, quaerēns mē, sēdistī lassus, redēmistī, redēmistī crucem passūs: tantus labor nōn sit cassus. Tantus labor nōn sit cassus. 18:30 Jūste jūdex ultiōnis, dōnum fac remissiōnis ante diem ratiōnis. 19:18 Ingemīscō, tamquam reus: culpa rubet vultus meus: supplicantī parce, Deus. Quī Mariam absolvistī, et latrōnem exaudīstī, mihi quoque, mihi quoque, mihi quoque spem dedistī. Precēs meae nōn sunt dignae: sed tū bonus fac benignē, nē perennī cremer igne. 20:55 Inter ovēs locum praestā, et ab haedīs mē sequestrā, statuēns in parte dextrā. Statuēns in parte dextrā. 22:07 Cōnfūtātīs maledictīs, flammīs ācribus addictīs: vocā mē, vocā mē cum benedictīs. Cōnfūtātīs maledictīs, flammīs ācribus addictīs: vocā mē cum benedictīs. 23:39 Ōrō supplex et acclīnis, cor contrītum quasi cinis: gere cūram meī fīnis. 24:37 Lacrimōsa diēs illa, quā resurget ex favīllā jūdicandus homō reus. Lacrimōsa diēs illa, quā resurget ex favīllā jūdicandus homō reus. 25:48 Huic ergō parce, Deus: Piē Jēsū Domine, dōnā eīs requiem. Āmēn. 27:42 Domine Jēsū Chrīste, Rēx glōriae. Rēx glōriae, līberā animās omnium fidēlium dēfūnctōrum dē poenīs īnfernī, et dē profundō lacū. Līberā, līberā, līberā eās dē ōre leōnis, Lībera, līberā, līberā eās dē ōre leōnis, nē absorbeat eās tartarus, nē cadant in obscūrum; Sed signifer sānctus Michaēl repraesentet eās in lūcem sānctam, quam ōlim Abrahae prōmīsistī et sēminī ējus. 31:25 Hostiās et precēs tibi, Domine, laudis offerīmus. Tū suscipe prō animābus illīs, quārum hodiē memoriam facimus: Hostiās et precēs tibi, Domine, laudis offerīmus. Tū suscipe prō animābus illīs, quārum hodiē memoriam facimus: quārum hodiē memoriam facimus: fac eās, Domine, dē morte trānsīre ad vītam, quam ōlim Abrahae prōmīsistī et sēminī ējus. Quam ōlim Abrahae prōmīsistī et sēminī ējus. 35:41 Sānctus, Sānctus, Sānctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Plēnī sunt caelī et terra glōria tua. Osanna in excelsīs. 37:54 Benedictus quī venit in nōmine Dominī. Osanna in excelsīs. 42:49 Agnus Deī, quī tollis peccāta mundī, dōnā eīs requiem. Agnus Deī, quī tollis peccāta mundī, dōnā eīs requiem. Agnus Deī, quī tollis peccāta mundī, dōnā eīs requiem sempiternam. 46:10 Lūx aeterna lūceat eīs, Domine, cum sānctīs tuīs in aeternum, quia pius es. Requiem aeternam dōnā eīs, Domine, et lūx perpetua lūceat eīs, cum Sānctīs tuīs in aeternum, quia pius es. Āmēn. * * * Note: I will have to listen a few more times to make corrections.
  • @guob1n
    still remember when i was 17, on that autumn day in 17th, i came to operahouse to listened the whole concert of him. Nothing more, just insane.
  • @physaliss8626
    The best classical piece of all time in my opinion. So many emotions. Mozart was a true genious. Austria should be truly proud of the fact that person like him was born on their land🇦🇹❤
  • @coreyboyd28
    I had the pleasure of singing this with the Memphis Symphony Orchestra when I was a junior in high school. This is one of my favorite moments of my childhood, if I'm honest. It was one of my crowning achievements and I'm thankful I got the opportunity. Hell I was singing along as I was listening and it just took me back. We stood for 2-3 hours straight and KILLED it. High schoolers. Singing one of the most intense pieces ever written. It was a sight to behold.
  • One of my all time favs. Worda fail at conveing the greatness of this master piece
  • @simvader
    If you see this, please send your positive thoughts and prayers for my healing journey.
  • @altugsepci9999
    I watch this for the 40th time and I’m not bored. Best of Mozart and one of the best of music history
  • @TheTesemeau
    Wolfgang, you heard heaven and let us know, miraculous and beautiful, thank you
  • @Ari-vv3ur
    Every time that I listen to it it gives me new sensations and unknown layers of feelings. Such an impressive, everlasting masterpiece. 👌
  • Mozart captured every emotion you can feel it fear, love, sadness and joy in your heart