IN FULL: Rachel Reeves makes first speech as Chancellor

Speech begins at 21:10

The new Chancellor Rachel Reeves will deliver a set-piece speech at HM Treasury on Monday 8 July. The Chancellor will be announcing the first steps the new Government will be taking to deliver economic growth.

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Rachel Reeves promises to fix economy so families everywhere are better off…

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コメント (21)
  • excellent speech. Her commitment was obvious, and the government clearly has the will to carry out the necessary reforms, unlike the previous government, which was more concerned with private wealth preservation for themselves and their cronies.
  • @JasonDrWho
    Superb speech. You can choose to be inspired by what Rachel Reeves is saying and create new opportunities for yourself in the economy she envisions. These opportunities create markets, which generate revenue, leading to salaries that drive increased spending in the UK economy. As a result, the entire system heats up nicely, fostering growth.
  • But is not just passing planning...there are endless sites with planning permission for housing but the developers don't build,...because its not financially viable at the moment ,. they know they cant get the labour, materials are expensive, then buyers cant afford them anyway...they need to put pressure on developers to progress sites with permission granted.
  • It was very difficult for her to make the speech as people are sceptical. She's done well.
  • the lib dems/one nation tory NIMBY coalition are definitely not gonna be pleased 🤣
  • She knew exactly how bad the finances were!! It's public knowledge. She thinks we're all stupid. It was so predictable she was going to say she didn't realise so she now thinks she has an excuse to put taxes up!!
  • One of the most impactful things they could do is spend government money amoungst more, smaller companies. The large corporates take the vast majority which employs less people and hands more to shareholders. Small to medium business have higher levels of skill, less waste and less shareholder interest. That also means more income tax paid back with higher income spread across more people. This is an easy,quick win. As for building loads of new homes, developers will build houses as long as the demand is high...i.e. unaffordable homes. A different approach is needed to just unlocking planning.
  • @Jamesp1972
    there will be so many local NIMBY fights, good design could help avoid this.
  • Finally, someone qualified to do the job and get stuff done!
  • Some parts of essex land currently stands a million pound per acre. That does not give affordable housing.
  • wtf.... everything shes saying is good... if labour falls short I'm gonna be so angry. This sounds feasible, reasonable, practical, and responsible. GET IT DONE
  • @jacob9083
    Unbelievable that there were no questions on immigration which is the main drivers of house demand