This video will change your self-concept instantly

Changing your self-concept requires a DEEPLY felt experience of wholeness and connection to yourself. In this video, I dive into how many techniques teach you to dissociate from what you truly feel to manifest your goals and how this had me STUCK for years. My intention is to empower you with the tools to transform these beliefs at the deepest possible level without abandoning parts of yourself to do so.

I would LOVE to know if this video resonated with you in the comments! Thank you so much for being here 💜

Disclaimer: This channel is only for entertainment purposes. Please note that I do not give any medical or professional advice. Anything that I say is only my personal opinion. Please consult your doctor before implementing any suggestions made in this video.

#selfconcept #limitingbeliefs #innerchild

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コメント (21)
  • @nickca6104
    If you want to become magnetic, open up your heart. The heart’s magnetic field is 100 times more powerful than the brain’s.
  • @CIChannel77
    You're totally right. The disconnection needs to be addressed by the manifestation community and the correct steps needs to be named.
  • @elvnprince
    Video Notes: • Start with self-compassion. • Rejecting limiting beliefs is a process of dissociation. We formed these beliefs for survival, protection, and a sense of control. Manifesting from your soul: 1. Learn how to connect to a presence of unconditional love and compassion within yourself. 2. Be willing to shine a light on /connect with these limiting beliefs/wounded or abandoned past self. 3. Hold that innocent younger version of yourself. You're not perfect, and still worthy of love. 4. Validate the reason for limiting belief. 5. Be your own loving and compassionate parent. Understand without having to change to be worthy of love. 6. Maintain that safety and non judgment no matter how long it takes to rewire to this new level of internal safety through unconditional love and self-compassion. * After all this, this is the place we manifest from * 7. Focus on being in a connected and safe feeling state.
  • @leaner176
    It's sort of like CBT and it's also something Abraham Hicks talks about. I talk to myself and break down the limiting beliefs and pretty soon they feel like nonsense. "Maybe I thought those things when I was younger, but I'm on a different vibration now. I know more now. Thanks to those experiences I had when I was younger, I've learned what doesn't work. I'm so grateful for where I am right now. No one has it 'all figured out ' so why am I comparing myself to others? I know as much as they do. I'm as deserving as anyone else. I've put in enough time and effort...." Etc etc. until I've really worked through it and boosted myself up. When you look at your limiting beliefs you realize how foolish they are. And they're nothing more than thoughts you've told yourself over and over, and they likely did not come from you.
  • Thank you so much for this video. I’ve always been so insecure about my personality, looks, etc. I never realized that I’ve been trying to change the “negative” parts of myself in an attempt to gain confidence and security. I loved what you said about validating your feelings, and how you create these negative thoughts/feelings in order to control and protect yourself. It’s so true. I’ve always tried to forgive and love myself, but never realized I was really trying to change myself. I never truly was unconditionally loving myself. This really has helped me so much to realize what I need to do is love myself unconditionally, and not change the “negative” parts of myself, but instead embrace them and realize they’re okay. Because that’s when true confidence comes in. Every time I have tried to fake confidence by trying to act or think a certain way, it always lead to my fears coming true. I could go on and on about how this has helped soooooo much. You explained everything so perfectly. Thank you ❤
  • This was really helpful and needed! I've found that manifestation techniques, tarot readings and the spirituality community in general can be an escape that can lead to dissociation, anxiety and ungroundedness if there isnt that unconditional love, presence and connection to your body. A big part of that is being able to look at our pain, and sit with difficult emotions to process them. I do believe in manifestation, but I think for people that have experienced trauma it is so important to not escape or become limerant. Grounding through exercise, good food and quiet is so important. Thanks for your content! :)
  • @dgrantsmith
    Great message. Self compassion and acceptance is soooooo important and getting off the manifestation hamster wheel is such an essential part of this whole thing.
  • @simpleman4429
    I’m in a fellowship home recovering from alcoholism. Divorced back in November. I’ve been a mess. Praying, meditating, attempting manifestations, and crying multiple times a day. I just had a spiritual awakening watching your video. I was on the flooring crying out of gratitude and thanking God. I realized I’ve always needed someone else love to validate my existence when I really just need to love myself. Thank you !!!
  • @LucyGem98
    I've briefly touched on inner child work before. I've done inner child mediations before but I never took it that seriously. I really think this video was a sign that this is something I need to work through. I have been more focused recently on being grounded in the present moment, being in my body, trying to relax, slow down, not rush through things and release control of the process of manifestation, which is something I've struggled to do for as long as I can remember. I know that it comes from having a very turbulent childhood and having to step up as the oldest child. I've already worked through beliefs around being lovable and worthiness, so for me, this idea of safety is the problem. Specifically, it being safe to release control, to stop trying so hard and relax. Whenever I imagine holding my inner child. I visualise picking her up and I can literally feel her wrapping herself around me completely, holding onto me really tight and it makes me cry every time because I realise just how much that little girl wanted to feel appreciated for all she was doing, to feel the love of a happy home and just be able to let go. Thank you for this. It really helped me.
  • Tears came to my eyes many times during this video because I knew what you were saying is true, deep within my soul ❤ self acceptance is what I want the most in the world. I will do what you said to do, and I pray that it helps me and everyone else watching 🙏
  • For the longest time, I have been looking for actionable steps to change my self concept and unlearn limiting beliefs, this is the first time I have answers. Also, I had an aha moment listening to you when I realized the inner critic in my head is not actually my mother’s voice but my own childhood voice, that is hurting and in need of love! Just blew my mind, thank you so much for this video !
  • @IWO6
    This bringing up youth situations - or childhood - that has to be taken care off, is a way. Another creative way of living is to recreate the past from the present, what instantly can cure all of this, and other "mistakes". There are no mistakes, and in this view the past experience, as you said has a purpose. The purpose can be - just the understanding - that now, it can be done differently. the Godly love, everyone is looking for is inside and reveals itself by self-love and compassion. with this love we can safely create everything new.
  • @csa_yt
    Amazing!!! Never thought of it like that!!! Don’t force new stuff in but heal the wounds and accept so you can build on that safely and strongly. On solid grounds. LOVE IT!!!
  • @sudoku47
    Many thanks for your sharing! Infinite gratitude for your insights!
  • @jamest3336
    this is soo on point <3 great to see others out there like this. everyone will get so much value from this