Boyfriend Beater Thinks Laws Only Apply To Men..

Published 2023-08-27

All Comments (21)
  • @minervablake7573
    "You got beat up by a chick," Did you ever consider the possibility that he got beat up because he knew he'd immediately get locked up if he retaliated? That's honestly why a lot of abused men 'just take it'.
  • Men RARELY admit that a woman (friend, fiancee, girlfriend, wife) beat them up is no matter what they lose. Either people make fun of him for being weak and not defending himself. Or he does defend himself and people hate him for hitting a woman.
  • @Ricardo__Milos
    And yet they always talk about "male privilege"... This is a solid example of female privilege from A to Z.
  • @SavantPete
    I was gonna say, I hope he breaks up with her, but he was defending her when she got thrown to the ground. This woman is literally the type of woman your mother warned you about. A snake, a manipulator, an abuser, a leech, a parasite, a whore, a waste of your time/effort/love.
  • @soulslayers2679
    This condescending behavior by this cop is abhorrent. Imagine if this was a woman and the cop was acting like this, saying stuff like “oh, you got beat up by a man” he’d be fired in a mere moment after the mob swarmed the precinct. MENS HEALTH MATTERS
  • Just because women are physically weaker doesn't mean they can't hurt someone badly, slapping, biting and scratching are just some examples but also using objects to hit people is possible too and a lot of guys don't fight back because they don't want to hurt their partners or be falsely accused by the girl.
  • @HomeownerAbel
    Cop: “You got beat up by a chick” Two Grown Cops proceed to struggle to arrest said girl
  • @samuelcampos7834
    Cop: "You got beat up by a chick?!" Then proceeds to get beat up by chick too LoL!
  • @rururu5630
    Poor guy couldn't have won in this case. If he had defended himself, he would have been arrested and gotten charged with DV and probably lost his right to own and carry a firearm. If he does nothing, a simp cop talks shit to him about being beat up by a "chick". SMH.
  • @anaalicia5029
    This is so sad -he doesn’t want to admit it. Says a lot about the expectations of men, being tough!
  • @HouseholdOtaku
    I was an MP in the military for 4 years our number one rule when responding to domestic violence is to NEVER assume who’s the abuser straight away! That cop is fucking sickening! Men are abused by women physically and or mentally on the daily and their abusers almost always never get repercussions just because “oh men can’t get abused” bs! That cop needs to go back to training!
  • @chopracer
    the way this officer talked to that guy is the reason why many men dont speak up about abuse
  • it always baffles me how our society treats men like garbage, expects them to take it and acts like every man is invincible or something
  • @CHARA9999ULT
    It's funny to see how women think they can get away with anything because of their gender, then they start screaming like animals when they cry when they're found out to be abusive in the relationship.
  • @adu1991
    Thanks for reminding me that being a single thirty-something man is not all that bad. Women like this are more trouble than they're worth.
  • @fluidwolf
    Both the first cop and the woman in this situation seem to both treat guys in the exact same way and it's sad.
  • @Afterburner
    I divorced my wife over things like this. She did many of the same things as this woman - she even looks the same as this hideous creature I divorced. I had boiling hot coffee thrown on me from out of the blue, multiple punches when least expecting them, and constant insults to me throughout the marriage They think they are allowed to hit men and the man can't hit back. A lot of police do what these guys did, but the ones I talked with took me seriously and told me the best move was to end the marriage. When I left, after much more of the abuse took place, she was all sorry and wanted to make it work after I had walked away. She's been through 2 other marriages since me and 4 boyfriends, who all left the same way I did. LOL.
  • @U.S.A..
    She's the type of girl my mother used to warn me to stay away from.
  • @JustaGuy_Gaming
    The crazy thing is how often this turns out against the man. A cop shows up to a domestic disturbance in a lot of cities it's policy to always arrest some one to "break it up". Doesn't matter who is at fault, they take the man to jail. If there is no video evidence and it's her word against his, it's even worse. She can claim he hit her first or something.
  • @SlimDaSavage
    I was with a woman like that once, we had a child together and I stuck around and got abused for 9 years because I wanted my daughter to have a normal family. Eventually I realized it wasn’t normal for my child to watch her mother beat on her dad. I took her to court and took custody of my daughter and we haven’t seen her since, my daughter wants nothing to do with her. My daughter hates her for what she did to me. I was beat, stabbed, sliced, and whacked over the head 10 times with a 2x4. That’s just the tip of the iceberg on what all she did to me. I have 3 other kids with another woman and we are all a big happy family now. But I know what it’s like, it’s embarrassing to say you are getting battered and beaten by a woman.