You're Salvaging Wrong! | Star Citizen 3.19.1

Published 2023-06-22

All Comments (21)
  • @CecilMerrell
    The guns also fit nicely in the reclaimer's salvage cargo hold level. That's the empty floor under the salvage processing level.
  • @RavingNut
    I rock up with a MSR to pick up guns and cargo, while I have the claim timer running (if needed) for my vulture at the destination for selling guns and cargo. Right after I sell (mostly in 1 trip) then I take the Vulture out for the scrap. seems a bit of a roundabout way but it reduces the Guns bouncing around at least.
  • @reavern
    Salvaging the guns makes sense, although for the HH, I’d plan ahead and fly a larger hauler, like a MAX or Hercules, so I can load all of the guns (and any cargo) in one trip. Then I’d return in my Vulture to strip the hull. I don’t agree that flying a hauler to the wreck, Backspacing, flying the Vulture to the wreck, and transferring the RMC crates to the hauler to deliver in one trip. That is what YTers and STREAMERS do because one big payout makes a better thumbnail caption. However, solo-ing multiple ships doesn’t save the player any time and is RISKIER because if you load the RMC aboard a ship and you’re flying a different ship when a 30K happens, the 30K protection only saves you and the ship you’re flying at the time. The other ship will be LOST along with all of your RMC unless you’re lucky enough to relog to the same server, and that 30K didn’t take down the entire server. Also, it’s increasingly common for Pirates and Griefers to camp out around Brio and the other no-questions-asked commodity shops. If they take you down, you’ll lose a lot more with your reckless all-your-eggs-in-one-basket method instead of performing multiple smaller runs in the Vulture. Lawful Salvage missions don’t have a time limit so you’re not racing the clock and can make as many trips as you need. That, or just make some FRIENDS and perform Salvage missions as a team.
  • I made 8 million selling Maze from the illegal salvage mission during the jump town event. Sold them for 160K a pop at the drop off location.
  • @little-wytch
    It really depends on what your idea of "salvage" is. Right now, in the game, the only consistent mechanism for salvage is hull scraping, because not all ships have had a gold pass to have removable components. But that is far from the sci-fi fantasy of salvage, which varies from towing it home to fix it up, to pulling whatever you can off it and selling the frame to a junkyard. If you want to get people interested in legal salvage in-game, you should probably compare it to mining. With mining, finding quantainium to mine anymore is generally a one-in-a-million happenstance. That is the "Q" tier. The next best chance with mining is Tier 1, which is gold, taranite, and brexalite, each in the 7k range per refined SCU. But T1 minerals are still rather difficult to find in any decent concentration. I'm a pretty decent miner and I'm lucky if I get back to the refinery with 3 or 4 SCU of T1 minerals while the rest are all T2 or if I was really unlucky, T3. RMC that you get from hull scraping tho... that's really easy to get and is also worth roughly the same as T1 refined ores per SCU. I consistently get about 7.66k per SCU of RMC selling it at Area 18. Illegal salvage, on the other hand, to be really lucrative, IS about claim-jumping. That is about getting in, getting the cargo, and getting out ASAP. If you really optimize, you can get that time down to about 3 mins to get in, grab the cargo, and get out. I'm not nearly that efficient, so it generally takes me about 5-10 minutes. But the trick is... to know where to set up camp and which claims to jump. When I "get in the zone" with my illegal claim jumping, I was making roughly a million credits in an hour. Fully optimized, as in using the right ship with the right components and lining up cargo bays after you've got some practice in and knowing where you're gonna sell and planning all that out etc... you could get upto 1.7 million in an hour. Or, at least you could. I'm pretty sure it got nerfed with how often they have cargo but there are still some working consistency tricks, just a little slower now, so now I'm down to about 800k per hour with those nerfs. There are 3 possible outcomes with the right missions... 1: no cargo. 2: 4 SCU (the same every time).and 3: 5 SCU which is rare and with the same 4 crates but with 1 additional crate but that only adds about 10k value to that particular claim. The 4 you will almost always get (if you do it all right) are 1x Quant, 1x Slam, 1x Widow, 1x Maze, and if you get a 5th, it's always E-Tam. The quant is worth 19k-27k per SCU depending on where you sell it, the E-Tam, Widow, and Slam are about 10k-19k per SCU, and the Maze is always 90k per SCU. That's roughly 100k profit, after the cost of the contract, per claim which should take you at most 10 mins. THAT is why people are getting upset about wasting money on a claim... CIG changed up how/when/where the cargo gets spawned and all the videos about it are outdated now since the server-side hotfix. It's still possible to make some easy credits doing this, but it's a risk in several ways... wasted contracts as you figure out the changes, the chance of pirates ambushing you at sell sites, 30k crashes have protection now, but that puts your ship back at wherever you set as your "Home" city when you last created your character, which means there's a risk of your ship getting scanned as you try to make your way out of the area into deep space. Before salvage came in, "smuggling" was just another cargo trade loop. With salvage and "claim jumping" as you said (thanks for that by the way, I'm stealing that phrase lol) it's a new level of smuggling that is basically the Star Citizen version of the first episode of Firefly. That's what makes it so fun. :)
  • I stick to 20K claims or smaller in my Vulture. Claims I can complete in a single run. I don't bother with the guns. For me at least they are more trouble, more work than they are worth. I use an M2 Herc to run the 50K claims, targeting C2 and M2. Yes, every now and then there's no cargo at all. Or what there is I consider not worth the time to load and haul it off. But overall I'll average over one million aUEC per 50K claim. My personal best being right at 14 million from a single claim.
  • @SternLX
    Never had anyone.. ever... jump my Salvage claim. News flash. Not all Salvage claims have Cargo on them. Tested this time and time again by taking claims at Lagrange points that are rarely if ever visited. Also the likelihood of someone stumbling on to the claim within minutes of me taking contract are pretty much nil. As for taking Hammerhead Contracts. Bring a cargo ship with more room in it(Herc C2 works great for this, rent one and have a friend fly it) out first and strip it. Fly C2 back to the Station right near you and store it. have friend join you on your Vulture. Strip all the RMC and store it at the same station(it will take multiple trips) using the C2. You can fit the C2 and the Vulture on a large external Pad. This is why I said do it at Lagrange points that are rarely if ever visited. Gives you and a friend time to move the SCU crates out in the open without being bothered. My and a buddy have made Millions already since 3.19.1 has dropped and we've never seen another person come near us.
  • @Pops1970
    You're also missing out on so much scrap by not using the Cinch heads. Slower, yes, but you get significantly more scrap.
  • @mikeg2092
    I've been salvaging in a small group, 2-3 people. We ran into the scrap in the wrong persons ship and had to fly back into space and transfer the scrap back into my Vulture. We were able to sell most of the guns and a small percentage of the found cargo in another party members ship. How can you pull two of your ships at the same time?
  • @russell35
    I lost one of the salvage heads before I was even able to accept a mission and now I'm unable to replace it. Salvaging with one head now
  • @addis504
    I don’t really blame ppl for extracting cargo and components from salvage missions. The problem is CIG introduced salvaging not with the real entry level ship the vulture as purchasable or rentable in game. If ppl wanted to experience the full salvaging and missions experience they had to pay RL cash to get vulture or get a friend’s vulture for extended or grind for reclaimer. I wish Cig made it rentable at least
  • @CecilMerrell
    HH guns sell at NB for 3k each. That's 72k right there just in guns.
  • @Gloomcable
    Is scraping a ship slower like to scrape the metal penals? Thats my experiance.
  • @kylenolan3065
    lol if you just do the 30k timed ones right you can make 600k per hr any ship that can hold cargo works
  • @meyatetana2973
    Oo do these people pick up the drugs too? LOL I stopped taking the cargo because the recycling is so much more valuable :P
  • i'm not salvaging wrong, i don't even hit claims i just go after C2s
  • @thebman3340
    So the first problem about the initial comment about no cargo, you dont get cargo from the regular scrap contracts, they need to be the risky ones under the personal contract tabs. Second, there isnt any scrapping ship available to rent or purchase without real money and the cheapest one is almost $200 real dollars... uh no Third its not exploiting the system, in any way. Illegal cargo is litterally put in those ship to be taken and sold, and you can cancel the contract with no repercussions So im not seeing how ANYBODY would be doing the contracts wrong if they litterally give multiple ways to make the money AND finally i did exactly what you said not to do and made over 5mil in 2 hours only taking the illegal cargo and selling with my MAX and bought a C2. So this, being one way to do the contract, isnt the only way to do the contracts